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the hunchback of notre dame-第22章

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sly concealed his soul in his straw pallet。



After having run for some time at the top of his speed; without knowing whither; knocking his head against many a street corner; leaping many a gutter; traversing many an alley; many a court; many a square; seeking flight and passage through all the meanderings of the ancient passages of the Halles; exploring in his panic terror what the fine Latin of the maps calls ~tota via; cheminum et viaria~; our poet suddenly halted for lack of breath in the first place; and in the second; because he had been collared; after a fashion; by a dilemma which had just occurred to his mind。  〃It strikes me; Master Pierre Gringoire;〃 he said to himself; placing his finger to his brow; 〃that you are running like a madman。  The little scamps are no less afraid of you than you are of them。  It strikes me; I say; that you heard the clatter of their wooden shoes fleeing southward; while you were fleeing northward。  Now; one of two things; either they have taken flight; and the pallet; which they must have forgotten in their terror; is precisely that hospitable bed in search of which you have been running ever since morning; and which madame the Virgin miraculously sends you; in order to recompense you for having made a morality in her honor; accompanied by triumphs and mummeries; or the children have not taken flight; and in that case they have put the brand to the pallet; and that is precisely the good fire which you need to cheer; dry; and warm you。  In either case; good fire or good bed; that straw pallet is a gift from heaven。  The blessed Virgin Marie who stands at the corner of the Rue Mauconseil; could only have made Eustache Moubon die for that express purpose; and it is folly on your part to flee thus zigzag; like a Picard before a Frenchman; leaving behind you what you seek before you; and you are a fool!〃

Then he retraced his steps; and feeling his way and searching; with his nose to the wind and his ears on the alert; he tried to find the blessed pallet again; but in vain。  There was nothing to be found but intersections of houses; closed courts; and crossings of streets; in the midst of which he hesitated and doubted incessantly; being more perplexed and entangled in this medley of streets than he would have been even in the labyrinth of the H?tel des Tournelles。  At length he lost patience; and exclaimed solemnly: 〃Cursed be cross roads! 'tis the devil who has made them in the shape of his pitchfork!〃

This exclamation afforded him a little solace; and a sort of reddish reflection which he caught sight of at that moment; at the extremity of a long and narrow lane; completed the elevation of his moral tone。  〃God be praised!〃 said he; 〃There it is yonder!  There is my pallet burning。〃  And comparing himself to the pilot who suffers shipwreck by night; 〃~Salve~;〃 he added piously; 〃~salve; maris stella~!〃

Did he address this fragment of litany to the Holy Virgin; or to the pallet?  We are utterly unable to say。

He had taken but a few steps in the long street; which sloped downwards; was unpaved; and more and more muddy and steep; when he noticed a very singular thing。  It was not deserted; here and there along its extent crawled certain vague and formless masses; all directing their course towards the light which flickered at the end of the street; like those heavy insects which drag along by night; from blade to blade of grass; towards the shepherd's fire。

Nothing renders one so adventurous as not being able to feel the place where one's pocket is situated。  Gringoire continued to advance; and had soon joined that one of the forms which dragged along most indolently; behind the others。  On drawing near; he perceived that it was nothing else than a wretched legless cripple in a bowl; who was hopping along on his two hands like a wounded field…spider which has but two legs left。  At the moment when he passed close to this species of spider with a human countenance; it raised towards him a lamentable voice: 〃~La buona mancia; signor! la buona mancia~!〃*

*  Alms。

〃Deuce take you;〃 said Gringoire; 〃and me with you; if I know what you mean!〃

And he passed on。

He overtook another of these itinerant masses; and examined it。  It was an impotent man; both halt and crippled; and halt and crippled to such a degree that the complicated system of crutches and wooden legs which sustained him; gave him the air of a mason's scaffolding on the march。  Gringoire; who liked noble and classical comparisons; compared him in thought to the living tripod of Vulcan。

This living tripod saluted him as he passed; but stopping his hat on a level with Gringoire's chin; like a shaving dish; while he shouted in the latter's ears: 〃~Senor cabellero; para comprar un pedaso de pan~!〃*

*  Give me the means to buy a bit of bread; sir。

〃It appears;〃 said Gringoire; 〃that this one can also talk; but 'tis a rude language; and he is more fortunate than I if he understands it。〃 Then; smiting his brow; in a sudden transition of ideas: 〃By the way; what the deuce did they mean this morning with their Esmeralda?〃

He was minded to augment his pace; but for the third time something barred his way。  This something or; rather; some one was a blind man; a little blind fellow with a bearded; Jewish face; who; rowing away in the space about him with a stick; and towed by a large dog; droned through his nose with a Hungarian accent: 〃~Facitote caritatem~!〃

〃Well; now;〃 said Gringoire; 〃here's one at last who speaks a Christian tongue。  I must have a very charitable aspect; since they ask alms of me in the present lean condition of my purse。  My friend;〃 and he turned towards the blind man; 〃I sold my last shirt last week; that is to say; since you understand only the language of Cicero: ~Vendidi hebdomade nuper transita meam ultimam chemisan~。〃

That said; he turned his back upon the blind man; and pursued his way。  But the blind man began to increase his stride at the same time; and; behold! the cripple and the legless man; in his bowl; came up on their side in great haste; and with great clamor of bowl and crutches; upon the pavement。 Then all three; jostling each other at poor Gringoire's heels; began to sing their song to him;

〃~Caritatem~!〃 chanted the blind man。

〃~La buona mancia~!〃 chanted the cripple in the bowl。

And the lame man took up the musical phrase by repeating: 〃~Un pedaso de pan~!〃

Gringoire stopped up his ears。  〃Oh; tower of Babel!〃 he exclaimed。

He set out to run。  The blind man ran!  The lame man ran!  The cripple in the bowl ran!

And then; in proportion as he plunged deeper into the street; cripples in bowls; blind men and lame men; swarmed about him; and men with one arm; and with one eye; and the leprous with their sores; some emerging from little streets adjacent; some from the air…holes of cellars; howling; bellowing; yelping; all limping and halting; all flinging themselves towards the light; and humped up in the mire; like snails after a shower。

Gringoire; still followed by his three persecutors; and not knowing very well what was to become of him; marched along in terror among them; turning out for the 
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