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the hunchback of notre dame-第87章

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rling his moustache; then a third person; that beautiful and graceful figure; la Esmeralda。 The priest beheld her rise from below like a dazzling apparition。  Claude trembled; a cloud spread over his eyes; his pulses beat violently; everything rustled and whirled around him; he no longer saw nor heard anything。

When he recovered himself; Phoebus and Esmeralda were alone seated on the wooden coffer beside the lamp which made these two youthful figures and a miserable pallet at the end of the attic stand out plainly before the archdeacon's eyes。

Beside the pallet was a window; whose panes broken like a spider's web upon which rain has fallen; allowed a view; through its rent meshes; of a corner of the sky; and the moon lying far away on an eiderdown bed of soft clouds。

The young girl was blushing; confused; palpitating。  Her long; drooping lashes shaded her crimson cheeks。  The officer; to whom she dared not lift her eyes; was radiant。  Mechanically; and with a charmingly unconscious gesture; she traced with the tip of her finger incoherent lines on the bench; and watched her finger。  Her foot was not visible。  The little goat was nestling upon it。

The captain was very gallantly clad; he had tufts of embroidery at his neck and wrists; a great elegance at that day。

It was not without difficulty that Dom Claude managed to hear what they were saying; through the humming of the blood; which was boiling in his temples。

(A conversation between lovers is a very commonplace affair。  It is a perpetual 〃I love you。〃  A musical phrase which is very insipid and very bald for indifferent listeners; when it is not ornamented with some ~fioriture~; but Claude was not an indifferent listener。)

〃Oh!〃 said the young girl; without raising her eyes; 〃do not despise me; monseigneur Phoebus。  I feel that what I am doing is not right。〃

〃Despise you; my pretty child!〃 replied the officer with an air of superior and distinguished gallantry; 〃despise you; ~tête…Dieu~! and why?〃

〃For having followed you!〃

〃On that point; my beauty; we don't agree。  I ought not to despise you; but to hate you。〃

The young girl looked at him in affright: 〃Hate me! what have I done?〃

〃For having required so much urging。〃

〃Alas!〃 said she; 〃'tis because I am breaking a vow。  I shall not find my parents!  The amulet will lose its virtue。 But what matters it?  What need have I of father or mother now?〃

So saying; she fixed upon the captain her great black eyes; moist with joy and tenderness。

〃Devil take me if I understand you!〃 exclaimed Phoebus。 La Esmeralda remained silent for a moment; then a tear dropped from her eyes; a sigh from her lips; and she said; 〃Oh! monseigneur; I love you。〃

Such a perfume of chastity; such a charm of virtue surrounded the young girl; that Phoebus did not feel completely at his ease beside her。  But this remark emboldened him: 〃You love me!〃 he said with rapture; and he threw his arm round the gypsy's waist。  He had only been waiting for this opportunity。

The priest saw it; and tested with the tip of his finger the point of a poniard which he wore concealed in his breast。

〃Phoebus;〃 continued the Bohemian; gently releasing her waist from the captain's tenacious hands; 〃You are good; you are generous; you are handsome; you saved me; me who am only a poor child lost in Bohemia。  I had long been dreaming of an officer who should save my life。  'Twas of you that I was dreaming; before I knew you; my Phoebus; the officer of my dream had a beautiful uniform like yours; a grand look; a sword; your name is Phoebus; 'tis a beautiful name。  I love your name; I love your sword。  Draw your sword; Phoebus; that I may see it。〃

〃Child!〃 said the captain; and he unsheathed his sword with a smile。

The gypsy looked at the hilt; the blade; examined the cipher on the guard with adorable curiosity; and kissed the sword; saying;

You are the sword of a brave man。  I love my captain。〃 Phoebus again profited by the opportunity to impress upon her beautiful bent neck a kiss which made the young girl straighten herself up as scarlet as a poppy。  The priest gnashed his teeth over it in the dark。

〃Phoebus;〃 resumed the gypsy; 〃let me talk to you。  Pray walk a little; that I may see you at full height; and that I may hear your spurs jingle。  How handsome you are!〃

The captain rose to please her; chiding her with a smile of satisfaction;

〃What a child you are!  By the way; my charmer; have you seen me in my archer's ceremonial doublet?〃

〃Alas! no;〃 she replied。

〃It is very handsome!〃

Phoebus returned and seated himself beside her; but much closer than before。

〃Listen; my dear〃

The gypsy gave him several little taps with her pretty hand on his mouth; with a childish mirth and grace and gayety。

〃No; no; I will not listen to you。  Do you love me?  I want you to tell me whether you love me。〃

〃Do I love thee; angel of my life!〃 exclaimed the captain; half kneeling。  〃My body; my blood; my soul; all are thine; all are for thee。  I love thee; and I have never loved any one but thee。〃

The captain had repeated this phrase so many times; in many similar conjunctures; that he delivered it all in one breath; without committing a single mistake。  At this passionate declaration; the gypsy raised to the dirty ceiling which served for the skies a glance full of angelic happiness。

〃Oh!〃 she murmured; 〃this is the moment when one should die!〃

Phoebus found 〃the moment〃 favorable for robbing her of another kiss; which went to torture the unhappy archdeacon in his nook。  〃Die!〃 exclaimed the amorous captain; 〃What are you saying; my lovely angel?  'Tis a time for living; or Jupiter is only a scamp!  Die at the beginning of so sweet a thing!  ~Corne…de…boeuf~; what a jest!  It is not that。  Listen; my dear Similar; EsmenardaPardon!  you have so prodigiously Saracen a name that I never can get it straight。  'Tis a thicket which stops me short。〃

〃Good heavens!〃 said the poor girl; 〃and I thought my name pretty because of its singularity!  But since it displeases you; I would that I were called Goton。〃

〃Ah! do not weep for such a trifle; my graceful maid! 'tis a name to which one must get accustomed; that is all。 When I once know it by heart; all will go smoothly。  Listen then; my dear Similar; I adore you passionately。  I love you so that 'tis simply miraculous。  I know a girl who is bursting with rage over it〃

The jealous girl interrupted him: 〃Who?〃

〃What matters that to us?〃 said Phoebus; 〃do you love me?〃

〃Oh!〃said she。

〃Well! that is all。  You shall see how I love you also。 May the great devil Neptunus spear me if I do not make you the happiest woman in the world。  We will have a pretty little house somewhere。  I will make my archers parade before your windows。  They are all mounted; and set at defiance those of Captain Mignon。  There are ~voulgiers; cranequiniers~ and hand ~couleveiniers~*。  I will take you to the great sights of the Parisians at the storehouse of Rully。 Eighty thousand armed men; thirty thousand white harnesses; short coats or coats of mail; the sixty…seven banners of the trades; the standards of the parliaments; of the chamber of accounts; of the treasury of the
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