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mark twain, a biography, 1900-1907-第20章

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     him in good part; nor yet to a time when he did not pay them back
     with usury when his turn came。  The last speech he made was at my
     birthday dinner at the end of November; when naturally I was his
     text; my last word to him was in a letter the next day; a day later
     I was illustrating a fantastic article on art with his portrait
     among othersa portrait now to be laid reverently away among the
     jests that begin in humor and end in pathos。  These things happened
     only eight days ago; and now he is gone from us; and the nation is
     speaking of him as one who was。  It seems incredible; impossible。 
     Such a man; such a friend; seems to us a permanent possession; his
     vanishing from our midst is unthinkable; as was the vanishing of the
     Campanile; that had stood for a thousand years and was turned to
     dust in a moment。

The appreciation closes:

     I have only wished to say how fine and beautiful was his life and
     character; and to take him by the hand and say good…by; as to a
     fortunate friend who has done well his work and gees a pleasant



The North American Review for December (1902) contained an instalment of
the Christian Science series which Mark Twain had written in Vienna
several years before。  He had renewed his interest in the doctrine; and
his admiration for Mrs。 Eddy's peculiar abilities and his antagonism
toward her had augmented in the mean time。  Howells refers to the 〃mighty
moment when Clemens was building his engines of war for the destruction
of Christian Science; which superstition nobody; and he least of all;
expected to destroy〃:

     He believed that as a religious machine the Christian Science Church
     was as perfect as the Roman Church; and destined to be more
     formidable in its control of the minds of men 。  。  。  。

     An interesting phase of his psychology in this business was not。 
     only his admiration for the masterly policy of the Christian Science
     hierarchy; but his willingness to allow the miracles of its healers
     to be tried on his friends and family if they wished it。  He had a
     tender heart for the whole generation of empirics; as well as the
     newer sorts of scienticians; but he seemed to base his faith in them
     largely upon the failure of the regulars; rather than upon their own
     successes; which also he believed in。  He was recurrently; but not
     insistently; desirous that you should try their strange magics when
     you were going to try the familiar medicines。

Clemens never had any quarrel with the theory of Christian Science or
mental healing; or with any of the empiric practices。  He acknowledged
good in all of them; and he welcomed most of them in preference to
materia medica。  It is true that his animosity for the founder of the
Christian Science cult sometimes seems to lap over and fringe the
religion itself; but this is apparent rather than real。  Furthermore; he
frequently expressed a deep obligation which humanity owed to the founder
of the faith; in that she had organized a healing element ignorantly and
indifferently employed hitherto。  His quarrel with Mrs。 Eddy lay in the
belief that she herself; as he expressed it; was 〃a very unsound
Christian Scientist。〃

     I believe she has a serious maladyself…edificationand that it
     will be well to have one of the experts demonstrate over her。  'But
     he added': Closely examined; painstakingly studied; she is easily
     the most interesting person on the planet; and in several ways as
     easily the most extraordinary woman that was ever born upon it。

Necessarily; the forces of Christian Science were aroused by these
articles; and there were various replies; among them; one by the founder
herself; a moderate rejoinder in her usual literary form。

     〃Mrs。 Eddy in Error;〃 in the North American Review for April; 1903;
     completed what Clemens had to say on the matter for this time。

He was putting together a book on the subject; comprised of his various
published papers and some added chapters。  It would not be a large
volume; and he offered to let his Christian Science opponents share it
with him; stating their side of the case。  Mr。 William D。  McCrackan; one
of the church's chief advocates; was among those invited to participate。 
McCrackan and Clemens; from having begun as enemies; had become quite
friendly; and had discussed their differences face to face at
considerable length。  Early in the controversy Clemens one night wrote
McCrackan a pretty savage letter。  He threw it on the hall table for
mailing; but later got out of bed and slipped down…stairs to get it。  It
was too latethe letters had been gathered up and mailed。  Next evening
a truly Christian note came from McCrackan; returning the hasty letter;
which he said he was sure the writer would wish to recall。  Their
friendship began there。  For some reason; however; the collaborated
volume did not materialize。  In the end; publication was delayed a number
of years; by which time Clemens's active interest was a good deal
modified; though the practice itself never failed to invite his

Howells refers to his anti…Christian Science rages; which began with the
postponement of the book; and these Clemens vented at the time in another
manuscript entitled; 〃Eddypus;〃 an imaginary history of a thousand years
hence; when Eddyism should rule the world。  By that day its founder would
have become a deity; and the calendar would be changed to accord with her
birth。  It was not publishable matter; and really never intended as such。 
It was just one of the things which Mark Twain wrote to relieve mental



The Christmas number of Harper's Magazine for 1902 contained the story;
〃Was it Heaven? or Hell?〃 and it immediately brought a flood of letters
to its author from grateful readers on both sides of the ocean。  An
Englishman wrote: 〃I want to thank you for writing so pathetic and so
profoundly true a story〃; and an American declared it to be the best
short story ever written。  Another letter said:

     I have learned to love those maiden liarslove and weep over them
     then put them beside Dante's Beatrice in Paradise。

There were plenty of such letters; but there was one of a different sort。 
It was a letter from a man who had but recently gone through almost
precisely the experience narrated in the tale。  His dead daughter had
even borne the same nameHelen。  She had died of typhus while her mother
was prostrated with the same malady; and the deception had been
maintained in precisely the same way; even to the fictitiously written
letters。  Clemens replied to this letter; acknowledging the striking
nature of the coincidence it related; and added that; had he invented the
story; he would have believed it a case of mental telegraphy。

     I was merely telling a true story just as it had been told to me by
     one who well knew the mother and the daughter & all the beautiful &
     pathetic details。  I was living in the house where i
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