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the hunchback of notre dame-第54章

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 ubiquity?  If a flood comes; the mountains will have long disappeared beneath the waves; while the birds will still be flying about; and if a single ark floats on the surface of the cataclysm; they will alight upon it; will float with it; will be present with it at the ebbing of the waters; and the new world which emerges from this chaos will behold; on its awakening; the thought of the world which has been submerged soaring above it; winged and living。

And when one observes that this mode of expression is not only the most conservative; but also the most simple; the most convenient; the most practicable for all; when one reflects that it does not drag after it bulky baggage; and does not set in motion a heavy apparatus; when one compares thought forced; in order to transform itself into an edifice; to put in motion four or five other arts and tons of gold; a whole mountain of stones; a whole forest of timber…work; a whole nation of workmen; when one compares it to the thought which becomes a book; and for which a little paper; a little ink; and a pen suffice;how can one be surprised that human intelligence should have quitted architecture for printing? Cut the primitive bed of a river abruptly with a canal hollowed out below its level; and the river will desert its bed。

Behold how; beginning with the discovery of printing; architecture withers away little by little; becomes lifeless and bare。  How one feels the water sinking; the sap departing; the thought of the times and of the people withdrawing from it!  The chill is almost imperceptible in the fifteenth century; the press is; as yet; too weak; and; at the most; draws from powerful architecture a superabundance of life。  But practically beginning with the sixteenth century; the malady of architecture is visible; it is no longer the expression of society; it becomes classic art in a miserable manner; from being Gallic; European; indigenous; it becomes Greek and Roman; from being true and modern; it becomes pseudo…classic。  It is this decadence which is called the Renaissance。  A magnificent decadence; however; for the ancient Gothic genius; that sun which sets behind the gigantic press of Mayence; still penetrates for a while longer with its rays that whole hybrid pile of Latin arcades and Corinthian columns。

It is that setting sun which we mistake for the dawn。

Nevertheless; from the moment when architecture is no longer anything but an art like any other; as soon as it is no longer the total art; the sovereign art; the tyrant art;it has no longer the power to retain the other arts。  So they emancipate themselves; break the yoke of the architect; and take themselves off; each one in its own direction。  Each one of them gains by this divorce。  Isolation aggrandizes everything。 Sculpture becomes statuary; the image trade becomes painting; the canon becomes music。  One would pronounce it an empire dismembered at the death of its Alexander; and whose provinces become kingdoms。

Hence Raphael; Michael Angelo; Jean Goujon; Palestrina; those splendors of the dazzling sixteenth century。

Thought emancipates itself in all directions at the same time as the arts。  The arch…heretics of the Middle Ages had already made large incisions into Catholicism。  The sixteenth century breaks religious unity。  Before the invention of printing; reform would have been merely a schism; printing converted it into a revolution。  Take away the press; heresy is enervated。 Whether it be Providence or Fate; Gutenburg is the precursor of Luther。

Nevertheless; when the sun of the Middle Ages is completely set; when the Gothic genius is forever extinct upon the horizon; architecture grows dim; loses its color; becomes more and more effaced。  The printed book; the gnawing worm of the edifice; sucks and devours it。  It becomes bare; denuded of its foliage; and grows visibly emaciated。  It is petty; it is poor; it is nothing。  It no longer expresses anything; not even the memory of the art of another time。  Reduced to itself; abandoned by the other arts; because human thought is abandoning it; it summons bunglers in place of artists。  Glass replaces the painted windows。  The stone…cutter succeeds the sculptor。 Farewell all sap; all originality; all life; all intelligence。 It drags along; a lamentable workshop mendicant; from copy to copy。  Michael Angelo; who; no doubt; felt even in the sixteenth century that it was dying; had a last idea; an idea of despair。  That Titan of art piled the Pantheon on the Parthenon; and made Saint…Peter's at Rome。  A great work; which deserved to remain unique; the last originality of architecture; the signature of a giant artist at the bottom of the colossal register of stone which was closed forever。  With Michael Angelo dead; what does this miserable architecture; which survived itself in the state of a spectre; do?  It takes Saint…Peter in Rome; copies it and parodies it。  It is a mania。 It is a pity。  Each century has its Saint…Peter's of Rome; in the seventeenth century; the Val…de…Grace; in the eighteenth; Sainte…Geneviève。  Each country has its Saint…Peter's of Rome。  London has one; Petersburg has another; Paris has two or three。  The insignificant testament; the last dotage of a decrepit grand art falling back into infancy before it dies。

If; in place of the characteristic monuments which we have just described; we examine the general aspect of art from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century; we notice the same phenomena of decay and phthisis。  Beginning with Fran?ois II。; the architectural form of the edifice effaces itself more and more; and allows the geometrical form; like the bony structure of an emaciated invalid; to become prominent。  The fine lines of art give way to the cold and inexorable lines of geometry。  An edifice is no longer an edifice; it is a polyhedron。  Meanwhile; architecture is tormented in her struggles to conceal this nudity。  Look at the Greek pediment inscribed upon the Roman pediment; and vice versa。  It is still the Pantheon on the Parthenon: Saint…Peter's of Rome。  Here are the brick houses of Henri IV。; with their stone corners; the Place Royale; the Place Dauphine。  Here are the churches of Louis XIII。; heavy; squat; thickset; crowded together; loaded with a dome like a hump。  Here is the Mazarin architecture; the wretched Italian pasticcio of the Four Nations。 Here are the palaces of Louis XIV。; long barracks for courtiers; stiff; cold; tiresome。  Here; finally; is Louis XV。; with chiccory leaves and vermicelli; and all the warts; and all the fungi; which disfigure that decrepit; toothless; and coquettish old architecture。  From Fran?ois II。 to Louis XV。; the evil has increased in geometrical progression。  Art has no longer anything but skin upon its bones。  It is miserably perishing。

Meanwhile what becomes of printing?  All the life which is leaving architecture comes to it。  In proportion as architecture ebbs; printing swells and grows。  That capital of forces which human thought had been expending in edifices; it henceforth expends in books。  Thus; from the sixteenth century onward; the press; raised to the level of decaying architecture; contends with it and kills it。  In the seventeenth century it is alread
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