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01-the $30,000 bequest-第10章

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somewhere there is release and forgetfulness; somewhere there

is a grave and peace; be patient; it will not be long。〃

They lived yet two years; in mental night; always brooding;

steeped in vague regrets and melancholy dreams; never speaking;

then release came to both on the same day。

Toward the end the darkness lifted from Sally's ruined mind

for a moment; and he said:

〃Vast wealth; acquired by sudden and unwholesome means; is a snare。 

It did us no good; transient were its feverish pleasures;

yet for its sake we threw away our sweet and simple and happy life

let others take warning by us。〃

He lay silent awhile; with closed eyes; then as the chill of death

crept upward toward his heart; and consciousness was fading from

his brain; he muttered:

〃Money had brought him misery; and he took his revenge upon us;

who had done him no harm。  He had his desire:  with base and cunning

calculation he left us but thirty thousand; knowing we would try

to increase it; and ruin our life and break our hearts。  Without added

expense he could have left us far above desire of increase; far above

the temptation to speculate; and a kinder soul would have done it;

but in him was no generous spirit; no pity; no〃

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