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2 new moon新月-第31章

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〃Nope。 Not yet。〃 

〃Please let me know when I start getting on your nerves。 I don't want to be a pain。〃 

〃Okay。〃 He laughed; a throaty sound。 〃I wouldn't hold your breath for that; though。〃 

When I walked into the garage; I was shocked to see the red bike standing up; looking like a motorcycle 
rather than a pile of jagged metal。 

〃Jake; you're amazing;〃 I breathed。 

He laughed again。 〃I get obsessive when I have a project。〃 He shrugged。 〃If I had any brains I'd drag it 
out a little bit。〃 


He looked down; pausing for so long that I wondered if he hadn't heard my question。 Finally; he asked 
me; 〃Bella; if I told you that I couldn't fix these bikes; what would you say?〃 

I didn't answer right away; either; and he glanced up to check my expression。 

〃I would say… that's too bad; but I'll bet we could figure out something else to do。 If we got really 
desperate; we could even do homework。〃 

Jacob smiled; and his shoulders relaxed。 He sat down next to the bike and picked up a wrench。 〃So you 
think you'll still come over when I'm done; then?〃 

〃Is that what you meant?〃 I shook my head。 〃I guess I am taking advantage of your very underpriced 
mechanical skills。 But as long as you let me come over; I'll be here。〃 

〃Hoping to see Quil again?〃 he teased。 

〃You caught me。〃 

He chuckled。 〃You really like spending time with me?〃 he asked; marveling。 

〃Very; very much。 And I'll prove it。 I have to work tomorrow; but Wednesday we'll do something 

〃Like what?〃 

〃I have no idea。 We can go to my place so you won't be tempted to be obsessive。 You could bring your 
schoolwork—you have to be getting behind; because I know I am。〃 

〃Homework might be a good idea。〃 He made a face; and I wondered how much he was leaving undone 
to be with me。 

〃Yes;〃 I agreed。 〃We'll have to start being responsible occasionally; or Billy and Charlie aren't going to be 
so easygoing about this。〃 I made a gesture indicating the two of us as a single entity。 He liked that—he 

〃Homework once a week?〃 he proposed。 

〃Maybe we'd better go with twice;〃 I suggested; thinking of the pile I'd just been assigned today。 

He sighed a heavy sigh。 Then he reached over his toolbox to a paper grocery sack。 He pulled out two 
cans of soda; cracking one open and handing it to me。 He opened the second; and held it up 

〃Here's to responsibility;〃 he toasted。 〃Twice a week。〃 

〃And recklessness every day in between;〃 I emphasized。 

He grinned and touched his can to mine。 

I got home later than I'd planned and found Charlie had ordered a pizza rather than wait for me。 He 
wouldn't let me apologize。 

〃I don't mind;〃 he assured me。 〃You deserve a break from all the cooking; anyway。〃 

I knew he was just relieved that I was still acting like a normal person; and he was not about to rock the 

I checked my e…mail before I started on my homework; and there was a long one from Renee。 She 
gushed over every detail I'd provided her with; so I sent back another exhaustive description of my day。 
Everything but the motorcycles。 Even happy…go…lucky Renee was likely to be alarmed by that。 

School Tuesday had its ups and downs。 Angela and Mike seemed ready to welcome me back with open 
arms—to kindly overlook my few months of aberrant behavior。 Jess was more resistant。 I wondered if 
she needed a formal written apology for the Port Angeles incident。 

Mike was animated and chatty at work。 It was like he'd stored up the semester's worth of talk; and it 
was all spilling out now。 I found that I was able to smile and laugh with him; though it wasn't as effortless 
as it was with Jacob。 It seemed harmless enough; until quitting time。 

Mike put the closed sign in the window while I folded my vest and shoved it under the counter。 

〃This was fun tonight;〃 Mike said happily。 

〃Yeah;〃 I agreed; though I'd much rather have spent the afternoon in the garage。 

〃It's too bad that you had to leave the movie early last week。〃 

I was a little confused by his train of thought。 I shrugged。 〃I'm just a wimp; I guess。〃 

〃What I mean is; you should go to a better movie; something you'd enjoy;〃 he explained。 

〃Oh;〃 I muttered; still confused。 

〃Like maybe this Friday。 With me。 We could go see something that isn't scary at all。〃 

I bit my lip。 

I didn't want to screw things up with Mike; not when he was one of the only people ready to forgive me 
for being crazy。 But this; again; felt far too familiar。 Like the last year had never happened。 I wished I had 
Jess as an excuse this time。 

〃Like a date?〃 I asked。 Honesty was probably the best policy at this point。 Get it over with。 

He processed the tone of my voice 〃If you want。 But it doesn't have to be like that。〃 

〃I don't date;〃 I said slowly; realizing how true that was。 That whole world seemed impossibly distant。 

〃Just as friends?〃 he suggested。 His clear blue eyes were not as eager now。 I hoped he really meant that 
we could be friends anyway。 

〃That would be fun。 But I actually have plans already this Friday; so maybe next week?〃 

〃What are you doing?〃 he asked; less casually than I think he wanted to sound。 

〃Homework。 I have a… study session planned with a friend。〃 

〃Oh。 Okay。 Maybe next week。〃 

He walked me to my car; less exuberant than before。 It reminded me so clearly of my first months in 
Forks。 I'd come full circle; and now everything felt like an echo—an empty echo; devoid of the interest it 
used to have。 

The next night; Charlie didn't seem the smallest bit surprised to find Jacob and me sprawled across the 
living room floor with our books scattered around us; so I guessed that he and Billy were talking behind 
our backs。 

〃Hey; kids;〃 he said; his eyes straying to the kitchen。 The smell of the lasagna I'd spent the afternoon 
making—while Jacob watched and occasionally sampled—wafted down the hall; I was being good; 
trying to atone for all the pizza。 

Jacob stayed for dinner; and took a plate home for Billy。 He grudgingly added another year to my 
negotiable age for being a good cook。 

Friday was the garage; and Saturday; after my shift at Newton's; was homework again。 Charlie felt 
secure enough in my sanity to spend the day fishing with Harry。 When he got back; we were all 
done—feeling very sensible and mature about it; too—and watching Monster Garage on the Discovery 

〃I probably ought to go。〃 Jacob sighed。 〃It's later than I thought。〃 

〃Okay; fine;〃 I grumbled。 〃I'll take you home。〃 

He laughed at my unwilling expression—it seemed to please him。 

〃Tomorrow; back to work;〃 I said as soon as we were safe in the truck。 〃What time do you want me to 
come up?〃 

There was an unexplained excitement in his answering smile。 〃I'll call you first; okay?〃 

〃Sure。〃 I frowned to myself; wondering what was up。 His smile widened。 

I cleaned the house the next morning—waiting for Jacob to call and trying to shake off the Litest 
nightmare。 The scenery had changed。 Last night I'd wandered in a wide sea of ferns interspersed with 
huge hemlock trees。 There was nothing else 
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