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2 new moon新月-第44章

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spend a good fifteen minutes studying the little needle on the compass face and the markings on the now 
worn map。 When I was reasonably certain that I was following the right line of the web; I set off into the 

The forest was full of life today; all the little creatures enjoying the momentary dryness。 Somehow; 
though; even with the birds chirping and cawing; the insects buzzing noisily around my head; and the 
occasional scurry of the field mice through the shrubs; the forest seemed creepier today; it reminded me 
of my most recent nightmare。 I knew it was just because I was alone; missing Jacob's carefree whistle 
and the sound of another pair of feet squishing across the damp ground。 

The sense of unease grew stronger the deeper I got into the trees。 Breathing started to get more 
difficult—not because of exertion; but because I was having trouble with the stupid hole in my chest 
again。 I kept my arms tight around my torso and tried to banish the ache from my thoughts。 I almost 
turned around; but I hated to waste the effort I'd already expended。 

The rhythm of my footsteps started to numb my mind and my pain as I trudged on。 My breathing evened 
out eventually; and I was glad I hadn't quit。 I was getting better at this bushwhacking thing; I could tell I 
was faster。 

I didn't realize quite how much more efficiently I was moving。 I thought I'd covered maybe four miles; 
and I wasn't even starting to look around for it yet。 And then; with an abruptness that disoriented me; I 
stepped through a low arch made by two vine maples—pushing past the chest…high ferns—into the 

It was the same place; of that I was instantly sure。 I'd never seen another clearing so symmetrical。 It was 
as perfectly round as if someone had intentionally created the flawless circle; tearing out the trees but 
leaving no evidence of that violence in the waving grass。 To the east; I could hear the stream bubbling 

The place wasn't nearly so stunning without the sunlight; but it was still very beautiful and serene。 It was 
the wrong season for wildflowers; the ground was thick with tall grass that swayed in the light breeze like 

ripples across a lake。 

It was the same place… but it didn't hold what I had been searching for。 

The disappointment was nearly as instantaneous as the recognition。 I sank down right where I was; 
kneeling there at the edge of the clearing; beginning to gasp。 

What was the point of going any farther? Nothing lingered here。 Nothing more than the memories that I 
could have called back whenever I wanted to; if I was ever willing to endure the corresponding 
pain—the pain that had me now; had me cold。 There was nothing special about this place without him。 I 
wasn't exactly sure what I'd hoped to feel here; but the meadow was empty of atmosphere; empty of 
everything; just like everywhere else。 Just like my nightmares。 My head swirled dizzily。 

At least I'd come alone。 I felt a rush of thankfulness as I realized that。 If I'd discovered the meadow with 
Jacob… well; there was no way I could have disguised the abyss I was plunging into now。 How could I 
have explained the way I was fracturing into pieces; the way I had to curl into a ball to keep the empty 
hole from tearing me apart? It was so much better that I didn't have an audience。 

And I wouldn't have to explain to anyone why I was in such a hurry to leave; either。 Jacob would have 
assumed; after going to so much trouble to locate the stupid place; I would want to spend more than a 
few seconds here。 But I was already trying to find the strength to get to my feet again; forcing myself out 
of the ball so that I could escape。 There was too much pain in this empty place to bear—I would crawl 
away if I had to。 

How lucky that I was alone! 

Alone。 I repeated the word with grim satisfaction as I wrenched myself to my feet despite the pain。 At 
precisely that moment; a figure stepped out from the trees to the north; some thirty paces away。 

A dizzying array of emotions shot through me in a second。 The first was surprise; I was far from any trail 
here; and I didn't expect company。 Then; as my eyes focused on the motionless figure; seeing the utter 
stillness; the pallid skin; a rush of piercing hope rocked through me。 I suppressed it viciously; fighting 
against the equally sharp lash of agony as my eyes continued to the face beneath the black hair; the face 
that wasn't the one I wanted to see。 Next was fear; this was not the face I grieved for; but it was close 
enough for me to know that the man facing me was no stray hiker。 

And finally; in the end; recognition。 

〃Laurent!〃 I cried in surprised pleasure。 

It was an irrational response。 I probably should have stopped at fear。 

Laurent had been one of James's coven when we'd first met。 He hadn't been involved with the hunt that 
followed—the hunt where I was the quarry—but that was only because he was afraid; I was protected 
by a bigger coven than his own。 It would have been different if that wasn't the case—he'd had no 
compunctions; at the time; against making a meal of me。 Of course; he must have changed; because he'd 
gone to Alaska to live with the other civilized coven there; the other family that refused to drink human 
blood for ethical reasons。 The other family like… but I couldn't let myself think the name。 

Yes; fear would have made more sense; but all I felt was an overwhelming satisfaction。 The meadow was 
a magic place again。 A darker magic than I'd expected; to be sure; but magic all the same。 Here was the 
connection I'd sought。 The proof; however remote; that—somewhere in the same world where I lived— 
he did exist。 

It was impossible how exactly the same Laurent looked。 I suppose it was very silly and human to expect 
some kind of change in the last year。 But there was something… I couldn't quite put my finger on it。 

〃Bella?〃 he asked; looking more astonished than I felt。 

〃You remember。〃 I smiled。 It was ridiculous that I should be so elated because a vampire knew my 

He grinned。 〃I didn't expect to see you here。〃 He strolled toward me; his expression bemused。 

〃Isn't it the other way around? I do live here。 I thought you'd gone to Alaska。〃 

He stopped about ten paces away; cocking his head to the side。 His face was the most beautiful face I'd 
seen in what felt like an eternity。 I studied his features with a strangely greedy sense of release。 Here was 
someone I didn't have to pretend for—someone who already knew everything I could never say。 

〃You're right;〃 he agreed。 〃I did go to Alaska。 Still; I didn't expect… When I found the Cullen place 
empty; I thought they'd moved on。〃 

〃Oh。〃 I bit my lip as the name set the raw edges of my wound throbbing。 It took me a second to 
compose myself。 Laurent waited with curious eyes。 

〃They did move on;〃 I finally managed to tell him。 

〃Hmm;〃 he murmured。 〃I'm surprised they left you behind。 Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?〃 His eyes 
were innocent of any intended offense。 

I smiled wryly。 〃Something like that。〃 

〃Hmm;〃 he said; thoughtful again。 

At that precise momen
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