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the hunchback of notre dame-第57章

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atelet。  Now; we have noticed that judges in general so arrange matters that their day of audience shall also be their day of bad humor; so that they may always have some one upon whom to vent it conveniently; in the name of the king; law; and justice。

However; the audience had begun without him。  His lieutenants; civil; criminal; and private; were doing his work; according to usage; and from eight o'clock in the morning; some scores of bourgeois and ~bourgeoises~; heaped and crowded into an obscure corner of the audience chamber of Embas du Chatelet; between a stout oaken barrier and the wall; had been gazing blissfully at the varied and cheerful spectacle of civil and criminal justice dispensed by Master Florian Barbedienne;

auditor of the Chatelet; lieutenant of monsieur the provost; in a somewhat confused and utterly haphazard manner。

The hall was small; low; vaulted。  A table studded with fleurs…de…lis stood at one end; with a large arm…chair of carved oak; which belonged to the provost and was empty; and a stool on the left for the auditor; Master Florian。  Below sat the clerk of the court; scribbling; opposite was the populace; and in front of the door; and in front of the table were many sergeants of the provostship in sleeveless jackets of violet camlet; with white crosses。  Two sergeants of the Parloir… aux…Bourgeois; clothed in their jackets of Toussaint; half red; half blue; were posted as sentinels before a low; closed door; which was visible at the extremity of the hall; behind the table。  A single pointed window; narrowly encased in the thick wall; illuminated with a pale ray of January sun two grotesque figures;the capricious demon of stone carved as a tail…piece in the keystone of the vaulted ceiling; and the judge seated at the end of the hall on the fleurs…de…lis。

Imagine; in fact; at the provost's table; leaning upon his elbows between two bundles of documents of cases; with his foot on the train of his robe of plain brown cloth; his face buried in his hood of white lamb's skin; of which his brows seemed to be of a piece; red; crabbed; winking; bearing majestically the load of fat on his cheeks which met under his chin; Master Florian Barbedienne; auditor of the Chatelet。

Now; the auditor was deaf。  A slight defect in an auditor。 Master Florian delivered judgment; none the less; without appeal and very suitably。  It is certainly quite sufficient for a judge to have the 。air of listening; and the venerable auditor fulfilled this condition; the sole one in justice; all the better because his attention could not be distracted by any noise。

Moreover; he had in the audience; a pitiless censor of his deeds and gestures; in the person of our friend Jehan Frollo du Moulin; that little student of yesterday; that 〃stroller;〃 whom one was sure of encountering all over Paris; anywhere except before the rostrums of the professors。

〃Stay;〃 he said in a low tone to his companion; Robin Poussepain; who was grinning at his side; while he was making his comments on the scenes which were being unfolded before his eyes; 〃yonder is Jehanneton du Buisson。  The beautiful daughter of the lazy dog at the Marché…Neuf!Upon my soul; he is condemning her; the old rascal! he has no more eyes than ears。  Fifteen sous; four farthings; parisian; for having worn two rosaries!  'Tis somewhat dear。  ~Lex duri carminis~。  Who's that?  Robin Chief…de…Ville; hauberkmaker。  For having been passed and received master of the said trade!  That's his entrance money。  He! two gentlemen among these knaves!  Aiglet de Soins; Hutin de Mailly Two equerries; ~Corpus Christi~!  Ah! they have been playing at dice。  When shall I see our rector here?  A hundred livres parisian; fine to the king!  That Barbedienne strikes like a deaf man;as he is!  I'll be my brother the archdeacon; if that keeps me from gaming; gaming by day; gaming by night; living at play; dying at play; and gaming away my soul after my shirt。  Holy Virgin; what damsels!  One after the other my lambs。  Ambroise Lécuyere; Isabeau la Paynette; Bérarde Gironin!  I know them all; by Heavens!  A fine! a fine! That's what will teach you to wear gilded girdles! ten sous parisis! you coquettes!  Oh! the old snout of a judge! deaf and imbecile!  Oh!  Florian the dolt!  Oh!  Barbedienne the blockhead!  There he is at the table!  He's eating the plaintiff; he's eating the suits; he eats; he chews; he crams; he fills himself。  Fines; lost goods; taxes; expenses; loyal charges; salaries; damages; and interests; gehenna; prison; and jail; and fetters with expenses are Christmas spice cake and marchpanes of Saint…John to him!  Look at him; the pig!Come! Good!  Another amorous woman!  Thibaud…la…Thibaude; neither more nor less!  For having come from the Rue Glatigny!  What fellow is this?  Gieffroy Mabonne; gendarme bearing the crossbow。  He has cursed the name of the Father。  A fine for la Thibaude!  A fine for Gieffroy!  A fine for them both!  The deaf old fool! he must have mixed up the two cases!  Ten to one that he makes the wench pay for the oath and the gendarme for the amour!  Attention; Robin Poussepain!  What are they going to bring in?  Here are many sergeants!  By Jupiter! all the bloodhounds of the pack are there。  It must be the great beast of the hunta wild boar。  And 'tis one; Robin; 'tis one。  And a fine one too! ~Hercle~! 'tis our prince of yesterday; our Pope of the Fools; our bellringer; our one…eyed man; our hunchback; our grimace! 'Tis Quasimodo!〃

It was he indeed。

It was Quasimodo; bound; encircled; roped; pinioned; and under good guard。  The squad of policemen who surrounded him was assisted by the chevalier of the watch in person; wearing the arms of France embroidered on his breast; and the arms of the city on his back。  There was nothing; however; about Quasimodo; except his deformity; which could justify the display of halberds and arquebuses; he was gloomy; silent; and tranquil。  Only now and then did his single eye cast a sly and wrathful glance upon the bonds with which he was loaded。

He cast the same glance about him; but it was so dull and sleepy that the women only pointed him out to each other in derision。

Meanwhile Master Florian; the auditor; turned over attentively the document in the complaint entered against Quasimodo; which the clerk handed him; and; having thus glanced at it; appeared to reflect for a moment。  Thanks to this precaution; which he always was careful to take at the moment when on the point of beginning an examination; he knew beforehand the names; titles; and misdeeds of the accused; made cut and dried responses to questions foreseen; and succeeded in extricating himself from all the windings of the interrogation without allowing his deafness to be too apparent。  The written charges were to him what the dog is to the blind man。  If his deafness did happen to betray him here and there; by some incoherent apostrophe or some unintelligible question; it passed for profundity with some; and for imbecility with others。  In neither case did the honor of the magistracy sustain any injury; for it is far better that a judge should be reputed imbecile or profound than deaf。  Hence he took great care to conceal his deafness from the
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