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the hunchback of notre dame-第72章

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 if he had been a statue。 His eyes; intently fixed; gazed into the Place。

It was something like the immobility of a bird of prey; who has just discovered a nest of sparrows; and is gazing at it。

〃'Tis monsieur the archdeacon of Josas;〃 said Fleur…de…Lys。

〃You have good eyes if you can recognize him from here;〃 said the Gaillefontaine。

〃How he is staring at the little dancer!〃 went on Diane de Christeuil。

〃Let the gypsy beware!〃 said Fleur…de…Lys; 〃for he loves not Egypt。〃

〃'Tis a great shame for that man to look upon her thus;〃 added Amelotte de Montmichel; 〃for she dances delightfully。〃

〃Fair cousin Phoebus;〃 said Fleur…de…Lys suddenly; 〃Since you know this little gypsy; make her a sign to come up here。 It will amuse us。〃

〃Oh; yes!〃 exclaimed all the young girls; clapping their hands。

〃Why! 'tis not worth while;〃 replied Phoebus。  〃She has forgotten me; no doubt; and I know not so much as her name。  Nevertheless; as you wish it; young ladies; I will make the trial。〃  And leaning over the balustrade of the balcony; he began to shout; 〃Little one!〃

The dancer was not beating her tambourine at the moment。 She turned her head towards the point whence this call proceeded; her brilliant eyes rested on Phoebus; and she stopped short。

〃Little one!〃 repeated the captain; and he beckoned her to approach。

The young girl looked at him again; then she blushed as though a flame had mounted into her cheeks; and; taking her tambourine under her arm; she made her way through the astonished spectators towards the door of the house where Phoebus was calling her; with slow; tottering steps; and with the troubled look of a bird which is yielding to the fascination of a serpent。

A moment later; the tapestry portière was raised; and the gypsy appeared on the threshold of the chamber; blushing; confused; breathless; her large eyes drooping; and not daring to advance another step。

Bérangère clapped her hands。

Meanwhile; the dancer remained motionless upon the threshold。  Her appearance had produced a singular effect upon these young girls。  It is certain that a vague and indistinct desire to please the handsome officer animated them all; that his splendid uniform was the target of all their coquetries; and that from the moment he presented himself; there existed among them a secret; suppressed rivalry; which they hardly acknowledged even to themselves; but which broke forth; none the less; every instant; in their gestures and remarks。 Nevertheless; as they were all very nearly equal in beauty; they contended with equal arms; and each could hope for the victory。The arrival of the gypsy suddenly destroyed this equilibrium。  Her beauty was so rare; that; at the moment when she appeared at the entrance of the apartment; it seemed as though she diffused a sort of light which was peculiar to herself。  In that narrow chamber; surrounded by that sombre frame of hangings and woodwork; she was incomparably more beautiful and more radiant than on the public square。  She was like a torch which has suddenly been brought from broad daylight into the dark。  The noble damsels were dazzled by her in spite of themselves。  Each one felt herself; in some sort; wounded in her beauty。  Hence; their battle front (may we be allowed the expression;) was immediately altered; although they exchanged not a single word。  But they understood each other perfectly。  Women's instincts comprehend and respond to each other more quickly than the intelligences of men。  An enemy had just arrived; all felt itall rallied together。  One drop of wine is sufficient to tinge a glass of water red; to diffuse a certain degree of ill temper throughout a whole assembly of pretty women; the arrival of a prettier woman suffices; especially when there is but one man present。

Hence the welcome accorded to the gypsy was marvellously glacial。  They surveyed her from head to foot; then exchanged glances; and all was said; they understood each other。  Meanwhile; the young girl was waiting to be spoken to; in such emotion that she dared not raise her eyelids。

The captain was the first to break the silence。  〃Upon my word;〃 said he; in his tone of intrepid fatuity; 〃here is a charming creature!  What think you of her; fair cousin?〃

This remark; which a more delicate admirer would have uttered in a lower tone; at least was not of a nature to dissipate the feminine jealousies which were on the alert before the gypsy。

Fleur…de…Lys replied to the captain with a bland affectation of disdain;〃Not bad。〃

The others whispered。

At length; Madame Aloise; who was not the less jealous because she was so for her daughter; addressed the dancer;〃Approach; little one。〃

〃Approach; little one!〃 repeated; with comical dignity; little Bérangère; who would have reached about as high as her hips。

The gypsy advanced towards the noble dame。

〃Fair child;〃 said Phoebus; with emphasis; taking several steps towards her; 〃I do not know whether I have the supreme honor of being recognized by you。〃

She interrupted him; with a smile and a look full of infinite sweetness;

〃Oh! yes;〃 said she。

〃She has a good memory;〃 remarked Fleur…de…Lys。

〃Come; now;〃 resumed Phoebus; 〃you escaped nimbly the other evening。  Did I frighten you!〃

〃Oh! no;〃 said the gypsy。

There was in the intonation of that 〃Oh! no;〃 uttered after that 〃Oh! yes;〃 an ineffable something which wounded Fleur…de…Lys。

〃You left me in your stead; my beauty;〃 pursued the captain; whose tongue was unloosed when speaking to a girl out of the street; 〃a crabbed knave; one…eyed and hunchbacked; the bishop's bellringer; I believe。  I have been told that by birth he is the bastard of an archdeacon and a devil。 He has a pleasant name: he is called ~Quatre…Temps~ (Ember Days); ~Paques…Fleuries~ (Palm Sunday); Mardi…Gras (Shrove Tuesday); I know not what!  The name of some festival when the bells are pealed!  So he took the liberty of carrying you off; as though you were made for beadles!  'Tis too much。 What the devil did that screech…owl want with you? Hey; tell me!〃

〃I do not know;〃 she replied。

〃The inconceivable impudence!  A bellringer carrying off a wench; like a vicomte! a lout poaching on the game of gentlemen! that is a rare piece of assurance。  However; he paid dearly for it。  Master Pierrat Torterue is the harshest groom that ever curried a knave; and I can tell you; if it will be agreeable to you; that your bellringer's hide got a thorough dressing at his hands。〃

〃Poor man!〃 said the gypsy; in whom these words revived the memory of the pillory。

The captain burst out laughing。

〃Corne…de…boeuf! here's pity as well placed as a feather in a pig's tail!  May I have as big a belly as a pope; if〃

He stopped short。  〃Pardon me; ladies; I believe that I was on the point of saying something foolish。〃

〃Fie; sir〃 said la Gaillefontaine。

〃He talks to that creature in her own tongue!〃 added Fleur…de…Lys; in a low tone; her irritation increasing every moment。  This irritation was not diminished when she beheld the captain; enchanted with the gypsy; and; most of all; with himself; execute a pirouette on his heel; repeating with coarse; na?ve; and soldierly gallantry;

〃A hand
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