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the story of doctor dolittle-第5章

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give them any more fish; he said;

〃Never mind。  So long as the hens lay eggs

and the cow gives milk we can have omelettes

and junket。  And there are plenty of vegetables

left in the garden。  The Winter is still a long

way off。  Don't fuss。  That was the trouble

with Sarahshe would fuss。  I wonder how

Sarah's getting onan excellent womanin

some waysWell; well!〃

But the snow came earlier than usual that

year; and although the old lame horse hauled

in plenty of wood from the forest outside the

town; so they could have a big fire in the kitchen;

most of the vegetables in the garden were gone;

and the rest were covered with snow; and many

of the animals were really hungry。



THAT Winter was a very cold one。  And one night in December;

when they were all sitting round the warm fire in the

kitchen; and the Doctor was reading aloud to them out of

books he had written himself in animal…language; the owl;

Too…Too; suddenly said; 〃Sh!  What's that noise outside?〃

They all listened; and presently they heard

the sound of some one running。  Then the door

flew open and the monkey; Chee…Chee; ran in;

badly out of breath。

〃Doctor!〃 he cried; 〃I've just had a message

from a cousin of mine in Africa。  There is a

terrible sickness among the monkeys out there。

They are all catching itand they are dying

in hundreds。  They have heard of you; and beg

you to come to Africa to stop the sickness。〃  

〃Who brought the message?〃 asked the Doctor;

taking off his spectacles and laying down

his book。

〃A swallow;〃 said Chee…Chee。  〃She is

outside on the rain…butt。〃  

〃Bring her in by the fire;〃 said the Doctor。

〃She must be perished with the cold。  The swallows

flew South six weeks ago!〃

So the swallow was brought in; all huddled

and shivering; and although she was a little

afraid at first; she soon got warmed up and sat

on the edge of the mantelpiece and began to talk。

When she had finished the Doctor said;

〃I would gladly go to Africaespecially in

this bitter weather。  But I'm afraid we haven't

money enough to buy the tickets。  Get me the

money…box; Chee…Chee。〃  

So the monkey climbed up and got it off the

top shelf of the dresser。

There was nothing in itnot one single penny!

〃I felt sure there was twopence left;〃 said the Doctor。

〃There WAS;〃 said the owl。  〃But you spent

it on a rattle for that badger's baby when he

was teething。〃  

〃Did I?〃 said the Doctor〃dear me; dear

me!  What a nuisance money is; to be sure!

Well; never mind。  Perhaps if I go down to

the seaside I shall be able to borrow a boat that

will take us to Africa。  I knew a seaman once

who brought his baby to me with measles。

Maybe he'll lend us his boatthe baby got well。〃  

So early the next morning the Doctor went

down to the seashore。  And when he came back

he told the animals it was all rightthe sailor

was going to lend them the boat。

Then the crocodile and the monkey and the

parrot were very glad and began to sing;

because they were going back to Africa; their real

home。  And the Doctor said;

〃I shall only be able to take you threewith

Jip the dog; Dab…Dab the duck; Gub…Gub the

pig and the owl; Too…Too。  The rest of the animals;

like the dormice and the water…voles and

the bats; they will have to go back and live in

the fields where they were born till we come

home again。  But as most of them sleep through

the Winter; they won't mind thatand besides;

it wouldn't be good for them to go to Africa。〃  

So then the parrot; who had been on long sea…

voyages before; began telling the Doctor all the

things he would have to take with him on the ship。

〃You must have plenty of pilot…bread;〃 she

said〃‘hard tack' they call it。  And you must

have beef in cansand an anchor。〃  

〃I expect the ship will have its own anchor;〃

said the Doctor。

〃Well; make sure;〃 said Polynesia。  〃Because

it's very important。  You can't stop if you

haven't got an anchor。  And you'll need a bell。〃  

〃What's that for?〃 asked the Doctor。

〃To tell the time by;〃 said the parrot。  〃You

go and ring it every half…hour and then you

know what time it is。  And bring a whole lot of

ropeit always comes in handy on voyages。〃  

Then they began to wonder where they were

going to get the money from to buy all the

things they needed。

〃Oh; bother it!  Money again;〃 cried the

Doctor。  〃Goodness!  I shall be glad to get to

Africa where we don't have to have any!  I'll

go and ask the grocer if he will wait for his

money till I get backNo; I'll send the sailor

to ask him。〃  

So the sailor went to see the grocer。  And presently

he came back with all the things they wanted。

Then the animals packed up; and after they

had turned off the water so the pipes wouldn't

freeze; and put up the shutters; they closed the

house and gave the key to the old horse who

lived in the stable。  And when they had seen

that there was plenty of hay in the loft to last

the horse through the Winter; they carried all

their luggage down to the seashore and got on

to the boat。

The Cat's…meat…Man was there to see them

off; and he brought a large suet…pudding as a

present for the Doctor because; he said he had

been told; you couldn't get suet…puddings in

foreign parts。

As soon as they were on the ship; Gub…Gub;

the pig; asked where the beds were; for it was

four o'clock in the afternoon and he wanted

his nap。  So Polynesia took him downstairs into

the inside of the ship and showed him the beds;

set all on top of one another like book…shelves

against a wall。

〃Why; that isn't a bed!〃 cried Gub…Gub。

〃That's a shelf!〃

〃Beds are always like that on ships;〃 said the

parrot。  〃It isn't a shelf。  Climb up into it and

go to sleep。  That's what you call ‘a bunk。'〃

〃I don't think I'll go to bed yet;〃 said Gub…

Gub。  〃I'm too excited。  I want to go upstairs

again and see them start。〃  

〃Well; this is your first trip;〃 said Polynesia。

〃You will get used to the life after a while。〃  

And she went back up the stairs of the ship;

humming this song to herself;


I've seen the Black Sea and the Red Sea;

     I rounded the Isle of Wight;

I discovered the Yellow River;

     And the Orange too by night。

Now Greenland drops behind again;

     And I sail the ocean Blue。

I'm tired of all these colors; Jane;

     So I'm coming back to you。

They were just going to start on their journey;

when the Doctor said he would have to go back

and ask the sailor the way to Africa。

But the swallow said she had been to that

country many times and would show them how

to get there。

So the Doctor told Chee…Chee to pull up the

anchor and the voyage began。



NOW for six whole weeks they we
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