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the lost continent(消失的大陆)-第38章

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sadly as he replied: 

     〃Pan…America; perhaps; and China; with the blacks of Abyssinia;〃 he 

said。    〃Those   who   did   not   fight   were   the   only   ones   to   reap   any   of   the 

rewards that are supposed to belong to victory。                  The combatants reaped 

naught   but   annihilation。   You   have   seenbetter   than   any   man   you   must 

realize that there was no victory for any nation embroiled in that frightful 


     〃When did it end?〃 I asked him。 

     Again   he   shook   his   head。     〃It   has   not   ended   yet。  There   has   never 

been a formal peace declared in Europe。                 After a while there were none 

left to   make   peace;   and the   rude tribes  which sprang   from  the   survivors 

continued       to  fight    among     themselves       because     they   knew     no    better 

condition   of   society。   War   razed   the   works   of   manwar   and   pestilence 

razed man。 God give that there shall never be such another war!〃 


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                                    THE LOST CONTINENT 

     You   all   know   how   Porfirio   Johnson   returned   to   Pan…America   with 

John Alvarez in chains; how Alvarez's trial raised a popular demonstration 

that the government could not ignore。 His eloquent appealnot for himself; 

but for meis historic; as are its results。         You know how a fleet was sent 

across the Atlantic to search for me; how the restrictions against crossing 

thirty   to   one   hundred   seventy…five   were   removed   forever;   and   how   the 

officers were brought to Peking; arriving upon the very day that Victory 

and I were married at the imperial court。 

     My  return   to   Pan…America   was   very  different   from  anything   I   could 

possibly   have   imagined   a   year   before。      Instead   of   being   received   as   a 

traitor to my country; I was acclaimed a hero。                It was good to get back 

again;   good   to   witness   the   kindly   treatment   that   was   accorded   my   dear 

Victory; and when I learned that Delcarte and Taylor had been found at the 

mouth   of   the   Rhine   and   were   already  back   in Pan…America   my   joy   was 


     And   now   we   are   going   back;   Victory   and   I;   with   the   men   and   the 

munitions and power to reclaim England for her queen。 Again I shall cross 

thirty; but under what altered conditions! 

     A new epoch for Europe is inaugurated; with enlightened China on the 

east    and   enlightened     Pan…America       on  the   west   the   two   great   peace 

powers   whom   God   has   preserved   to   regenerate   chastened   and   forgiven 

Europe。      I   have   been   through   muchI   have   suffered   much;   but   I   have 

won   two   great   laurel   wreaths   beyond   thirty。     One   is   the   opportunity   to 

rescue   Europe   from   barbarism;   the   other   is   a   little   barbarian;   and   the 

greater of these isVictory。 


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