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the story of doctor dolittle-第9章

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flashhad made themselves into a bridge; just

by holding hands and feet。

And the big one shouted to the Doctor; 〃Walk

over!  Walk overall of youhurry!〃

Gub…Gub was a bit scared; walking on such

a narrow bridge at that dizzy height above the

river。  But he got over all right; and so did all

of them。

John Dolittle was the last to cross。  And just

as he was getting to the other side; the King's

men came rushing up to the edge of the cliff。

Then they shook their fists and yelled with

rage。  For they saw they were too late。  The

Doctor and all his animals were safe in the Land

of the Monkeys and the bridge was pulled across

to the other side。

Then Chee…Chee turned to the Doctor and


〃Many great explorers and gray…bearded

naturalists have lain long weeks hidden in the

jungle waiting to see the monkeys do that trick。

But we never let a white man get a glimpse of it

before。  You are the first to see the famous

‘Bridge of Apes。'〃

And the Doctor felt very pleased。



JOHN DOLITTLE now became dreadfully; awfully busy。

He found hundreds and thousands of monkeys sickgorillas;

orangoutangs; chimpanzees; dog…faced baboons; marmosettes;

gray monkeys; red onesall kinds。  And many had died。

The first thing he did was to separate the

sick ones from the well ones。  Then he got

Chee…Chee and his cousin to build him a little

house of grass。  The next thing: he made all

the monkeys who were still well come and be


And for three days and three nights the

monkeys kept coming from the jungles and the

valleys and the hills to the little house of grass;

where the Doctor sat all day and all night;

vaccinating and vaccinating。

Then he had another house madea big one;

with a lot of beds in it; and he put all the sick

ones in this house。

But so many were sick; there were not enough

well ones to do the nursing。  So he sent

messages to the other animals; like the lions and the

leopards and the antelopes; to come and help

with the nursing。

But the Leader of the Lions was a very proud

creature。  And when he came to the Doctor's

big house full of beds he seemed angry and


〃Do you dare to ask me; Sir?〃 he said; glaring

at the Doctor。  〃Do you dare to ask meME;

THE KING OF BEASTS; to wait on a lot of dirty

monkeys?  Why; I wouldn't even eat them

between meals!〃

Although the lion looked very terrible; the

Doctor tried hard not to seem afraid of him。

〃I didn't ask you to eat them;〃 he said quietly。

〃And besides; they're not dirty。  They've all

had a bath this morning。  YOUR coat looks as

though it needed brushingbadly。  Now

listen; and I'll tell you something: the day may

come when the lions get sick。  And if you don't

help the other animals now; the lions may

find themselves left all alone when THEY are

in trouble。  That often happens to proud people。〃  

〃The lions are never IN troublethey only

MAKE trouble;〃 said the Leader; turning up his

nose。  And he stalked away into the jungle; feeling

he had been rather smart and clever。

Then the leopards got proud too and said

they wouldn't help。  And then of course the

antelopesalthough they were too shy and timid

to be rude to the Doctor like the lionTHEY

pawed the ground; and smiled foolishly; and said

they had never been nurses before。

And now the poor Doctor was worried frantic;

wondering where he could get help enough

to take care of all these thousands of monkeys

in bed。

But the Leader of the Lions; when he got

back to his den; saw his wife; the Queen Lioness;

come running out to meet him with her hair


〃One of the cubs won't eat;〃 she said。  〃I

don't know WHAT to do with him。  He hasn't

taken a thing since last night。〃  

And she began to cry and shake with nervousness

for she was a good mother; even though

she was a lioness。

So the Leader went into his den and looked

at his childrentwo very cunning little cubs;

lying on the floor。  And one of them seemed

quite poorly。

Then the lion told his wife; quite proudly;

just what he had said to the Doctor。  And she got

so angry she nearly drove him out of the den。

〃You never DID have a grain of sense!〃 she

screamed。  〃All the animals from here to the

Indian Ocean are talking about this wonderful

man; and how he can cure any kind of sickness;

and how kind he isthe only man in the whole

world who can talk the language of the animals!

And now; NOWwhen we have a sick baby on

our hands; you must go and offend him!  You

great booby!  Nobody but a fool is ever rude

to a GOOD doctor。  You;〃 and she started pulling

her husband's hair。

〃Go back to that white man at once;〃 she

yelled; 〃and tell him you're sorry。  And take

all the other empty…headed lions with you

and those stupid leopards and antelopes。  Then

do everything the Doctor tells you。  Work

hard!  And perhaps he will be kind enough

to come and see the cub later。  Now be off!

HURRY; I tell you!  You're not fit to be a father!〃

And she went into the den next door; where another

mother…lion lived; and told her all about it。

So the Leader of the Lions went back to the

Doctor and said; 〃I happened to be passing this

way and thought I'd look in。  Got any help yet?〃

〃No;〃 said the Doctor。  〃I haven't。

And I'm dreadfully worried。〃  

〃Help's pretty hard to get these days;〃 said

the lion。  〃Animals don't seem to want to work

any more。  You can't blame themin a way。

。。。Well; seeing you're in difficulties; I don't

mind doing what I canjust to oblige you

so long as I don't have to wash the creatures。

And I have told all the other hunting animals

to come and do their share。  The leopards

should be here any minute now。。。。  Oh; and

by the way; we've got a sick cub at home。  I

don't think there's much the matter with him

myself。  But the wife is anxious。  If you are

around that way this evening; you might take

a look at him; will you?〃

Then the Doctor was very happy; for all the

lions and the leopards and the antelopes and

the giraffes and the zebrasall the animals of

the forests and the mountains and the plains

came to help him in his work。  There were

so many of them that he had to send some away;

and only kept the cleverest。

And now very soon the monkeys began to

get better。  At the end of a week the big house

full of beds was half empty。  And at the end

of the second week the last monkey had got well。

Then the Doctor's work was done; and he

was so tired he went to bed and slept for three

days without even turning over。



CHEE…CHEE stood outside the Doctor's door; keeping everybody

away till he woke up。  Then John Dolittle told the

monkeys that he must now go back to Puddleby。

They were very surprised
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