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the hunchback of notre dame-第129章

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to attach the said cage in place with clamps and nails weighing in all two hundred and eighteen pounds; not reckoning the iron of the trellises for the windows of the chamber wherein the cage hath been placed; the bars of iron for the door of the cage and other things。〃

〃'Tis a great deal of iron;〃 said the king; 〃to contain the light of a spirit。〃

〃The whole amounts to three hundred and seventeen livres; five sols; seven deniers。〃

〃~Pasque…Dieu~!〃 exclaimed the king。

At this oath; which was the favorite of Louis XI。; some one seemed to awaken in the interior of the cage; the sound of chains was heard; grating on the floor; and a feeble voice; which seemed to issue from the tomb was uplifted。  〃Sire! sire! mercy!〃 The one who spoke thus could not be seen。

〃Three hundred and seventeen livres; five sols; seven deniers;〃 repeated Louis XI。

The lamentable voice which had proceeded from the cage had frozen all present; even Master Olivier himself。  The king alone wore the air of not having heard。  At his order; Master Olivier resumed his reading; and his majesty coldly continued his inspection of the cage。

〃In addition to this there hath been paid to a mason who hath made the holes wherein to place the gratings of the windows; and the floor of the chamber where the cage is; because that floor could not support this cage by reason of its weight; twenty…seven livres fourteen sols parisis。〃

The voice began to moan again。

〃Mercy; sire!  I swear to you that 'twas Monsieur the Cardinal d'Angers and not I; who was guilty of treason。〃

〃The mason is bold!〃 said the king。  〃Continue; Olivier。〃 Olivier continued;

〃To a joiner for window frames; bedstead; hollow stool; and other things; twenty livres; two sols parisis。〃

The voice also continued。

〃Alas; sire!  will you not listen to me?  I protest to you that 'twas not I who wrote the matter to Monseigneur do Guyenne; but Monsieur le Cardinal Balue。〃

〃The joiner is dear;〃 quoth the king。  〃Is that all?〃

〃No; sire。  To a glazier; for the windows of the said chamber; forty…six sols; eight deniers parisis。〃

〃Have mercy; sire!  Is it not enough to have given all my goods to my judges; my plate to Monsieur de Torcy; my library to Master Pierre Doriolle; my tapestry to the governor of the Roussillon?  I am innocent。  I have been shivering in an iron cage for fourteen years。  Have mercy; sire! You will find your reward in heaven。〃

〃Master Olivier;〃 said the king; 〃the total?〃

〃Three hundred sixty…seven livres; eight sols; three deniers parisis。

〃Notre…Dame!〃 cried the king。  〃This is an outrageous cage!〃

He tore the book from Master Olivier's hands; and set to reckoning it himself upon his fingers; examining the paper and the cage alternately。  Meanwhile; the prisoner could be heard sobbing。  This was lugubrious in the darkness; and their faces turned pale as they looked at each other。

〃Fourteen years; sire!  Fourteen years now! since the month of April; 1469。  In the name of the Holy Mother of God; sire; listen to me!  During all this time you have enjoyed the heat of the sun。  Shall I; frail creature; never more behold the day?  Mercy; sire!  Be pitiful!  Clemency is a fine; royal virtue; which turns aside the currents of wrath。 Does your majesty believe that in the hour of death it will be a great cause of content for a king never to have left any offence unpunished?  Besides; sire; I did not betray your majesty; 'twas Monsieur d'Angers; and I have on my foot a very heavy chain; and a great ball of iron at the end; much heavier than it should be in reason。  Eh! sire!  Have pity on me!〃

〃Olivier;〃 cried the king; throwing back his head; 〃I observe that they charge me twenty sols a hogshead for plaster; while it is worth but twelve。  You will refer back this account。〃

He turned his back on the cage; and set out to leave the room。  The miserable prisoner divined from the removal of the torches and the noise; that the king was taking his departure。

〃Sire!  sire!〃 be cried in despair。

The door closed again。  He no longer saw anything; and heard only the hoarse voice of the turnkey; singing in his ears this ditty;

         〃~Ma?tre Jean Balue;          A perdu la vue          De ses évêchés。          Monsieur de Verdun。          N'en a plus pas un;          Tous sont dépêchés~。〃*

* Master Jean Balue has lost sight of his bishoprics。 Monsieur of Verdun has no longer one; all have been killed off。

The king reascended in silence to his retreat; and his suite followed him; terrified by the last groans of the condemned man。  All at once his majesty turned to the Governor of the Bastille;

〃By the way;〃 said he; 〃was there not some one in that cage?〃

〃Pardieu; yes sire!〃 replied the governor; astounded by the question。

〃And who was it?〃

〃Monsieur the Bishop of Verdun。〃

The king knew this better than any one else。  But it was a mania of his。

〃Ah!〃 said he; with the innocent air of thinking of it for the first time; 〃Guillaume de Harancourt; the friend of Monsieur the Cardinal Balue。  A good devil of a bishop!〃

At the expiration of a few moments; the door of the retreat had opened again; then closed upon the five personages whom the reader has seen at the beginning of this chapter; and who resumed their places; their whispered conversations; and their attitudes。

During the king's absence; several despatches had been placed on his table; and he broke the seals himself。  Then he began to read them promptly; one after the other; made a sign to Master Olivier who appeared to exercise the office of minister; to take a pen; and without communicating to him the contents of the despatches; he began to dictate in a low voice; the replies which the latter wrote; on his knees; in an inconvenient attitude before the table。

Guillaume Rym was on the watch。

The king spoke so low that the Flemings heard nothing of his dictation; except some isolated and rather unintelligible scraps; such as;

〃To maintain the fertile places by commerce; and the sterile by manufactures。。。。To show the English lords our four bombards; London; Brabant; Bourg…en…Bresse; Saint… Omer。。。。Artillery is the cause of war being made more judiciously now。。。。To Monsieur de Bressuire; our friend。。。。Armies cannot be maintained without tribute; etc。

Once he raised his voice;

〃~Pasque Dieu~!  Monsieur the King of Sicily seals his letters with yellow wax; like a king of France。  Perhaps we are in the wrong to permit him so to do。  My fair cousin of Burgundy granted no armorial bearings with a field of gules。 The grandeur of houses is assured by the integrity of prerogatives。  Note this; friend Olivier。〃


〃Oh!  oh!〃 said he; 〃What a long message!  What doth our brother the emperor claim?〃  And running his eye over the missive and breaking his reading with interjection: 〃Surely! the Germans are so great and powerful; that it is hardly credibleBut let us not forget the old proverb: 'The finest county is Flanders; the finest duchy; Milan; the finest kingdom; France。' Is it not so; Messieurs Flemings?〃

This time Coppenole bowed in company with Guillaume Rym。  The hosier's patriotism was tickled。

The last despatch made Louis 
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