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the hunchback of notre dame-第27章

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thing! Who wants him?〃

Gringoire; no doubt; was not very appetizing in this miserable condition。  The female vagabonds did not seem to be much affected by the proposition。  The unhappy wretch heard them answer: 〃No! no! hang him; there'll be the more fun for us all!〃

Nevertheless; three emerged from the throng and came to smell of him。  The first was a big wench; with a square face。 She examined the philosopher's deplorable doublet attentively。 His garment was worn; and more full of holes than a stove for roasting chestnuts。  The girl made a wry face。  〃Old rag!〃 she muttered; and addressing Gringoire; 〃Let's see your cloak!〃 〃I have lost it;〃 replied Gringoire。  〃Your hat?〃  〃They took it away from me。〃  〃Your shoes?〃  〃They have hardly any soles left。〃  〃Your purse?〃  〃Alas!〃 stammered Gringoire; 〃I have not even a sou。〃  〃Let them hang you; then; and say 'Thank you!'〃 retorted the vagabond wench; turning her back on him。

The second;old; black; wrinkled; hideous; with an ugliness conspicuous even in the Cour des Miracles; trotted round Gringoire。 He almost trembled lest she should want him。  But she mumbled between her teeth; 〃He's too thin;〃 and went off。

The third was a young girl; quite fresh; and not too ugly。 〃Save me!〃 said the poor fellow to her; in a low tone。  She gazed at him for a moment with an air of pity; then dropped her eyes; made a plait in her petticoat; and remained in indecision。 He followed all these movements with his eyes; it was the last gleam of hope。  〃No;〃 said the young girl; at length; 〃no!  Guillaume Longuejoue would beat me。〃  She retreated into the crowd。

〃You are unlucky; comrade;〃 said Clopin。

Then rising to his feet; upon his hogshead。  〃No one wants him;〃 he exclaimed; imitating the accent of an auctioneer; to the great delight of all; 〃no one wants him? once; twice; three times!〃 and; turning towards the gibbet with a sign of his hand; 〃Gone!〃

Bellevigne de l'Etoile; Andry the Red; Fran?ois Chante…Prune; stepped up to Gringoire。

At that moment a cry arose among the thieves: 〃La Esmeralda! La Esmeralda!〃

Gringoire shuddered; and turned towards the side whence the clamor proceeded。

The crowd opened; and gave passage to a pure and dazzling form。

It was the gypsy。

〃La Esmeralda!〃 said Gringoire; stupefied in the midst of his emotions; by the abrupt manner in which that magic word knotted together all his reminiscences of the day。

This rare creature seemed; even in the Cour des Miracles; to exercise her sway of charm and beauty。  The vagabonds; male and female; ranged themselves gently along her path; and their brutal faces beamed beneath her glance。

She approached the victim with her light step。  Her pretty Djali followed her。  Gringoire was more dead than alive。  She examined him for a moment in silence。

〃You are going to hang this man?〃 she said gravely; to Clopin。

〃Yes; sister;〃 replied the King of Thunes; 〃unless you will take him for your husband。〃

She made her pretty little pout with her under lip。  〃I'll take him;〃 said she。

Gringoire firmly believed that he had been in a dream ever since morning; and that this was the continuation of it。

The change was; in fact; violent; though a gratifying one。 They undid the noose; and made the poet step down from the stool。  His emotion was so lively that he was obliged to sit down。

The Duke of Egypt brought an earthenware crock; without uttering a word。  The gypsy offered it to Gringoire: 〃Fling it on the ground;〃 said she。

The crock broke into four pieces。

〃Brother;〃 then said the Duke of Egypt; laying his hands upon their foreheads; 〃she is your wife; sister; he is your husband for four years。  Go。〃



A few moments later our poet found himself in a tiny arched chamber; very cosy; very warm; seated at a table which appeared to ask nothing better than to make some loans from a larder hanging near by; having a good bed in prospect; and alone with a pretty girl。  The adventure smacked of enchantment。  He began seriously to take himself for a personage in a fairy tale; he cast his eyes about him from time to time to time; as though to see if the chariot of fire; harnessed to two…winged chimeras; which alone could have so rapidly transported him from Tartarus to Paradise; were still there。  At times; also; he fixed his eyes obstinately upon the holes in his doublet; in order to cling to reality; and not lose the ground from under his feet completely。  His reason; tossed about in imaginary space; now hung only by this thread。

The young girl did not appear to pay any attention to him; she went and came; displaced a stool; talked to her goat; and indulged in a pout now and then。  At last she came and seated herself near the table; and Gringoire was able to scrutinize her at his ease。

You have been a child; reader; and you would; perhaps; be very happy to be one still。  It is quite certain that you have not; more than once (and for my part; I have passed whole days; the best employed of my life; at it) followed from thicket to thicket; by the side of running water; on a sunny day; a beautiful green or blue dragon…fly; breaking its flight in abrupt angles; and kissing the tips of all the branches。 You recollect with what amorous curiosity your thought and your gaze were riveted upon this little whirlwind; hissing and humming with wings of purple and azure; in the midst of which floated an imperceptible body; veiled by the very rapidity of its movement。  The aerial being which was dimly outlined amid this quivering of wings; appeared to you chimerical; imaginary; impossible to touch; impossible to see。 But when; at length; the dragon…fly alighted on the tip of a reed; and; holding your breath the while; you were able to examine the long; gauze wings; the long enamel robe; the two globes of crystal; what astonishment you felt; and what fear lest you should again behold the form disappear into a shade; and the creature into a chimera!  Recall these impressions; and you will readily appreciate what Gringoire felt on contemplating; beneath her visible and palpable form; that Esmeralda of whom; up to that time; he had only caught a glimpse; amidst a whirlwind of dance; song; and tumult。

Sinking deeper and deeper into his revery: 〃So this;〃 he said to himself; following her vaguely with his eyes; 〃is la Esmeralda! a celestial creature! a street dancer! so much; and so little!  'Twas she who dealt the death…blow to my mystery this morning; 'tis she who saves my life this evening!  My evil genius!  My good angel!  A pretty woman; on my word! and who must needs love me madly to have taken me in that fashion。  By the way;〃 said he; rising suddenly; with that sentiment of the true which formed the foundation of his character and his philosophy; 〃I don't know very well how it happens; but I am her husband!〃

With this idea in his head and in his eyes; he stepped up to the young girl in a manner so military and so gallant that she drew back。

〃What do you want of me?〃 said she。

〃Can you ask me; adorable Esmeralda?〃 replied Gringoire; with so passionate an accent that he was himself astonished at it on hearing himself speak。

The gypsy opened her 
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