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the hunchback of notre dame-第71章

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〃'Tis Triton;〃 she replied。

There was a rather pettish intonation in Fleur…de…Lys's laconic words。  The young man understood that it was indispensable that he should whisper something in her ear; a commonplace; a gallant compliment; no matter what。  Accordingly he bent down; but he could find nothing in his imagination more tender and personal than this;

〃Why does your mother always wear that surcoat with armorial designs; like our grandmothers of the time of Charles VII。?  Tell her; fair cousin; that 'tis no longer the fashion; and that the hinge (gond) and the laurel (laurier) embroidered on her robe give her the air of a walking mantlepiece。 In truth; people no longer sit thus on their banners; I assure you。〃

Fleur…de…Lys raised her beautiful eyes; full of reproach; 〃Is that all of which you can assure me?〃 she said; in a low voice。

In the meantime; Dame Aloise; delighted to see them thus bending towards each other and whispering; said as she toyed with the clasps of her prayer…book;

〃Touching picture of love!〃

The captain; more and more embarrassed; fell back upon the subject of the tapestry;〃'Tis; in sooth; a charming work!〃 he exclaimed。

Whereupon Colombe de Gaillefontaine; another beautiful blonde; with a white skin; dressed to the neck in blue damask; ventured a timid remark which she addressed to Fleur…de…Lys; in the hope that the handsome captain would reply to it; 〃My dear Gondelaurier; have you seen the tapestries of the H?tel de la Roche…Guyon?〃

〃Is not that the hotel in which is enclosed the garden of the Lingère du Louvre?〃 asked Diane de Christeuil with a laugh; for she had handsome teeth; and consequently laughed on every occasion。

〃And where there is that big; old tower of the ancient wall of Paris;〃 added Amelotte de Montmichel; a pretty fresh and curly…headed brunette; who had a habit of sighing just as the other laughed; without knowing why。

〃My dear Colombe;〃 interpolated Dame Aloise; 〃do you not mean the hotel which belonged to Monsieur de Bacqueville; in the reign of King Charles VI。? there are indeed many superb high warp tapestries there。〃

〃Charles VI。!  Charles VI。!〃 muttered the young captain; twirling his moustache。  〃Good heavens! what old things the good dame does remember!〃

Madame de Gondelaurier continued; 〃Fine tapestries; in truth。  A work so esteemed that it passes as unrivalled。〃

At that moment Bérangère de Champchevrier; a slender little maid of seven years; who was peering into the square through the trefoils of the balcony; exclaimed; 〃Oh! look; fair Godmother Fleur…de…Lys; at that pretty dancer who is dancing on the pavement and playing the tambourine in the midst of the loutish bourgeois!〃

The sonorous vibration of a tambourine was; in fact; audible。 〃Some gypsy from Bohemia;〃 said Fleur…de…Lys; turning carelessly toward the square。

〃Look! look!〃 exclaimed her lively companions; and they all ran to the edge of the balcony; while Fleur…de…Lys; rendered thoughtful by the coldness of her betrothed; followed them slowly; and the latter; relieved by this incident; which put an end to an embarrassing conversation; retreated to the farther end of the room; with the satisfied air of a soldier released from duty。  Nevertheless; the fair Fleur…de…Lys's was a charming and noble service; and such it had formerly appeared to him; but the captain had gradually become blase'; the prospect of a speedy marriage cooled him more every day。  Moreover; he was of a fickle disposition; and; must we say it; rather vulgar in taste。  Although of very noble birth; he had contracted in his official harness more than one habit of the common trooper。  The tavern and its accompaniments pleased him。  He was only at his ease amid gross language; military gallantries; facile beauties; and successes yet more easy。  He had; nevertheless; received from his family some education and some politeness of manner; but he had been thrown on the world too young; he had been in garrison at too early an age; and every day the polish of a gentleman became more and more effaced by the rough friction of his gendarme's cross…belt。  While still continuing to visit her from time to time; from a remnant of common respect; he felt doubly embarrassed with Fleur…de…Lys; in the first place; because; in consequence of having scattered his love in all sorts of places; he had reserved very little for her; in the next place; because; amid so many stiff; formal; and decent ladies; he was in constant fear lest his mouth; habituated to oaths; should suddenly take the bit in its teeth; and break out into the language of the tavern。  The effect can be imagined!

Moreover; all this was mingled in him; with great pretentions to elegance; toilet; and a fine appearance。  Let the reader reconcile these things as best he can。  I am simply the historian。

He had remained; therefore; for several minutes; leaning in silence against the carved jamb of the chimney; and thinking or not thinking; when Fleur…de…Lys suddenly turned and addressed him。  After all; the poor young girl was pouting against the dictates of her heart。

〃Fair cousin; did you not speak to us of a little Bohemian whom you saved a couple of months ago; while making the patrol with the watch at night; from the hands of a dozen robbers?〃

〃I believe so; fair cousin;。〃 said the captain。

〃Well;〃 she resumed; 〃perchance 'tis that same gypsy girl who is dancing yonder; on the church square。  Come and see if you recognize her; fair Cousin Phoebus。〃

A secret desire for reconciliation was apparent in this gentle invitation which she gave him to approach her; and in the care which she took to call him by name。  Captain Phoebus de Chateaupers (for it is he whom the reader has had before his eyes since the beginning of this chapter) slowly approached the balcony。  〃Stay;〃 said Fleur…de…Lys; laying her hand tenderly on Phoebus's arm; 〃look at that little girl yonder; dancing in that circle。  Is she your Bohemian?〃

Phoebus looked; and said;

〃Yes; I recognize her by her goat。〃

〃Oh! in fact; what a pretty little goat!〃 said Amelotte; clasping her hands in admiration。

〃Are his horns of real gold?〃 inquired Bérangère。

Without moving from her arm…chair; Dame Aloise interposed; 〃Is she not one of those gypsy girls who arrived last year by the Gibard gate?〃

〃Madame my mother;〃 said Fleur…de…Lys gently; 〃that gate is now called the Porte d'Enfer。〃

Mademoiselle de Gondelaurier knew how her mother's antiquated mode of speech shocked the captain。  In fact; he began to sneer; and muttered between his teeth: 〃Porte Gibard!  Porte Gibard!  'Tis enough to make King Charles VI。 pass by。〃

〃Godmother!〃 exclaimed Bérangère; whose eyes; incessantly in motion; had suddenly been raised to the summit of the towers of Notre…Dame; 〃who is that black man up yonder?〃

All the young girls raised their eyes。  A man was; in truth; leaning on the balustrade which surmounted the northern tower; looking on the Grève。  He was a priest。  His costume could be plainly discerned; and his face resting on both his hands。  But he stirred no more than if he had been a statue。 His eyes; intently fixed; gazed into the Place。

It was something like t
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