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the hunchback of notre dame-第144章

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The executioner observed the mother's finger…nails and dared not。

〃Make haste!〃 shouted Tristan; who had just ranged his troops in a circle round the Rat…Hole; and who sat on his horse beside the gallows。

Rennet returned once more to the provost in great embarrassment。 He had flung his rope on the ground; and was twisting his hat between his hands with an awkward air。

〃Monseigneur;〃 he asked; 〃where am I to enter?〃

〃By the door。〃

〃There is none。〃

〃By the window。〃

〃'Tis too small。〃

〃Make it larger;〃 said Tristan angrily。  〃Have you not pickaxes?〃

The mother still looked on steadfastly from the depths of her cavern。  She no longer hoped for anything; she no longer knew what she wished; except that she did not wish them to take her daughter。

Rennet Cousin went in search of the chest of tools for the night man; under the shed of the Pillar…House。  He drew from it also the double ladder; which he immediately set up against the gallows。  Five or six of the provost's men armed themselves with picks and crowbars; and Tristan betook himself; in company with them; towards the window。

〃Old woman;〃 said the provost; in a severe tone; 〃deliver up to us that girl quietly。〃

She looked at him like one who does not understand。

〃~Tête Dieu~!〃 continued Tristan; 〃why do you try to prevent this sorceress being hung as it pleases the king?〃

The wretched woman began to laugh in her wild way。

〃Why?  She is my daughter。〃

The tone in which she pronounced these words made even Henriet Cousin shudder。

〃I am sorry for that;〃 said the provost; 〃but it is the king's good pleasure。〃

She cried; redoubling her terrible laugh;

〃What is your king to me?  I tell you that she is my daughter!〃

〃Pierce the wall;〃 said Tristan。

In order to make a sufficiently wide opening; it sufficed to dislodge one course of stone below the window。  When the mother heard the picks and crowbars mining her fortress; she uttered a terrible cry; then she began to stride about her cell with frightful swiftness; a wild beasts' habit which her cage had imparted to her。  She no longer said anything; but her eyes flamed。  The soldiers were chilled to the very soul。

All at once she seized her paving stone; laughed; and hurled it with both fists upon the workmen。  The stone; badly flung (for her hands trembled); touched no one; and fell short under the feet of Tristan's horse。  She gnashed her teeth。

In the meantime; although the sun had not yet risen; it was broad daylight; a beautiful rose color enlivened the ancient; decayed chimneys of the Pillar…House。  It was the hour when the earliest windows of the great city open joyously on the roofs。  Some workmen; a few fruit…sellers on their way to the markets on their asses; began to traverse the Grève; they halted for a moment before this group of soldiers clustered round the Rat…Hole; stared at it with an air of astonishment and passed on。

The recluse had gone and seated herself by her daughter; covering her with her body; in front of her; with staring eyes; listening to the poor child; who did not stir; but who kept murmuring in a low voice; these words only; 〃Phoebus! Phoebus!〃  In proportion as the work of the demolishers seemed to advance; the mother mechanically retreated; and pressed the young girl closer and closer to the wall。  All at once; the recluse beheld the stone (for she was standing guard and never took her eyes from it); move; and she heard Tristan's voice encouraging the workers。  Then she aroused from the depression into which she had fallen during the last few moments; cried out; and as she spoke; her voice now rent the ear like a saw; then stammered as though all kind of maledictions were pressing to her lips to burst forth at once。

〃Ho! ho! ho!  Why this is terrible!  You are ruffians! Are you really going to take my daughter?  Oh! the cowards! Oh! the hangman lackeys! the wretched; blackguard assassins! Help! help! fire!  Will they take my child from me like this?  Who is it then who is called the good God?〃

Then; addressing Tristan; foaming at the mouth; with wild eyes; all bristling and on all fours like a female panther;

〃Draw near and take my daughter!  Do not you understand that this woman tells you that she is my daughter?  Do you know what it is to have a child?  Eh! lynx; have you never lain with your female? have you never had a cub? and if you have little ones; when they howl have you nothing in your vitals that moves?〃

〃Throw down the stone;〃 said Tristan; 〃it no longer holds。〃

The crowbars raised the heavy course。  It was; as we have said; the mother's last bulwark。

She threw herself upon it; she tried to hold it back; she scratched the stone with her nails; but the massive block; set in movement by six men; escaped her and glided gently to the ground along the iron levers。

The mother; perceiving an entrance effected; fell down in front of the opening; barricading the breach with her body; beating the pavement with her head; and shrieking with a voice rendered so hoarse by fatigue that it was hardly audible;

〃Help! fire! fire!〃

〃Now take the wench;〃 said Tristan; still impassive。

The mother gazed at the soldiers in such formidable fashion that they were more inclined to retreat than to advance。

〃Come; now;〃 repeated the provost。  〃Here you; Rennet Cousin!〃

No one took a step。

The provost swore;

〃~Tête de Christ~! my men of war! afraid of a woman!〃

〃Monseigneur;〃 said Rennet; 〃do you call that a woman?〃

〃She has the mane of a lion;〃 said another。

〃Come!〃 repeated the provost; 〃the gap is wide enough。 Enter three abreast; as at the breach of Pontoise。  Let us make an end of it; death of Mahom!  I will make two pieces of the first man who draws back!〃

Placed between the provost and the mother; both threatening; the soldiers hesitated for a moment; then took their resolution; and advanced towards the Rat…Hole。

When the recluse saw this; she rose abruptly on her knees; flung aside her hair from her face; then let her thin flayed hands fall by her side。  Then great tears fell; one by one; from her eyes; they flowed down her cheeks through a furrow; like a torrent through a bed which it has hollowed for itself。

At the same time she began to speak; but in a voice so supplicating; so gentle; so submissive; so heartrending; that more than one old convict…warder around Tristan who must have devoured human flesh wiped his eyes。

〃Messeigneurs! messieurs the sergeants; one word。  There is one thing which I must say to you。  She is my daughter; do you see?  my dear little daughter whom I had lost! Listen。  It is quite a history。  Consider that I knew the sergeants very well。  They were always good to me in the days when the little boys threw stones at me; because I led a life of pleasure。  Do you see?  You will leave me my child when you know!  I was a poor woman of the town。  It was the Bohemians who stole her from me。  And I kept her shoe for fifteen years。  Stay; here it is。  That was the kind of foot which she had。  At Reims!  La Chantefleurie!  Rue Folle… Peine!  Perchance; you knew about that。  It was I。  In your youth; then; there was a merry time; when one passed good hours。  You w
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