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2 new moon新月-第52章

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I'd thought Jake had been healing the hole in me—or at least plugging it up; keeping it from hurting me so 
much。 I'd been wrong。 He'd just been carving out his own hole; so that I was now riddled through like 
Swiss cheese。 I wondered why I didn't crumble into pieces。 

Charlie was waiting on the porch。 As I rolled to a stop; he walked out to meet me。 

〃Billy called。 He said you got in fight with Jake—said you were pretty upset;〃 he explained as he opened 
my door for me。 

Then he looked at my face。 A kind of horrified recognition registered in his expression。 I tried to feel my 
face from the inside out; to know what he was seeing。 My face felt empty and cold; and I realized what it 
would remind him of。 

〃That's not exactly how it happened;〃 I muttered。 

Charlie put his arm around me and helped me out of the car。 He didn't comment on my sodden clothes。 

〃Then what did happen'〃 he asked when we were inside。 He pulled the afghan off the back of the sofa as 
he spoke and wrapped it around my shoulders。 I realized I was shivering still。 

My voice was lifeless。 〃Sam Uley says Jacob can't be my friend anymore。〃 

Charlie shot me a strange look。 〃Who told you that?〃 

〃Jacob;〃 I stated; though that wasn't exactly what he'd said。 It was still true。 

Charlie's eyebrows pulled together。 〃You really think there's something wrong with the Uley kid?〃 

〃I know there is。 Jacob wouldn't tell me what; though。〃 I could hear the water from my clothes dripping 
to the floor and splashing on the linoleum。 〃I'm going to go change。〃 

Charlie was lost in thought。 〃Okay;〃 he said absently。 

I decided to take a shower because I was so cold; but the hot water didn't seem to affect the 
temperature of my skin。 I was still freezing when I gave up and shut the water off。 In the sudden quiet; I 
could hear Charlie talking to someone downstairs。 I wrapped a towel around me; and cracked the 
bathroom door。 

Charlie's voice was angry。 〃I'm not buying that。 It doesn't make any sense。〃 

It was quiet then; and I realized he was on the phone。 A minute passed。 

〃Don't you put this on Bella!〃 Charlie suddenly shouted。 

I jumped。 When he spoke again; his voice was careful and lower。 〃Bella's made it very clear all along that 

she and Jacob were just friends… Well; if that was it; then why didn't you say so at first? No; Billy; I 
think she's right about this… Because I know my daughter; and if she says Jacob was scared before—〃 
He was cut off mid…sentence; and when he answered he was almost shouting again。 

〃What do you mean I don't know my daughter as well as I think I do!〃 He listened for a brief second; 
and his response was almost too low for me to hear。 〃If you think I'm going to remind her about that; then 
you had better think again。 She's only just starting to get over it; and mostly because of Jacob; I think。 If 
whatever Jacob has going on with this Sam character sends her back into that depression; then Jacob is 
going to have to answer to me。 You're my friend; Billy; but this is hurting my family。〃 

There was another break for Billy to respond。 

〃You got that right—those boys set one toe out of line and I'm going to know about it。 We'll be keeping 
an eye on the situation; you can be sure of that。〃 He was no longer Charlie; he was Chief Swan now。 

〃Fine。 Yeah。 Goodbye。〃 The phone slammed into the cradle。 

I tiptoed quickly across the hall into my room。 Charlie was muttering angrily in the kitchen。 

So Billy was going to blame me。 I was leading Jacob on and he'd finally had enough。 

It was strange; for I'd feared that myself; but after the last thing Jacob had said this afternoon; I didn't 
believe it anymore。 There was much more to this than an unrequited crush; and it surprised me that Billy 
would stoop to claiming that。 It made me think that whatever secret they were keeping was bigger than 
I'd been imagining。 At least Charlie was on my side now。 

I put my pajamas on and crawled into bed。 Life seemed dark enough at the moment chat I let myself 
cheat。 The hole—holes now—were already aching; so why not? I pulled out the memory—nor a real 
memory that would hurt too much; but the false memory of Edward's voice in my mind this 
afternoon—and played it over and over in my head until I fell asleep with the tears still streaming calmly 
down my empty face。 

It was a new dream tonight。 Rain was falling and Jacob was walking soundlessly beside me; though 
beneath my feet the ground crunched like dry gravel。 But he wasn't my Jacob; he was the new; bitter; 
graceful Jacob。 The smooth suppleness of his walk reminded me of someone else; and; as I watched; his 
features started to change。 The russet color of his skin leached away; leaving his face pale white like 
bone。 His eyes turned gold; and then crimson; and then back to gold again。 His shorn hair twisted in the 
breeze; turning bronze where the wind touched it。 And his face became so beautiful that it shattered my 
heart。 I reached for him; but he took a step away; raising his hands like a shield。 And then Edward 

I wasn't sure; when I woke in the dark; if I'd just begun crying; or if my tears had run while I slept and 
simply continued now。 I stared at my dark ceiling。 I could feel that it was the middle of the night—I was 
still half…asleep; maybe more than half。 I closed my eyes wearily and prayed for a dreamless sleep。 

That's when I heard the noise that must have wakened me in the first place。 Something sharp scraped 
along the length of my window with a high…pitched squeal; like fingernails against the glass。 


MY EYES FLEW WIDE OPEN WITH FRIGHT; THOUGH I WAS so exhausted and muddled that I 
was not yet positive whether I was awake or asleep。 

Something scratched against my window again with the same thin; high…pitched sound。 

Confused and clumsy with sleep; I stumbled out of my bed and to the window; blinking the lingering tears 
from my eyes on the way。 

A huge; dark shape wobbled erratically on the other side of the glass; lurching toward me like it was 
going to smash right through。 I staggered back; terrified; my throat closing around a scream。 


She'd come for me。 

I was dead。 

Not Charlie; too! 

I choked back the building scream。 I would have to keep quiet through this。 Somehow。 I had to keep 
Charlie from coming to investigate… 

And then a familiar; husky voice called from the dark shape。 

〃Bella!〃 it hissed。 〃Ouch! Damn it; open the window! OUCH!〃 

I needed two seconds to shake off the horror before I could move; but then I hurried to the window and 
shoved the glass out of the way。 The clouds were dimly lit from behind; enough for me to make sense of 
the shapes。 

〃What are you doing?〃 I gasped。 

Jacob was clinging precariously to the top of the spruce that grew in the middle of Charlie's little front 
yard。 His weight had bowed the tree toward the house and he now swung—his legs dangling twenty feet 
above the ground—not a yard away from me。 The thin branches at the tip of the tree scraped against the 
side of the house again with a grating squeal。 

〃I'm trying to keep
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