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subject to the control of the will。  It is the bodily symbol of

identity of nature。  We look into the eyes to know if this other form

is another self; and the eyes will not lie; but make a faithful

confession what inhabitant is there。  The revelations are sometimes

terrific。  The confession of a low; usurping devil is there made; and

the observer shall seem to feel the stirring of owls; and bats; and

horned hoofs; where he looked for innocence and simplicity。  'Tis

remarkable; too; that the spirit that appears at the windows of the

house does at once invest himself in a new form of his own; to the

mind of the beholder。

        The eyes of men converse as much as their tongues; with the

advantage; that the ocular dialect needs no dictionary; but is

understood all the world over。  When the eyes say one thing; and the

tongue another; a practised man relies on the language of the first。

If the man is off his centre; the eyes show it。  You can read in the

eyes of your companion; whether your argument hits him; though his

tongue will not confess it。  There is a look by which a man shows he

is going to say a good thing; and a look when he has said it。  Vain

and forgotten are all the fine offers and offices of hospitality; if

there is no holiday in the eye。  How many furtive inclinations avowed

by the eye; though dissembled by the lips!  One comes away from a

company; in which; it may easily happen; he has said nothing; and no

important remark has been addressed to him; and yet; if in sympathy

with the society; he shall not have a sense of this fact; such a

stream of life has been flowing into him; and out from him; through

the eyes。  There are eyes; to be sure; that give no more admission

into the man than blueberries。  Others are liquid and deep;  wells

that a man might fall into;  others are aggressive and devouring;

seem to call out the police; take all too much notice; and require

crowded Broadways; and the security of millions; to protect

individuals against them。  The military eye I meet; now darkly

sparkling under clerical; now under rustic brows。  'Tis the city of

Lacedaemon; 'tis a stack of bayonets。  There are asking eyes;

asserting eyes; prowling eyes; and eyes full of fate;  some of

good; and some of sinister omen。  The alleged power to charm down

insanity; or ferocity in beasts; is a power behind the eye。  It must

be a victory achieved in the will; before it can be signified in the

eye。  'Tis very certain that each man carries in his eye the exact

indication of his rank in the immense scale of men; and we are always

learning to read it。  A complete man should need no auxiliaries to

his personal presence。  Whoever looked on him would consent to his

will; being certified that his aims were generous and universal。  The

reason why men do not obey us; is because they see the mud at the

bottom of our eye。

        If the organ of sight is such a vehicle of power; the other

features have their own。  A man finds room in the few square inches

of the face for the traits of all his ancestors; for the expression

of all his history; and his wants。  The sculptor; and Winckelmann;

and Lavater; will tell you how significant a feature is the nose; how

its forms express strength or weakness of will; and good or bad

temper。  The nose of Julius Caesar; of Dante; and of Pitt; suggest

〃the terrors of the beak。〃 What refinement; and what limitations; the

teeth betray!  〃Beware you don't laugh;〃 said the wise mother; 〃for

then you show all your faults。〃

        Balzac left in manuscript a chapter; which he called 〃_Theorie

de la demarche_;〃 in which he says: 〃The look; the voice; the

respiration; and the attitude or walk; are identical。  But; as it has

not been given to man; the power to stand guard; at once; over these

four different simultaneous expressions of his thought; watch that

one which speaks out the truth; and you will know the whole man。〃

        Palaces interest us mainly in the exhibition of manners; which;

in the idle and expensive society dwelling in them; are raised to a

high art。  The maxim of courts is; that manner is power。  A calm and

resolute bearing; a polished speech; an embellishment of trifles; and

the art of hiding all uncomfortable feeling; are essential to the

courtier: and Saint Simon; and Cardinal de Retz; and R;oederer; and

an encyclopaedia of _Memoires_; will instruct you; if you wish; in

those potent secrets。  Thus; it is a point of pride with kings; to

remember faces and names。  It is reported of one prince; that his

head had the air of leaning downwards; in order not to humble the

crowd。  There are people who come in ever like a child with a piece

of good news。  It was said of the late Lord Holland; that he always

came down to breakfast with the air of a man who had just met with

some signal good…fortune。  In 〃_Notre Dame_;〃 the grandee took his

place on the dais; with the look of one who is thinking of something

else。  But we must not peep and eavesdrop at palace…doors。

        Fine manners need the support of fine manners in others。  A

scholar may be a well…bred man; or he may not。  The enthusiast is

introduced to polished scholars in society; and is chilled and

silenced by finding himself not in their element。  They all have

somewhat which he has not; and; it seems; ought to have。  But if he

finds the scholar apart from his companions; it is then the

enthusiast's turn; and the scholar has no defence; but must deal on

his terms。  Now they must fight the battle out on their private

strengths。  What is the talent of that character so common;  the

successful man of the world;  in all marts; senates; and

drawing…rooms?  Manners: manners of power; sense to see his

advantage; and manners up to it。  See him approach his man。  He knows

that troops behave as they are handled at first;  that is his cheap

secret; just what happens to every two persons who meet on any

affair;  one instantly perceives that he has the key of the

situation; that his will comprehends the other's will; as the cat

does the mouse; and he has only to use courtesy; and furnish

good…natured reasons to his victim to cover up the chain; lest he be

shamed into resistance。

        The theatre in which this science of manners has a formal

importance is not with us a court; but dress…circles; wherein; after

the close of the day's business; men and women meet at leisure; for

mutual entertainment; in ornamented drawing…rooms。  Of course; it has

every variety of attraction and merit; but; to earnest persons; to

youths or maidens who have great objects at heart; we cannot extol it

highly。  A well…dressed; talkative company; where each is bent to

amuse the other;  yet the high…born Turk who came hither fancied

that every woman seemed to be suffering for a chair; that all the

talkers were brained and exhausted by the deoxygenated air: it

spoiled the best persons: it put all on stilts。  Yet here are the

secret biographies wri
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