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2 new moon新月-第62章

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Embry blinked once in surprise 〃Worried? Why?〃 

〃They could hurt each other!〃 

Embry and Jared guffawed。 

〃I hope Paul gets a mouthful of him;〃 Jared said。 〃Teach him a lesson。〃 

I blanched。 

〃Yeah; right!〃 Embry disagreed。 〃Did you see Jake? Even Sam couldn't have phased on the fly like that。 
He saw Paul losing it; and it took him; what; half a second to attack? The boy's got a gift。〃 

〃Paul's been fighting longer。 I'll bet you ten bucks he leaves a mark。〃 

〃You're on。 Jake's a natural。 Paul doesn't have a prayer。〃 

They shook hands; grinning。 

I tried to comfort myself with their lack of concern; but I couldn't drive the brutal image of the fighting 
werewolves from my head。 My stomach churned; sore and empty; my head ached with worry。 

〃Let's go see Emily。 You know she'll have food waiting。〃 Embry looked down at me。 〃Mind giving us a 

〃No problem;〃 I choked。 

Jared raised one eyebrow。 〃Maybe you'd better drive; Embry。 She still looks like she might hurl。〃 

〃Good idea。 Where are the keys?〃 Embry asked me。 


Embry opened the passenger…side door。 〃In you go;〃 he said cheerfully; hauling me up from the ground 
with one hand and stuffing me into my seat。 He appraised the available space。 〃You'll have to ride in the 
back;〃 he told Jared。 

〃That's fine。 I got a weak stomach。 I don't want to be in there when she blows。〃 

〃I bet she's tougher than that。 She runs with vampires。〃 

〃Five bucks?〃 Jared asked。 

〃Done。 I feel guilty; taking your money like this。〃 

Embry got in and started the engine while Jared leapt agilely into the bed。 As soon as his door was 
closed; Embry muttered to me; 〃Don't throw up; okay? I've only got a ten; and if Paul got his teeth into 

〃Okay;〃 I whispered。 

Embry drove us back toward the village。 

〃Hey; how did Jake get around the injunction anyway?〃 

〃The… what?〃 

〃Er; the order。 You know; to not spill the beans。 How did he tell you about this?〃 

〃Oh; that;〃 I said; remembering Jacob trying to choke out the truth to me last night。 〃He didn't。 I guessed 

Embry pursed his lips; looking surprised。 〃Hmm。 S'pose that would work。〃 

〃Where are we going?〃 I asked。 

〃Emily's house。 She's Sam's girlfriend… no; fiancee; now; I guess。 They'll meet us back there after Sam 
gives it to them for what just happened。 And after Paul and Jake scrounge up some new clothes; if Paul 
even has any left。〃 

〃Does Emily know about… ?〃 

〃Yeah。 And hey; don't stare at her。 That bugs Sam。〃 

I frowned at him。 〃Why would I stare?〃 

Embry looked uncomfortable。 〃Like you saw just now; hanging out around werewolves has its risks。〃 He 
changed the subject quickly。 〃Hey; are you okay about the whole thing with the black…haired 
bloodsucker in the meadow? It didn't look like he was a friend of yours; but。 。〃 Embry shrugged。 

〃No; he wasn't my friend。〃 

〃That's good。 We didn't want to start anything; break the treaty; you know。〃 

〃Oh; yeah; Jake told me about the treaty once; a long time ago。 Why would killing Laurent break the 

〃Laurent;〃 he repeated; snorting; like he was amused the vampire had had a name。 〃Well; we were 
technically on Cullen turf。 We're not allowed to attack any of them; the Cullens; at least; off our 
land—unless they break the treaty first。 We didn't know if the black…haired one was a relative of theirs or 
something。 Looked like you knew him。〃 

〃How would they go about breaking the treaty?〃 

〃If they bite a human。 Jake wasn't so keen on the idea of letting it go that far。〃 

〃Oh。 Um; thanks。 I'm glad you didn't wait。〃 

〃Our pleasure。〃 He sounded like he meant that in a literal sense。 

Embry drove past the easternmost house on the highway before turning off onto a narrow dirt road。 
〃Your truck is slow;〃 he noted。 


At the end of the lane was a tiny house that had once been gray。 There was only one narrow window 
beside the weathered blue door; but the window box under it was filled with bright orange and yellow 
marigolds; giving the whole place a cheerful look。 

Embry opened the truck door and inhaled。 〃Mmm; Emily's cooking。〃 

Jared jumped out of the back of the truck and headed for the door; but Embry stopped him with one 
hand on his chest。 He looked at me meaningfully; and cleared his throat。 

〃I don't have my wallet on me;〃 Jared said。 

〃That's okay。 I won't forget。〃 

They climbed up the one step and entered the house without knocking。 I followed timidly after them。 

The front room; like Billy's house; was mostly kitchen。 A young woman with satiny copper skin and long; 
straight; crow…black hair was standing at the counter by the sink; popping big muffins out of a tin and 
placing them on a paper plate。 For one second; I thought the reason Embry had told me not to stare was 
because the girl was so beautiful。 

And then she asked 〃You guys hungry?〃 in a melodic voice; and she turned to face us full on; a smile on 
half of her face。 

The right side of her face was scarred from hairline to chin by three thick; red lines; livid in color though 

they were long healed。 One line pulled down the corner of her dark; almond…shaped right eye; another 
twisted the right side of her mouth into a permanent grimace。 

Thankful for Embry's warning; I quickly turned my eyes to the muffins in her hands。 They smelled 
wonderful—like fresh blueberries。 

〃Oh;〃 Emily said; surprised。 〃Who's this?〃 

I looked up; trying to focus on the left half of her face。 

〃Bella Swan;〃 Jared told her; shrugging。 Apparently; I'd been a topic of conversation before。 〃Who else?〃 

〃Leave it to Jacob to find a way around;〃 Emily murmured。 She stared at me; and neither half of her 
once…beautiful face was friendly。 〃So; you're the vampire girl。〃 

I stiffened。 〃Yes。 Are you the wolf girl?〃 

She laughed; as did Embry and Jared。 The left half of her face warmed。 〃I guess I am。〃 She turned to 
Jared。 〃Where's Sam?〃 

〃Bella; er; surprised Paul this morning。〃 

Emily rolled her good eye。 〃Ah; Paul;〃 she sighed。 〃Do you think they'll be long? I was just about to start 
the eggs。〃 

〃Don't worry;〃 Embry told her。 〃If they're late; we won't let anything go to waste。〃 

Emily chuckled; and then opened the refrigerator。 〃No doubt;〃 she agreed。 〃Bella; are you hungry? Go 
ahead and help yourself to a muffin。〃 

〃Thanks。〃 I took one from the plate and started nibbling around the edges。 It was delicious; and it felt 
good in my tender stomach。 Embry picked up his third and shoved it into his mouth whole。 

〃Save some for your brothers;〃 Emily chastised him; hitting him on the head with a wooden spoon。 The 
word surprised me; but the others thought nothing of it。 

〃Pig;〃 Jared commented。 

I leaned against the counter and watched the three of them banter like a family。 Emily's kitchen was a 
friendly place; bright with white cupboards and pale wooden floorboards。 On the little round table; a 
cracked blue…and…white china pitcher was overflowing with wildflowers。 Embry and Jared seemed 
entirely at ease here。 

Emily was mixing a humongous batch of eggs; several dozen; in a big y
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