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twice-told tales- the celestial railroad-第1章

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                                TWICE…TOLD TALES

                             THE CELESTIAL RAILROAD

                             by Nathaniel Hawthorne

   NOT A GREAT WHILE AGO; passing through the gate of dreams; I

visited that region of the earth in which lies the famous city of

Destruction。 It interested me much to learn that; by the public spirit

of some of the inhabitants; a railroad has recently been established

between this populous and flourishing town; and the Celestial City。

Having a little time upon my hands; I resolved to gratify a liberal

curiosity to make a trip thither。 Accordingly; one fine morning; after

paying my bill at the hotel; and directing the porter to stow my

luggage behind a coach; I took my seat in the vehicle and set out

for the Station… house。 It was my good fortune to enjoy the company of

a gentleman… one Mr。 Smooth…it…away… who; though he had never actually

visited the Celestial City; yet seemed as well acquainted with its

laws; customs; policy; and statistics; as with those of the city of

Destruction; of which he was a native townsman。 Being; moreover; a

Director of the railroad corporation; and one of its largest

stockholders; he had it in his power to give me all desirable

information respecting that praiseworthy enterprise。

   Our coach rattled out of the city; and; at a short distance from

its outskirts; passed over a bridge; of elegant construction; but

somewhat too slight; as I imagined; to sustain any considerable

weight。 On both sides lay an extensive quagmire; which could not

have been more disagreeable either to sight or smell; had all the

kennels of the earth emptied their pollution there。

   〃This;〃 remarked Mr。 Smooth…it…away; 〃is the famous Slough of

Despond… a disgrace to all the neighborhood; and the greater; that

it might so easily be converted into firm ground。〃

   〃I have understood; said I; 〃that efforts have been made for that

purpose; from time immemorial。 Bunyan mentions that above twenty

thousand cart…loads of wholesome instructions had been thrown in here;

without effect。〃

   〃Very probably! and what effect could be anticipated from such

unsubstantial stuff?〃 cried Mr。 Smooth…it…away。 〃You observe this

convenient bridge。 We obtained a sufficient foundation for it by

throwing into the Slough some editions of books of morality; volumes

of French philosophy and German rationalism; tracts; sermons; and

essays of modern clergymen; extracts from Plato; Confucius; and

various Hindoo sages; together with a few ingenious commentaries

upon texts of Scripture… all of which; by some scientific process;

have been converted into a mass like granite。 The whole bog might be

filled up with similar matter。〃

   It really seemed to me; however; that the bridge vibrated and

heaved up and down in a very formidable manner; and; spite of Mr。

Smooth…it…away's testimony to the solidity of its foundation; I should

be loth to cross it in a crowded omnibus; especially; if each

passenger were encumbered with as heavy luggage as that gentleman

and myself。 Nevertheless; we got over without accident; and soon found

ourselves at the Station…house。 This very neat and spacious edifice is

erected on the site of the little Wicket…Gate; which formerly; as

all old pilgrims will recollect; stood directly across the highway;

and; by its inconvenient narrowness; was a great obstruction to the

traveller of liberal mind and expansive stomach。 The reader of John

Bunyan will be glad to know; that Christian's old friend Evangelist;

who was accustomed to supply each pilgrim with a mystic roll; now

presides at the ticket office。 Some malicious persons; it is true;

deny the identity of this reputable character with the Evangelist of

old times; and even pretend to bring competent evidence of an

imposture。 Without involving myself in a dispute; I shall merely

observe; that; so far as my experience goes; the square pieces of

pasteboard; now delivered to passengers; are much more convenient

and useful along the road; than the antique roll of parchment。 Whether

they will be as readily received at the gate of the Celestial City;

I decline giving an opinion。

   A large number of passengers were already at the Station…house;

awaiting the departure of the cars。 By the aspect and demeanor of

these persons; it was easy to judge that the feelings of the community

had undergone a very favorable change; in reference to the celestial

pilgrimage。 It would have done Bunyan's heart good to see it。

Instead of a lonely and ragged man; with a huge burthen on his back;

plodding along sorrowfully on foot; while the whole city hooted

after him; here were parties of the first gentry and most

respectable people in the neighborhood; setting forth towards the

Celestial City; as cheerfully as if the pilgrimage were merely a

summer tour。 Among the gentlemen were characters of deserved eminence;

magistrates; politicians; and men of wealth; by whose example religion

could not but be greatly recommended to their meaner brethren。 In

the ladies' apartment; too; I rejoiced to distinguish some of those

flowers of fashionable society; who are so well fitted to adorn the

most elevated circles of the Celestial City。 There was much pleasant

conversation about the news of the day; topics of business;

politics; or the lighter matters of amusement; while religion;

though indubitably the main thing at heart; was thrown tastefully into

the back…ground。 Even an infidel would have heard little or nothing to

shock his sensibility。

   One great convenience of the new method of going on pilgrimage; I

must not forget to mention。 Our enormous burthens; instead of being

carried on our shoulders; as had been the custom of old; were all

snugly deposited in the baggage…car; and; as I was assured; would be

delivered to their respective owners at the journey's end。 Another

thing; likewise; the benevolent reader will be delighted to

understand。 It may be remembered that there was an ancient feud

between Prince Beelzebub and the keeper of the Wicket…Gate; and that

the adherents of the former distinguished personage were accustomed to

shoot deadly arrows at honest pilgrims; while knocking at the door。

This dispute; much to the credit as well of the illustrious

potentate above…mentioned; as of the worthy and enlightened

Directors of the railroad; has been pacifically arranged; on the

principle of mutual compromise。 The Prince's subjects are now pretty

numerously employed about the Station…house; some in taking care of

the baggage; others in collecting fuel; feeding the engines; and

such congenial occupations; and I can conscientiously affirm; that

persons more attentive to their business; more willing to accommodate;

or more generally agreeable to the passengers; are not to be found

on any railroad。 Every good heart must surely exult at so satisfactory

an arrangement of an immemorial difficulty。

   〃Where is Mr。 Great…heart?〃 inquired I。 〃Beyond a doubt; the

Directors have engaged that famous old champion to be chief

conductor on the railroad?〃

   〃Why; no;〃 said Mr
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