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2 new moon新月-第107章

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inside my eyes。 

I had some serious problems。 

My best friend counted me with his enemies。 

Victoria was still on the loose; putting everyone I loved in danger。 

If I didn't become a vampire soon; the Volturi would kill me。 

And now it seemed that if I did; the Quileute werewolves would try to do the job themselves—along 
with trying to kill my future family。 I didn't think they had any chance really; but would my best friend get 
himself killed in the attempt? 

Very serious problems。 So why did they all suddenly seem insignificant when we broke through the last 
of the trees and I caught sight of the expression on Charlie's purple face? 

Edward squeezed me gently。 〃I'm here。〃 

I drew in a deep breath。 

That was true。 Edward was here; with his arms around me。 

I could face anything as long as that was true。 

I squared my shoulders and walked forward to meet my fate; with my destiny solidly at my side。 


So much love and thanks to my husband and sons for their continuing understanding and sacrifice in 
support of my writing 

At least I'm not the only one to benefit—I in sure many local restaurants are grateful that I don't cook 

Thank you; Mom; for being my best friend and letting me talk your ear off through all the rough spots 
Thanks; also; for being so insanely creative and intelligent; and bequeathing a small portion of both into 
my genetic makeup 

Thanks to all my siblings; Emily; Heidi; Paul; Seth; and Jacob; for letting me borrow your names I hope I 
didn't do anything with them that makes you wish you hadn't 

A special thanks to my brother Paul for the motorcycle riding lesson—you have a true gift for teaching。 

I can't thank my brother Seth enough for all the hard work and genius he put into the creation of 
www。stepheniemeyer I'm so grateful for the effort he continues to expend as my Webmaster 
Check's in the mail; kid 

This time; I mean it 

Thanks again to my brother Jacob for his ongoing expert advice on all my automotive choices 

A big thank you to my agent; Jodi Reamer; for her continued guidance and assistance in my career And 
also for enduring my craziness with a smile when I know she d like to use some of her ninja moves on me 

Love; kisses; and gratitude to my publicist; the beautiful Elizabeth Eulberg; for making my touring 
experience less a chore and more a pajama party; for aiding and abetting my cyber…stalkery; for 
convincing those exclusive snobs in the EEC (Elizabeth Eulberg Club) to let me in; and; oh yeah; also for 
getting me on the New York Times bestseller's list 

A huge vat of thanks to everyone at Little; Brown and Company for their support and their belief in the 
potential of my stories 

And; finally; thank you to the talented musicians who inspire me; particularly the band Muse—there are 
emotions; scenes; and plot threads in this novel that were born from Muse songs and would not exist 
without their genius 

Also Linkin Park; Travis; Elbow; Coldplay; Marjoric Fair; My Chemical Romance; Brand New; The 
Strokes; Armor for Sleep; The Arcade Fire; and The Fray have all been instrumental in staving off the 

writer's block 


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