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2 new moon新月-第43章

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messages。 There never were any。 

I cheated three times by trying to call him; but the phone lines still weren't working。 

I was in the house much too much; and much too alone。 Without Jacob; and my adrenaline and my 
distractions; everything I'd been repressing started creeping up on me。 The dreams got hard again。 I 
could no longer see the end coming。 Just the horrible nothingness—half the time in the forest; half the time 

in the empty fern sea where the white house no longer existed。 Sometimes Sam Uley was there in the 
forest; watching me again。 I paid him no attention—there was no comfort in his presence; it made me feel 
no less alone。 It didn't stop me from screaming myself awake; night after night。 

The hole in my chest was worse than ever。 I'd thought that I'd been getting it under control; but I found 
myself hunched over; day after day; clutching my sides together and gasping for air。 

I wasn't handling alone well。 

I was relieved beyond measure the morning I woke up—screaming; of course—and remembered that it 
was Saturday。 Today I could call Jacob。 And if the phone lines still weren't working; then I was going to 
La Push。 One way or another; today would be better than the last lonely week。 

I dialed; and then waited without high expectations。 

It caught me off guard when Billy answered on the second ring。 


〃Oh; hey; the phone is working again! Hi; Billy。 It's Bella。 I was just calling to see how Jacob is doing。 Is 
he up for visitors yet? I was thinking about dropping by—〃 

〃I'm sorry; Bella;〃 Billy interrupted; and I wondered if he were watching TV; he sounded distracted。 
〃He's not in。〃 

〃Oh。〃 It took me a second。 〃So he's feeling better then?〃 

〃Yeah;〃 Billy hesitated for an instant too long。 〃Turns out it wasn't mono after all。 Just some other virus。〃 

〃Oh。 So… where is he?〃 

〃He's giving some friends a ride up to Port Angeles—I think they were going to catch a double feature or 
something。 He's gone for the whole day。〃 

〃Well; that's a relief。 I've been so worried。 I'm glad he felt good enough to get out。〃 My voice sounded 
horribly phony as I babbled on。 

Jacob was better; but not well enough to call me。 He was out with friends。 I was sitting home; missing 
him more every hour。 I was lonely; worried; bored… perforated—and now also desolate as I realized 
that the week apart had not had the same effect on him。 

〃Is there anything in particular you wanted?〃 Billy asked politely。 

〃No; not really。〃 

〃Well; I'll tell him that you called;〃 Billy promised。 〃Bye; Bella。〃 

〃Bye;〃 I replied; but he'd already hung up。 

I stood for a moment with the phone still in my hand。 

Jacob must have changed his mind; just like I'd feared。 He was going to take my advice and not waste 
any more time on someone who couldn't return his feelings。 I felt the blood run out of my face。 

〃Something wrong?〃 Charlie asked as he came down the stairs。 

〃No;〃 I lied; hanging up the phone。 〃Billy says Jacob is feeling better。 It wasn't mono。 So that's good。〃 

〃Is he coming here; or are you going there?〃 Charlie asked absentmindedly as he started poking through 
the fridge。 

〃Neither;〃 I admitted。 〃He's going out with some other friends。〃 

The tone of my voice finally caught Charlie's attention。 He looked up at me with sudden alarm; his hands 
frozen around a package of cheese slices。 

〃Isn't it a little early for lunch?〃 I asked as lightly as I could manage; trying to distract him。 

〃No; I'm just packing something to take out to the river…〃 

〃Oh; fishing today?〃 

〃Well; Harry called… and it's not raining。〃 He was creating a stack of food on the counter as he spoke。 
Suddenly he looked up again as if he'd just realized something。 〃Say; did you want me to stay with you; 
since Jake's out?〃 

〃That's okay; Dad;〃 I said; working to sound indifferent。 〃The fish bite better when the weather's nice。〃 

He stared at me; indecision clear on his face。 I knew that he was worrying; afraid to leave me alone; in 
case I got 〃mopey〃 again。 

〃Seriously; Dad。 I think I'll call Jessica;〃 I fibbed quickly。 I'd rather be alone than have him watching me 
all day。 〃We have a Calculus test to study for。 I could use her help。〃 That part was true。 But I'd have to 
make do without it。 

〃That's a good idea。 You've been spending so much time with Jacob; your other friends are going to think 
you've forgotten them。〃 

I smiled and nodded as if I cared what my other friends thought。 

Charlie started to turn; but then spun back with a worried expression。 〃Hey; you'll study here or at Jess's; 

〃Sure; where else?〃 

〃Well; it's just that I want you to be careful to stay out of the woods; like I told you before。〃 

It took me a minute to understand; distracted as I was。 〃More bear trouble?〃 

Charlie nodded; frowning。 〃We've got a missing hiker—the rangers found his camp early this morning; 
but no sign of him。 There were some really big animal prints… of course those could have come later; 
smelling the food… Anyway; they're setting traps for it now。〃 

〃Oh;〃 I said vaguely。 I wasn't really listening to his warnings; I was much more upset by the situation with 
Jacob than by the possibility of being eaten by a bear。 

I was glad that Charlie was in a hurry。 He didn't wait for me to call Jessica; so I didn't have to put on that 
charade。 I went through the motions of gathering my school…books on the kitchen table to pack them in 
my bag; that was probably too much; and if he hadn't been eager to hit the holes; it might have made him 

I was so busy looking busy that the ferociously empty day ahead didn't really crash down on me until 
after I'd watched him drive away。 It only took about two minutes of staring at the silent kitchen phone to 
decide that I wasn't staying home today。 I considered my options。 

I wasn't going to call Jessica。 As far as I could tell; Jessica had crossed over to the dark side。 

I could drive to La Push and get my motorcycle—an appealing thought but for one minor problem: who 
was going to drive me to the emergency room if I needed it afterward? 

Or… I already had our map and compass in the truck。 I was pretty sure I understood the process well 
enough by now that I wouldn't get lost。 Maybe I could eliminate two lines today; putting us ahead of 
schedule for whenever Jacob decided to honor me with his presence again。 I refused to think about how 
long that might be。 Or if it was going to be never。 

I felt a brief twinge of guilt as I realized how Charlie would feel about this; but I ignored it。 I just couldn't 
stay in the house again today。 

A few minutes later I was on the familiar dirt road that led to nowhere in particular。 I had the windows 
rolled down and I drove as fast as was healthy for my truck; trying to enjoy the wind against my face。 It 
was cloudy; but almost dry—a very nice day; for Forks。 

Getting started took me longer than it would have taken Jacob。 After I parked in the usual spot; I had to 
spend a good fifteen minutes studying the little needle on the compass face and the markings on the now 
worn map
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