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the story of doctor dolittle-第18章

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〃Oh; I just said a couple of words in duck…

language;〃 the Doctor answered。  〃This is

Dab…Dab; one of my pets。〃  

〃I didn't even know that ducks had a

language;〃 said the boy。  〃Are all these other

animals your pets; too?  What is that strange…

looking thing with two heads?〃

〃Sh!〃 the Doctor whispered。  〃That is the

pushmi…pullyu。  Don't let him see we're talking

about himhe gets so dreadfully embarrassed。。。。

Tell me; how did you come to be

locked up in that little room?〃

〃The pirates shut me in there when they

were going off to steal things from another ship。

When I heard some one chopping on the door;

I didn't know who it could be。  I was very

glad to find it was you。  Do you think you will

be able to find my uncle for me?〃

〃Well; we are going to try very hard;〃 said

the Doctor。  〃Now what was your uncle like to

look at?〃

〃He had red hair;〃 the boy answered〃very

red hair; and the picture of an anchor tattooed

on his arm。  He was a strong man; a kind uncle

and the best sailor in the South Atlantic。  His

fishing…boat was called The Saucy Sallya

cutter…rigged sloop。〃  

〃What's ‘cutterigsloop'?〃 whispered Gub…

Gub; turning to Jip。

〃Sh!That's the kind of a ship the man had;〃

said Jip。  〃Keep still; can't you?〃

〃Oh;〃 said the pig; 〃is that all?  I thought

it was something to drink。〃  

So the Doctor left the boy to play with the

animals in the dining…room; and went upstairs

to look for passing porpoises。

And soon a whole school came dancing and

jumping through the water; on their way to


When they saw the Doctor leaning on the

rail of his ship; they came over to see how he

was getting on。

And the Doctor asked them if they had seen

anything of a man with red hair and an anchor

tattooed on his arm。

〃Do you mean the master of The Saucy Sally?〃

asked the porpoises。

〃Yes;〃 said the Doctor。  〃That's the man。

Has he been drowned?〃

〃His fishing…sloop was sunk;〃 said the

porpoises〃for we saw it lying on the bottom of

the sea。  But there was nobody inside it; because

we went and looked。〃  

〃His little nephew is on the ship with me

here;〃 said the Doctor。  〃And he is terribly

afraid that the pirates threw his uncle into the

sea。  Would you be so good as to find out for

me; for sure; whether he has been drowned or


〃Oh; he isn't drowned;〃 said the porpoises。

〃If he were; we would be sure to have heard of

it from the deep…sea Decapods。  We hear all

the salt…water news。  The shell…fish call us ‘The

Ocean Gossips。' Notell the little boy we are

sorry we do not know where his uncle is; but

we are quite certain he hasn't been drowned in

the sea。〃  

So the Doctor ran downstairs with the news

and told the nephew; who clapped his hands

with happiness。  And the pushmi…pullyu took the

little boy on his back and gave him a ride round

the dining…room table; while all the other animals

followed behind; beating the dish…covers

with spoons; pretending it was a parade。



YOUR uncle must now be FOUND;〃 said the Doctor〃that is the

next thingnow that we know he wasn't thrown into the sea。〃  

Then Dab…Dab came up to him again and whispered;

〃Ask the eagles to look for the man。  No living

creature can see better than an eagle。  When they

are miles high in the air they can count the ants

crawling on the ground。  Ask the eagles。〃  

So the Doctor sent one of the swallows off

to get some eagles。

And in about an hour the little bird came

back with six different kinds of eagles: a Black

Eagle; a Bald Eagle; a Fish Eagle; a Golden

Eagle; an Eagle…Vulture; and a White…tailed

Sea Eagle。  Twice as high as the boy they were;

each one of them。  And they stood on the rail

of the ship; like round…shouldered soldiers all

in a row; stern and still and stiff; while their

great; gleaming; black eyes shot darting glances

here and there and everywhere。

Gub…Gub was scared of them and got

behind a barrel。  He said he felt as though those

terrible eyes were looking right inside of him

to see what he had stolen for lunch。

And the Doctor said to the eagles;

〃A man has been losta fisherman with red

hair and an anchor marked on his arm。  Would

you be so kind as to see if you can find him for

us?  This boy is the man's nephew。〃  

Eagles do not talk very much。  And all they

answered in their husky voices was;

〃You may be sure that we will do our best

for John Dolittle。〃  

Then they flew offand Gub…Gub came out

from behind his barrel to see them go。  Up and

up and up they wenthigher and higher and

higher still。  Then; when the Doctor could only

just see them; they parted company and started

going off all different waysNorth; East;

South and West; looking like tiny grains of

black sand creeping across the wide; blue sky。

〃My gracious!〃 said Gub…Gub in a hushed

voice。  〃What a height!  I wonder they don't

scorch their feathersso near the sun!〃

They were gone a long time。  And when

they came back it was almost night。

And the eagles said to the Doctor;

〃We have searched all the seas and all the

countries and all the islands and all the cities

and all the villages in this half of the world。

But we have failed。  In the main street of

Gibraltar we saw three red hairs lying on a wheel…

barrow before a baker's door。  But they were

not the hairs of a manthey were the hairs out

of a fur…coat。  Nowhere; on land or water; could

we see any sign of this boy's uncle。  And if WE

could not see him; then he is not to be seen。。。。

For John Dolittlewe have done our best。〃  

Then the six great birds flapped their big

wings and flew back to their homes in the

mountains and the rocks。

〃Well;〃 said Dab…Dab; after they had gone;

〃what are we going to do now?  The boy's

uncle MUST be foundthere's no two ways about

that。  The lad isn't old enough to be knocking

around the world by himself。  Boys aren't like

ducklingsthey have to be taken care of till

they're quite old。。。。  I wish Chee…Chee were

here。  He would soon find the man。  Good old

Chee…Chee!  I wonder how he's getting on!〃

〃If we only had Polynesia with us;〃 said the

white mouse。  〃SHE would soon think of some

way。  Do you remember how she got us all

out of prisonthe second time?  My; but she

was a clever one!〃

〃I don't think so much of those eagle…

fellows;〃said Jip。  〃They're just conceited。  They

may have very good eyesight and all that; but

when you ask them to find a man for you; they

can't do itand they have the cheek to come

back and say that nobody else could do it。

They're just conceitedlike that collie in

Puddleby。  And I don't think a whole lot of those

gossipy old porpoises either。  All they could tell

us was that the man isn't in the sea。  We don't

want to know where he ISN'Twe w
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