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the story of doctor dolittle-第6章

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anchor and the voyage began。



NOW for six whole weeks they went sailing on and on; over

the rolling sea; following the swallow who flew before the

ship to show them the way。  At night she carried a tiny

lantern; so they should not miss her in the dark;

and the people on the other ships that passed

said that the light must be a shooting star。

As they sailed further and further into the

South; it got warmer and warmer。  Polynesia;

Chee…Chee and the crocodile enjoyed the hot

sun no end。  They ran about laughing and looking

over the side of the ship to see if they could

see Africa yet。

But the pig and the dog and the owl; Too…

Too; could do nothing in such weather; but

sat at the end of the ship in the shade of a big

barrel; with their tongues hanging out; drinking


Dab…Dab; the duck; used to keep herself cool

by jumping into the sea and swimming behind

the ship。  And every once in a while; when

the top of her head got too hot; she would dive

under the ship and come up on the other side。

In this way; too; she used to catch herrings on

Tuesdays and Fridayswhen everybody on the

boat ate fish to make the beef last longer。

When they got near to the Equator they saw

some flying…fishes coming towards them。  And

the fishes asked the parrot if this was Doctor

Dolittle's ship。  When she told them it was; they

said they were glad; because the monkeys in

Africa were getting worried that he would never

come。  Polynesia asked them how many miles

they had yet to go; and the flying…fishes said

it was only fifty…five miles now to the coast of


And another time a whole school of porpoises

came dancing through the waves; and they too

asked Polynesia if this was the ship of the fa…

mous doctor。  And when they heard that it was;

they asked the parrot if the Doctor wanted

anything for his journey。

And Polynesia said; 〃Yes。  We have run

short of onions。〃  

〃There is an island not far from here;〃 said

the porpoises; 〃where the wild onions grow tall

and strong。  Keep straight onwe will get

some and catch up to you。〃  

So the porpoises dashed away through the

sea。  And very soon the parrot saw them again;

coming up behind; dragging the onions through

the waves in big nets made of seaweed。

The next evening; as the sun was going down

the Doctor said;

〃Get me the telescope; Chee…Chee。  Our

journey is nearly ended。  Very soon we should

be able to see the shores of Africa。〃  

And about half an hour later; sure enough;

they thought they could see something in front

that might be land。  But it began to get darker

and darker and they couldn't be sure。

Then a great storm came up; with thunder

and lightning。  The wind howled; the rain

came down in torrents; and the waves got so

high they splashed right over the boat。

Presently there was a big BANG!  The ship

stopped and rolled over on its side。

〃What's happened?〃 asked the Doctor;

coming up from downstairs。

〃I'm not sure;〃 said the parrot; 〃but I think

we're ship…wrecked。  Tell the duck to get out

and see。〃  

So Dab…Dab dived right down under the

waves。  And when she came up she said they

had struck a rock; there was a big hole in the

bottom of the ship; the water was coming in;

and they were sinking fast。

〃We must have run into Africa;〃 said the

Doctor。  〃Dear me; dear me!Wellwe must

all swim to land。〃  

But Chee…Chee and Gub…Gub did not know

how to swim。

〃Get the rope!〃 said Polynesia。  〃I told you

it would come in handy。  Where's that duck?

Come here; Dab…Dab。  Take this end of the

rope; fly to the shore and tie it on to a palm…

tree; and we'll hold the other end on the ship

here。  Then those that can't swim must climb

along the rope till they reach the land。  That's

what you call a ‘life…line。'〃

So they all got safely to the shoresome

swimming; some flying; and those that climbed

along the rope brought the Doctor's trunk and

handbag with them。

But the ship was no good any morewith the

big hole in the bottom; and presently the rough

sea beat it to pieces on the rocks and the timbers

floated away。

Then they all took shelter in a nice dry cave

they found; high up in the cliffs; till the storm

was over。

When the sun came out next morning they

went down to the sandy beach to dry themselves。

〃Dear old Africa!〃 sighed Polynesia。  〃It's

good to get back。  Just thinkit'll be a

hundred and sixty…nine years to…morrow since I was

here!  And it hasn't changed a bit!  Same old

palm…trees; same old red earth; same old black

ants!  There's no place like home!〃

And the others noticed she had tears in her eyes

she was so pleased to see her country once again。

Then the Doctor missed his high hat; for it

had been blown into the sea during the storm。

So Dab…Dab went out to look for it。  And presently

she saw it; a long way off; floating on the

water like a toy…boat。

When she flew down to get it; she found one

of the white mice; very frightened; sitting

inside it。

〃What are you doing here?〃 asked the duck。

〃You were told to stay behind in Puddleby。〃  

〃I didn't want to be left behind;〃 said the

mouse。  〃I wanted to see what Africa was like

I have relatives there。  So I hid in the baggage

and was brought on to the ship with the

hard…tack。  When the ship sank I was terribly

frightenedbecause I cannot swim far。  I

swam as long as I could; but I soon got all

exhausted and thought I was going to sink。  And

then; just at that moment; the old man's hat came

floating by; and I got into it because I did not

want to be drowned。〃  

So the duck took up the hat with the mouse in

it and brought it to the Doctor on the shore。

And they all gathered round to have a look。

〃That's what you call a ‘stowaway;'〃 said the parrot。

Presently; when they were looking for a place

in the trunk where the white mouse could travel

comfortably; the monkey; Chee…Chee; suddenly said;

〃Sh!  I hear footsteps in the jungle!〃

They all stopped talking and listened。  And

soon a black man came down out of the woods

and asked them what they were doing there。

〃My name is John DolittleM。  D。;〃 said the

Doctor。  〃I have been asked to come to Africa

to cure the monkeys who are sick。〃  

〃You must all come before the King;〃 said

the black man。

〃What king?〃 asked the Doctor; who didn't

want to waste any time。

〃The King of the Jolliginki;〃 the man

answered。  〃All these lands belong to him; and all

strangers must be brought before him。  Follow me。〃  

So they gathered up their baggage and went

off; following the man through the jungle。



WHEN they had gone a little way through

the thick forest they came to a wide; clear

space; and they 
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