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mark twain, a biography, 1900-1907-第49章

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volume。  Then he said:

〃There ought to be a room in this house to swear in。  It's dangerous to
have to repress an emotion like that。〃

A moment later; when Miss Hobby returned; he was serene and happy again。 
He was usually gentle during the dictations; and patient with those
around himremarkably so; I thought; as a rule。  But there were moments
that involved risk。  He had requested me to interrupt his dictation at
any time that I found him repeating or contradicting himself; or
misstating some fact known to me。  At first I hesitated to do this; and
cautiously mentioned the matter when he had finished。  Then he was likely
to say:

〃Why didn't you stop me?  Why did you let me go on making a jackass of
myself when you could have saved me?〃

So then I used to take the risk of getting struck by lightning; and
nearly always stopped him at the time。  But if it happened that I upset
his thought the thunderbolt was apt to fly。  He would say:

〃Now you've knocked everything out of my head。〃

Then; of course; I would apologize and say I was sorry; which would
rectify matters; though half an hour later it might happen again。  I
became lightning…proof at last; also I learned better to select the
psychological moment for the correction。

There was a humorous complexion to the dictations which perhaps I have
not conveyed to the reader at all; humor was his natural breath and life;
and was not wholly absent in his most somber intervals。

But poetry was there as well。  His presence was full of it: the grandeur
of his figure; the grace of his movement; the music of his measured
speech。  Sometimes there were long pauses when he was wandering in
distant valleys of thought and did not speak at all。  At such times he
had a habit of folding and refolding the sleeve of his dressing…gown
around his wrist; regarding it intently; as it seemed。  His hands were so
fair and shapely; the palms and finger…tips as pink as those of a child。 
Then when he spoke he was likely to fling back his great; white mane; his
eyes half closed yet showing a gleam of fire between the lids; his
clenched fist lifted; or his index…finger pointing; to give force and
meaning to his words。  I cannot recall the picture too often; or remind
myself too frequently how precious it was to be there; and to see him and
to hear him。  I do not know why I have not said before that he smoked
continually during these dictationsprobably as an aid to thought
though he smoked at most other times; for that matter。  His cigars were
of that delicious fragrance which characterizes domestic tobacco; but I
had learned early to take refuge in another brand when he offered me one。 
They were black and strong and inexpensive; and it was only his early
training in the printing…office and on the river that had seasoned him to
tobacco of that temper。  Rich; admiring friends used to send him
quantities of expensive imported cigars; but he seldom touched them; and
they crumbled away or were smoked by visitors。  Once; to a minister who
proposed to send him something very special; he wrote:

     I should accept your hospitable offer at once but for the fact that
     I couldn't do it and remain honest。  That is to say; if I allowed
     you to send me what you believed to be good cigars it would
     distinctly mean that I meant to smoke them; whereas I should do
     nothing of the kind。  I know a good cigar better than you do; for I
     have had 60 years' experience。

     No; that is not what I mean; I mean I know a bad cigar better than
     anybody else。  I judge by the price only; if it costs above 5 cents
     I know it to be either foreign or half foreign & unsmokableby me。 
     I have many boxes of Havana cigars; of all prices from 20 cents
     apiece up to 1。66 apiece; I bought none of them; they were all
     presents; they are an accumulation of several years。  I have never
     smoked one of them & never shall; I work them off on the visitor。 
     You shall have a chance when you come。

He smoked a pipe a good deal; and he preferred it to be old and violent;
and once; when he had bought a new; expensive English brier…root he
regarded it doubtfully for a time; and then handed it over to me; saying:

〃I'd like to have you smoke that a year or two; and when it gets so you
can't stand it; maybe it will suit me。〃

I am happy to add that subsequently he presented me with the pipe
altogether; for it apparently never seemed to get qualified for his
taste; perhaps because the tobacco used was too mild。

One day; after the dictation; word was brought up that a newspaper man
was down…stairs who wished to see him concerning a report that Chauncey
Depew was to resign his Senatorial seat and Mark Twain was to be
nominated in his place。  The fancy of this appealed to him; and the
reporter was allowed to come up。  He was a young man; and seemed rather
nervous; and did not wish to state where the report had originated。  His
chief anxiety was apparently to have Mark Twain's comment on the matter。 
Clemens said very little at the time。  He did not wish to be a Senator;
he was too busy just now dictating biography; and added that he didn't
think he would care for the job; anyway。  When the reporter was gone;
however; certain humorous possibilities developed。  The Senatorship would
be a stepping…stone to the Presidency; and with the combination of
humorist; socialist; and peace…patriot in the Presidential chair the
nation could expect an interesting time。  Nothing further came of the
matter。  There was no such report。  The young newspaper man had invented
the whole idea to get a 〃story〃 out of Mark Twain。  The item as printed
next day invited a good deal of comment; and Collier's Weekly made it a
text for an editorial on his mental vigor and general fitness for the

If it happened that he had no particular engagement for the afternoon; he
liked to walk out; especially when the pleasant weather came。  Sometimes
we walked up Fifth Avenue; and I must admit that for a good while I could
not get rid of a feeling of self…consciousness; for most people turned to
look; though I was fully aware that I did not in the least come into
their scope of vision。  They saw only Mark Twain。  The feeling was a more
comfortably one at The Players; where we sometimes went for luncheon; for
the acquaintance there and the democracy of that institution had a
tendency to eliminate contrasts and incongruities。  We sat at the Round
Table among those good fellows who were always so glad to welcome him。

Once we went to the 〃Music Master;〃 that tender play of Charles Klein's;
given by that matchless interpreter; David Warfield。  Clemens was
fascinated; and said more than once:

〃It is as permanent as 'Rip Van Winkle。' Warfield; like Jefferson; can go
on playing it all his life。〃

We went behind when it was over; and I could see that Warfield glowed
with Mark Twain's unstinted approval。  Later; when I saw him at The
Players; he declared that no former compliment had ever made him so

There were some billiard games going on between the champions Hoppe and
Sutton; at the Madison Square Garden; and Clemens; wi
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