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the story of doctor dolittle-第2章

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little childrenthere was a doctor; and his name was Dolittle

John Dolittle; M。D。  〃M。D。〃 means that he was a proper doctor

and knew a whole lot。

He lived in a little town called; Puddleby…

on…the…Marsh。  All the folks; young and old;

knew him well by sight。  And whenever he

walked down the street in his high hat everyone

would say; 〃There goes the Doctor!He's

a clever man。〃   And the dogs and the children

would all run up and follow behind him; and

even the crows that lived in the church…tower

would caw and nod their heads。

The house he lived in; on the edge of the

town; was quite small; but his garden was very

large and had a wide lawn and stone seats and

weeping…willows hanging over。  His sister;

Sarah Dolittle; was housekeeper for him; but

the Doctor looked after the garden himself。

He was very fond of animals and kept many

kinds of pets。  Besides the gold…fish in the pond

at the bottom of his garden; he had rabbits in

the pantry; white mice in his piano; a squirrel

in the linen closet and a hedgehog in the cellar。

He had a cow with a calf too; and an old lame

horse…twenty…five years of ageand chickens;

and pigeons; and two lambs; and many other

animals。  But his favorite pets were Dab…Dab

the duck; Jip the dog; Gub…Gub the baby pig;

Polynesia the parrot; and the owl Too…Too。

His sister used to grumble about all these

animals and said they made the house untidy。

And one day when an old lady with rheumatism

came to see the Doctor; she sat on the hedgehog

who was sleeping on the sofa and never came

to see him any more; but drove every Saturday

all the way to Oxenthorpe; another town ten

miles off; to see a different doctor。

Then his sister; Sarah Dolittle; came to him

and said;

〃John; how can you expect sick people to

come and see you when you keep all these animals

in the house?  It's a fine doctor would have

his parlor full of hedgehogs and mice!  That's

the fourth personage these animals have driven

away。  Squire Jenkins and the Parson say they

wouldn't come near your house againno matter

how sick they are。  We are getting poorer

every day。  If you go on like this; none of the

best people will have you for a doctor。〃  

〃But I like the animals better than the ‘best

people';〃 said the Doctor。

〃You are ridiculous;〃 said his sister; and

walked out of the room。

So; as time went on; the Doctor got more and

more animals; and the people who came to see

him got less and less。  Till at last he had no one

leftexcept the Cat's…meat…Man; who didn't

mind any kind of animals。  But the Cat's…meat

Man wasn't very rich and he only got sick once

a yearat Christmas…time; when he used to give

the Doctor sixpence for a bottle of medicine。

Sixpence a year wasn't enough to live on

even in those days; long ago; and if the Doctor

hadn't had some money saved up in his money…

box; no one knows what would have happened。

And he kept on getting still more pets; and of

course it cost a lot to feed them。  And the money

he had saved up grew littler and littler。

Then he sold his piano; and let the mice live

in a bureau…drawer。  But the money he got for

that too began to go; so he sold the brown suit

he wore on Sundays and went on becoming

poorer and poorer。

And now; when he walked down the street

in his high hat; people would say to one another;

〃There goes John Dolittle; M。D。!  There was a

time when he was the best known doctor in the

West CountryLook at him nowHe hasn't

any money and his stockings are full of holes!〃

But the dogs and the cats and the children

still ran up and followed him through the town

the same as they had done when he was rich。



IT happened one day that the Doctor was sitting in his kitchen talking

with the Cat's…meat…Man who had come to see him with a stomach…ache。

〃Why don't you give up being a people's doctor; and be an animal…doctor?〃

asked the Cat's…meat…Man。

The parrot; Polynesia; was sitting in the window

looking out at the rain and singing a sailor…song to herself。

She stopped singing and started to listen。

〃You see; Doctor;〃 the Cat's…meat…Man went

on; 〃you know all about animalsmuch more

than what these here vets do。  That book you

wroteabout cats; why; it's wonderful!  I can't

read or write myselfor maybe _I_'D write some

books。  But my wife; Theodosia; she's a scholar;

she is。  And she read your book to me。  Well;

it's wonderfulthat's all can be saidwonderful。

You might have been a cat yourself。  You

know the way they think。  And listen: you can

make a lot of money doctoring animals。  Do

you know that?  You see; I'd send all the old

women who had sick cats or dogs to you。  And

if they didn't get sick fast enough; I could put

something in the meat I sell 'em to make 'em

sick; see?〃

〃Oh; no;〃 said the Doctor quickly。  〃You

mustn't do that。  That wouldn't be right。〃  

〃Oh; I didn't mean real sick;〃 answered the

Cat's…meat…Man。  〃Just a little something to

make them droopy…like was what I had reference

to。  But as you say; maybe it ain't quite

fair on the animals。  But they'll get sick

anyway; because the old women always give 'em too

much to eat。  And look; all the farmers 'round

about who had lame horses and weak lambs

they'd come。  Be an animal…doctor。〃  

When the Cat's…meat…Man had gone the

parrot flew off the window on to the Doctor's table

and said;

〃That man's got sense。  That's what you

ought to do。  Be an animal…doctor。  Give the

silly people upif they haven't brains enough

to see you're the best doctor in the world。  Take

care of animals insteadTHEY'll soon find it out。

Be an animal…doctor。〃  

〃Oh; there are plenty of animal…doctors;〃 said

John Dolittle; putting the flower…pots outside on

the window…sill to get the rain。

〃Yes; there ARE plenty;〃 said Polynesia。  〃But

none of them are any good at all。  Now listen;

Doctor; and I'll tell you something。  Did you

know that animals can talk?〃

〃I knew that parrots can talk;〃 said the Doctor。

〃Oh; we parrots can talk in two languages

people's language and bird…language;〃 said

Polynesia proudly。  〃If I say; ‘Polly wants a

cracker;' you understand me。  But hear this:

Ka…ka oi…ee; fee…fee?〃

〃Good Gracious!〃 cried the Doctor。  〃What

does that mean?〃

〃That means; ‘Is the porridge hot yet?'in


〃My!  You don't say so!〃 said the Doctor。

〃You never talked that way to me before。〃  

〃What would have been the good?〃 said

Polynesia; dusting some cracker…crumbs off her

left wing。  〃You wouldn't have understood me

if I had。〃  

〃Tell me some more;〃 said the Doctor; all

excited; and he rushed over to the dresser…drawer

and came back with the butcher's book and a

pencil。  〃Now don't go too fastand I'll write

it down。  This is interestingvery interesting
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