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2 new moon新月-第104章

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through the whole conversation。 

〃Sorry about that;〃 I whispered。 

〃It's not as if I don't deserve far worse;〃 he murmured。 〃Don't start anything with Charlie over me; please。 

〃Don't worry about it;〃 I breathed as I gathered up my bathroom things and a set of clean clothes。 〃I will 
start exactly as much as is necessary; and no more than that。 Or are you trying to tell me I have nowhere 
to go?〃 I widened my eyes with false alarm。 

〃You'd move in with a house full of vampires?〃 

〃That's probably the safest place for someone like me。 Besides…〃 I grinned。 〃If Charlie kicks me out; 
then there's no need for a graduation deadline; is there?〃 

His jaw tightened。 〃So eager for eternal damnation;〃 he muttered。 

〃You know you don't really believe that。〃 

〃Oh; don't I?〃 he fumed。 

〃No。 You don't。〃 

He glowered at me and started to speak; but I cut him off。 

〃If you really believed that you'd lost your soul; then when I found you in Volterra; you would have 
realized immediately what was happening; instead of thinking we were both dead together。 But you 
didn't—you said 'Amazing。 Carlisle was right;'〃 I reminded him; triumphant。 〃There's hope in you; after 

For once; Edward was speechless。 

〃So let's both just be hopeful; all right?〃 I suggested。 〃Not that it matters。 If you stay; I don't need 

He got up slowly; and came to put his hands on either side of my face as he stared into my eyes。 
〃Forever;〃 he vowed; still a little staggered。 

〃That's all I'm asking for;〃 I said; and stretched up on my toes so that I could press my lips to his。 


time than I would have believed possible。 The hospital welcomed Carlisle back with eager arms; not even 
bothering to conceal their delight that Esme had found life in L。A。 so little to her liking。 Thanks to the 
Calculus test I'd missed while abroad; Alice and Edward were in better to shape to graduate than I was 
at the moment。 Suddenly; college was a priority (college was still plan B; on the off chance that Edward's 
offer swayed me from the post…graduation Carlisle option)。 Many deadlines had passed me by; but 
Edward had a new stack of applications for me to fill out every day。 He'd already done the Harvard 
route; so it didn't bother him that; thanks to my procrastination; we might both end up at Peninsula 
Community College next year。 

Charlie was not happy with me; or speaking to Edward。 But at least Edward was allowed—during my 
designated visiting hours—inside the house again。 I just wasn't allowed out of it。 

School and work were the only exceptions; and the dreary; dull yellow walls of my classrooms had 
become oddly inviting to me of late。 That had a lot to do with the person who sat in the desk beside me。 

Edward had resumed his schedule from the beginning of the year; which put him in most of my classes 
again。 My behavior had been such last fall; after the Cullens' supposed move to L。A。; that the seat beside 
me had never been filled。 Even Mike; always eager to take any advantage; had kept a safe distance。 
With Edward back in place; it was almost as if the last eight months were just a disturbing nightmare。 

Almost; but not quite。 There was the house arrest situation; for one thing。 And for another; before the fall; 
I hadn't been best friends with Jacob Black。 So; of course; I hadn't missed him then。 

I wasn't at liberty to go to La Push; and Jacob wasn't coming to see me。 He wouldn't even answer my 
phone calls。 

I made these calls mostly at night; after Edward had been kicked out—promptly at nine by a grimly 
gleeful Charlie—and before Edward snuck back through my window when Charlie was asleep。 I chose 
that time to make my fruitless calls because I'd noticed that Edward made a certain face every time I 
mentioned Jacob's name。 Sort of disapproving and wary… maybe even angry。 I guessed that he had 

some reciprocal prejudice against the werewolves; though he wasn't as vocal as Jacob had been about 
the 〃bloodsuckers。〃 

So; I didn't mention Jacob much。 

With Edward near me; it was hard to think about unhappy things—even my former besi fnend; who was 
probably very unhappy right now; due to me。 When I did think of Jake; I always felt guilty for not 
thinking of him more。 

The fairy tale was back on。 Prince returned; bad spell broken。 I wasn't sure exactly what to do about the 
leftover; unresolved character。 Where was his happily ever after? 

Weeks passed; and Jacob still wouldn't answer my calls。 It started to become a constant worry。 Like a 
dripping faucet in the back of my head that I couldn't shut off or ignore。 Drip; drip; drip。 Jacob; Jacob; 

So; though I didn't mention Jacob much; sometimes my frustration and anxiety boiled over。 

〃It's just plain rude!〃 I vented one Saturday afternoon when Edward picked me up from work。 Being 
angry about things was easier than feeling guilty。 〃Downright insulting!〃 

I'd varied my pattern; in hopes of a different response。 I'd called Jake from work this time; only to get an 

〃Billy said he didn't want to talk to me;〃 I fumed; glaring at the rain oozing down the passenger window。 

〃That he was there; and wouldn't walk three steps to get to the phone! Usually Billy just says he's out or 
busy or sleeping or something。 I mean; it's not like I didn't know he was lying to me; but at least it was a 
polite way to handle it。 I guess Billy hates me now; too。 It's not fair!〃 

〃It's not you; Bella;〃 Edward said quietly。 〃Nobody hates you。〃 

〃Feels that way;〃 I muttered; folding my arms across my chest。 It was no more than a stubborn gesture。 
There was no hole there now—I could barely remember the empty feeling anymore。 

〃Jacob knows we're back; and I'm sure that he's ascertained that I'm with you;〃 Edward said。 〃He won't 
come anywhere near me。 The enmity is rooted too deeply。〃 

〃That's stupid。 He knows you're not… like other vampires。〃 

〃There's still good reason to keep a safe distance。〃 

I glared blindly out the windshield; seeing only Jacob's face; set in the bitter mask I hated。 

〃Bella; we are what we are;〃 Edward said quietly。 〃I can control myself; but I doubt he can。 He's very 
young。 It would most likely turn into a fight; and I don't know if I could stop it before I k—〃 he broke off; 
and then quickly continued。 〃Before I hurt him。 You would be unhappy。 I don't want that to happen。〃 

I remembered what Jacob had said in the kitchen; hearing the words with perfect recall in his husky 
voice。 I'm not sure that I'm even…tempered enough to handle that… You probably wouldn't like it 
so much if I killed your friend。 But he'd been able to handle it; that time… 

〃Edward Cullen;〃 I whispered。 〃Were you about to say 'killed him? Were you?〃 

He looked away from me; staring into the rain。 In front of us; the red light I hadn't noticed turned green 

and he started forward again; driving very slowly。 Not his usual way of driving。 

〃I would try… very hard… not to do that;〃 Edward finally said。 

I stared at him wit
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