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2 new moon新月-第65章

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He reached over and took my hand。 His skin was blazing on mine。 

〃Is that one of those wolf things?〃 I asked him。 〃The heat; I mean。〃 

〃Yeah。 We run a little warmer than the normal people。 About one…oh…eight; one…oh…nine。 I never get cold 
anymore。 I could stand like this〃—he gestured to his bare torso—〃in a snowstorm and it wouldn't bother 
me。 The flakes would turn to rain where I stood。〃 

〃And you all heal fast—that's a wolf thing; too?〃 

〃Yeah; wanna see? It's pretty cool。〃 His eyes flipped open and he grinned。 He reached around me to the 
glove compartment and dug around for a minute。 His hand came out with a pocketknife。 

〃No; I do not want to see!〃 I shouted as soon as I realized what he was thinking。 〃Put that away!〃 

Jacob chuckled; but shoved the knife back where it belonged。 〃Fine。 It's a good thing we heal; though。 
You can't go see just any doctor when you're running a temperature that should mean you're dead。〃 

〃No; I guess not。〃 I thought about that for a minute。 〃… And being so big—that's part of it? Is that why 
you're all worried about Quil?〃 

〃That and the fact that Quil's grandfather says the kid could fry an egg on his forehead。〃 Jacob's face 
turned hopeless。 〃It won't be long now。 There's no exact age… it just builds and builds and then 
suddenly—〃 He broke off; and it was a moment before he could speak again。 〃Sometimes; if you get 
really upset or something; that can trigger it early。 But I wasn't upset about anything—I was happy。〃 He 
laughed bitterly。 〃Because of you; mostly。 That's why it didn't happen to me sooner。 Instead it just kept 
on building up inside me—I was like a time bomb。 You know what set me off? I got back from that 
movie and Billy said I looked weird。 That was all; but I just snapped。 And then I—I exploded。 I almost 
ripped his face off—my own father!〃 He shuddered; and his face paled。 

〃Is it really bad; Jake?〃 I asked anxiously; wishing I had some way to help him。 〃Are you miserable?〃 

〃No; I'm not miserable;〃 he told me。 〃Not anymore。 Not now that you know。 That was hard; before。〃 He 
leaned over so that his cheek was resting on top of my head。 

He was quiet for a moment; and I wondered what he was thinking about。 Maybe I didn't want to know。 

〃What's the hardest part?〃 I whispered; still wishing I could help。 

〃The hardest part is feeling… out of control;〃 he said slowly。 〃Feeling like I can't be sure of myself—like 
maybe you shouldn't be around me; like maybe nobody should。 Like I'm a monster who might hurt 
somebody。 You've seen Emily。 Sam lost control of his temper for just one second… and she was 
standing too close。 And now there's nothing he can ever do to put it right again。 I hear his thoughts—I 
know what that feels like… 

〃Who wants to be a nightmare; a monster? 

〃And then; the way it comes so easily to me; the way I'm better at it than the rest of them—does that 
make me even less human than Enbry or Sam? Sometimes I'm afraid that I'm losing myself。〃 

〃Is it hard? To find yourself again?〃 

〃At first;〃 he said。 〃It takes some practice to phase back and forth。 But it's easier tor me。〃 

〃Why?〃 I wondered。 

〃Because Ephraim Black was my father's grandfather; and Quil Ateara was my mother's grandfather。〃 

〃Quil?〃 I asked in confusion。 

〃His great…grandfather;〃 Jacob clarified。 〃The Quil you know is my second cousin。〃 

〃But why does it matter who your great…grandfathers are?〃 

〃Because Ephraim and Quil were in the last pack。 Levi Uley was the third。 It's in my blood on both sides。 
I never had a chance。 Like Quil doesn't have a chance。〃 

His expression was bleak。 

〃What's the very best part?〃 I asked; hoping to cheer him up。 

〃The best part;〃 he said; suddenly smiling again; 〃is the speed。〃 

〃Better than the motorcycles?〃 

He nodded; enthusiastic。 〃There's no comparison。〃 

〃How fast can you… ?〃 

〃Run?〃 he finished my question。 〃Fast enough。 What can I measure it by? We caught… what was his 
name? Laurent? I imagine that means more to you than it would to someone else。〃 

It did mean something to me。 I couldn't imagine that—the wolves running faster than a vampire。 When the 
Cullens ran; they all but turned invisible with speed。 

〃So; tell me something I don't know;〃 he said。 〃Something about vampires。 How did you stand it; being 
around them? Didn't it creep you out?〃 

〃No;〃 I said curtly。 

My tone made him thoughtful for a moment。 

〃Say; why'd your bloodsucker kill that James; anyway?〃 he asked suddenly。 

〃James was trying to kill me—it was like a game for him。 He lost。 Do you remember last spring when I 
was in the hospital down in Phoenix?〃 

Jacob sucked in a breath。 〃He got that close?〃 

〃He got very; very close。〃 I stroked my scar。 Jacob noticed; because he held the hand I moved。 

〃What's that?〃 He traded hands; examining my right。 〃This is your funny scar; the cold one。〃 He looked at 
it closer; with new eyes; and gasped。 

〃Yes; it's what you think it is;〃 I said。 〃James bit me。〃 

His eyes bulged; and his face turned a strange; sallow color under the russet surface。 He looked like he 
was about to be sick。 

〃But if he bit you… ? Shouldn't you be… ?〃 He choked。 

〃Edward saved me twice;〃 I whispered。 〃He sucked the venom out—you know; like with a rattlesnake。〃 
I twitched as the pain lashed around the edges of the hole。 

But I wasn't the only one twitching。 I could feel Jacob's whole body trembling next to mine。 Even the car 

〃Careful; Jake。 Easy。 Ca in down。〃 

〃Yeah;〃 he panted。 〃Calm。〃 He shook his head back and forth quickly。 After a moment; only his hands 
were shaking。 

〃You okay?〃 

〃Yeah; almost。 Tell me something else。 Give me something else to think about。〃 

〃What do you want to know?〃 

〃I don't know。〃 He had his eyes closed; concentrating。 〃The extra stuff I guess。 Did any of the other 
Cullens have… extra talents? Like the mind reading?〃 

I hesitated a second。 This felt like a question he would ask of his spy; not his friend。 But what was the 
point of hiding what I knew? It didn't matter now; and it would help him control himself。 

So I spoke quickly; the image of Emily's ruined face in my mind; and the hair rising on my arms。 I couldn't 
imagine how the russet wolf would fit inside the Rabbit—Jacob would tear the whole garage apart if he 
changed now。 

〃Jasper could… sort of control the emotions of the people around him。 Not in a bad way; just to calm 
someone down; that kind of thing。 It would probably help Paul a lot;〃 I added; teasing weakly。 〃And then 
Alice could see things that were going to happen。 The future; you know; but not absolutely。 The things 
she saw would change when someone changed the path they were on…〃 

Like how she'd seen me dying… and she'd seen me becoming one of them。 Two things that had not 
happened。 And one that never would。 My head started to spin—I couldn't seem to pull in enough oxygen 
from the air。 No lungs。 

Jacob was entirely in control now; very still beside me。 

〃Why do you do that?〃 he asked。 He tugged lightly at one of my arms; which was bound around my 
chest; and then gave up w
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