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2 new moon新月-第15章

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〃If… that's what you want。〃 

He nodded once。 

My whole body went numb。 I couldn't feel anything below the neck。 

〃I would like to ask one favor; though; if that's not too much;〃 he said。 

I wonder what he saw on my face; because something flickered across his own face in response。 But; 
before I could identify it; he'd composed his features into the same serene mask。 

〃Anything;〃 I vowed; my voice faintly stronger。 

As I watched; his frozen eyes melted。 The gold became liquid again; molten; burning down into mine with 
an intensity that was overwhelming。 

〃Don't do anything reckless or stupid;〃 he ordered; no longer detached。 〃Do you understand what I'm 

I nodded helplessly。 

His eyes cooled; the distance returned。 〃I'm thinking of Charlie; of course。 He needs you。 Take care of 
yourself—for him。〃 

I nodded again。 〃I will;〃 I whispered。 

He seemed to relax just a little。 

〃And I'll make you a promise in return;〃 he said。 〃I promise that this will be the last time you'll see me。 I 
won't come back。 I won't put you through anything like this again。 You can go on with your life without 
any more interference from me。 It will be as if I'd never existed。〃 

My knees must have started to shake; because the trees were suddenly wobbling。 I could hear the blood 
pounding faster than normal behind my ears。 His voice sounded farther away。 

He smiled gently。 〃Don't worry。 You're human—your memory is no more than a sieve。 Time heals all 
wounds for your kind。〃 

〃And your memories?〃 I asked。 It sounded like there was something stuck in my throat; like I was 

〃Well〃—he hesitated for a short second—〃I won't forget。 But my kind… we're very easily distracted。〃 
He smiled; the smile was tranquil and it did not touch his eyes。 

He took a step away from me。 〃That's everything; I suppose。 We won't bother you again。〃 

The plural caught my attention。 That surprised me; I would have thought I was beyond noticing anything。 

〃Alice isn't coming back;〃 I realized。 I don't know how he heard me—the words made no sound—but he 
seemed to understand。 

He shook his head slowly; always watching my face。 

〃No。 They're all gone。 I staved behind to tell you goodbye。〃 

〃Alice is gone?〃 My voice was blank with disbelief。 

〃She wanted to say goodbye; but I convinced her that a clean break would be better for you。〃 

I was dizzy; it was hard to concentrate。 His words swirled around in my head; and I heard the doctor at 
the hospital in Phoenix; last spring; as he showed me the X…rays。 You can see it's a clean break; his 
finger traced along the picture of my severed bone。 That's good。 It will heal more easily; more quickly 

I tried to breathe normally。 I needed to concentrate; to find a way out of this nightmare。 

〃Goodbye; Bella;〃 he said in the same quiet; peaceful voice。 

〃Wait!〃 I choked out the word; reaching for him; willing my deadened legs to carry me forward。 

I thought he was reaching for me; too。 But his cold hands locked around my wrists and pinned them to 
my sides。 He leaned down; and pressed his lips very lightly to my forehead for the briefest instant。 My 
eyes closed。 

〃Take care of yourself;〃 he breathed; cool against my skin。 

There was a light; unnatural breeze。 My eyes flashed open。 The leaves on a small vine maple shuddered 
with the gentle wind of his passage。 

He was gone。 

With shaky legs; ignoring the fact that my action was useless; I followed him into the forest。 The evidence 
of his path had disappeared instantly。 There were no footprints; the leaves were still again; but I walked 
forward without thinking。 I could not do anything else。 I had to keep moving。 If I stopped looking for 
him; it was over。 

Love; life; meaning… over。 

I walked and walked。 Time made no sense as I pushed slowly through the thick undergrowth。 It was 
hours passing; but also only seconds。 Maybe it felt like time had frozen because the forest looked the 
same no matter how far I went。 I started to worry that I was traveling in a circle; a very small circle at 
that; but I kept going。 I stumbled often; and; as it grew darker and darker; I fell often; too。 

Finally; I tripped over something—it was black now; I had no idea what caught my foot—and I stayed 
down。 I rolled onto my side; so that I could breathe; and curled up on the wet bracken。 

As I lay there; I had a feeling that more time was passing than I realized。 I couldn't remember how long it 
had been since nightfall。 Was it always so dark here at night? Surely; as a rule; some little bit of moonlight 
would filter down through the clouds; through the chinks in the canopy of trees; and find the ground。 

Not tonight。 Tonight the sky was utterly black。 Perhaps there was no moon tonight—a lunar eclipse; a 
new moon。 

A new moon。 I shivered; though I wasn't cold。 

It was black for a long time before I heard them calling。 

Someone was shouting my name。 It was muted; muffled by the wet growth that surrounded me; but it 
was definitely my name。 I didn't recognize the voice。 I thought about answering; but I was dazed; and it 
took a long time to come to the conclusion that I should answer。 By then; the calling had stopped。 

Sometime later; the rain woke me up。 I don't think I'd really fallen asleep; I was just lost in an unthinking 
stupor; holding with all my strength to the numbness that kept me from realizing what I didn't want to 

The rain bothered me a little。 It was cold。 I unwrapped my arms from around my legs to cover my face。 

It was then that I heard the calling again。 It was farther away this time; and sometimes it sounded like 
several voices were calling at once。 I tried to breathe deeply。 I remembered that I should answer; but I 
didn't think they would be able to hear me。 Would I be able to shout loud enough? 

Suddenly; there was another sound; startlingly close。 A kind of snuffling; an animal sound。 It sounded big。 
I wondered if I should feel afraid。 I didn't—just numb。 It didn't matter。 The snuffling went away。 

The rain continued; and I could feel the water pooling up against my cheek。 I was trying to gather the 
strength to turn my head when I saw the light。 

At first it was just a dim glow reflecting off the bushes in the distance。 It grew brighter and brighter; 
illuminating a large space unlike the focused beam of a flashlight。 The light broke through the closest 
brush; and I could see that it was a propane lantern; but that was all I could see—the brightness blinded 
me for a moment。 


The voice was deep and unfamiliar; but full of recognition。 He wasn't calling my name to search; he was 
acknowledging that I was found。 

I stared up—impossibly high it seemed—at the dark face that I could now see above me。 I was vaguely 
aware that the stranger probably only looked so tall because my head was still on the ground。 

〃Have you been hurt?〃 

I knew the words meant something; but I could only stare; bewildered。 How could the meaning matter at 
this point? 

〃Bella; my name is Sam Uley。〃 

There was nothing familiar about his name。 

〃Charlie sent me to
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