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the story of doctor dolittle-第16章

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horns for a fight by rubbing them on the mast

of the ship; while Jip kept springing into the

air and barking and calling Ben Ali bad names

in dog…language。

But presently something seemed to go wrong

with the pirates; they stopped laughing and

cracking jokes; they looked puzzled; something

was making them uneasy。

Then Ben Ali; staring down at his feet;

suddenly bellowed out;

〃Thunder and Lightning!Men; THE BOAT'S LEAKING!〃

And then the other pirates peered over the

side and they saw that the boat was indeed getting

lower and lower in the water。  And one

of them said to Ben Ali;

〃But surely if this old boat were sinking we

should see the rats leaving it。〃  

And Jip shouted across from the other ship;

〃You great duffers; there are no rats there

to leave!  They left two hours ago!  ‘Ha; ha;'

to you; ‘my fine friends!'〃

But of course the men did not understand him。

Soon the front end of the ship began to go

down and down; faster and fastertill the boat

looked almost as though it were standing on its

head; and the pirates had to cling to the rails

and the masts and the ropes and anything to

keep from sliding off。  Then the sea rushed

roaring in and through all the windows and the

doors。  And at last the ship plunged right down

to the bottom of the sea; making a dreadful

gurgling sound; and the six bad men were left

bobbing about in the deep water of the bay。

Some of them started to swim for the shores

of the island; while others came and tried to get

on to the boat where the Doctor was。  But Jip

kept snapping at their noses; so they were afraid

to climb up the side of the ship。

Then suddenly they all cried out in great fear;

〃THE SHARKS!  The sharks are coming!  Let us

get on to the ship before they eat us!  Help;

help!The sharks!  The sharks!〃

And now the Doctor could see; all over the

bay; the backs of big fishes swimming swiftly

through the water。

And one great shark came near to the ship;

and poking his nose out of the water he said to

the Doctor;

〃Are you John Dolittle; the famous animal… doctor?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Doctor Dolittle。  〃That is my


〃Well;〃 said the shark; 〃we know these

pirates to be a bad lotespecially Ben Ali。  If they

are annoying you; we will gladly eat them up

for youand then you won't be troubled any


〃Thank you;〃 said the Doctor。  〃This is

really most attentive。  But I don't think it will

be necessary to eat them。  Don't let any of them

reach the shore until I tell youjust keep them

swimming about; will you?  And please make

Ben Ali swim over here that I may talk to


So the shark went off and chased Ben Ali over

to the Doctor。

〃Listen; Ben Ali;〃 said John Dolittle;

leaning over the side。  〃You have been a very bad

man; and I understand that you have killed

many people。  These good sharks here have just

offered to eat you up for meand 'twould

indeed be a good thing if the seas were rid of you。

But if you will promise to do as I tell you; I

well let you go in safety。〃  

〃What must I do?〃 asked the pirate; looking

down sideways at the big shark who was smelling

his leg under the water。

〃You must kill no more people;〃 said the

Doctor; 〃you must stop stealing; you must

never sink another ship; you must give up being

a pirate altogether。〃  

〃But what shall I do then?〃 asked Ben Ali。

〃How shall I live?〃

〃You and all your men must go on to this

island and be bird…seed…farmers;〃 the Doctor

answered。  〃You must grow bird…seed for the


The Barbary Dragon turned pale with anger。

〃GROW BIRD…SEED!〃 he groaned in disgust。

〃Can't I be a sailor?〃

〃No;〃 said the Doctor; 〃you cannot。  You

have been a sailor long enoughand sent many

stout ships and good men to the bottom of the

sea。  For the rest of your life you must be la

peaceful farmer。  The shark is waiting。  Do

not waste any more of his time。  Make up your


〃Thunder and Lightning!〃 Ben Ali

muttered〃BIRD…SEED!〃  Then he looked down

into the water again and saw the great fish

smelling his other leg。

〃Very well;〃 he said sadly。  〃We'll be


〃And remember;〃 said the Doctor; 〃that if

you do not keep your promiseif you start

killing and stealing again; I shall hear of it;

because the canaries will come and tell me。

And be very sure that I will find a way to punish

you。  For though I may not be able to sail

a ship as well as you; so long as the birds and

the beasts and the fishes are my friends; I do not

have to be afraid of a pirate chiefeven though

he call himself ‘The Dragon of Barbary。' Now

go and be a good farmer and live in peace。〃  

Then the Doctor turned to the big shark; and

waving his hand he said;

〃All right。  Let them swim safely to the land。〃  



HAVING thanked the sharks again for their kindness;

the Doctor and his pets set off once more on their

journey home in the swift ship with the three red sails。

As they moved out into the open sea; the

animals all went downstairs to see what their new

boat was like inside; while the Doctor leant on

the rail at the back of the ship with a pipe in his

mouth; watching the Canary Islands fade away

in the blue dusk of the evening。

While he was standing there; wondering how

the monkeys were getting onand what his

garden would look like when he got back to

Puddleby; Dab…Dab came tumbling up the

stairs; all smiles and full of news。

〃Doctor!〃 she cried。  〃This ship of the pi…

rates is simply beautifulabsolutely。  The beds

downstairs are made of primrose silkwith

hundreds of big pillows and cushions; there are

thick; soft carpets on the floors; the dishes are

made of silver; and there are all sorts of good

things to eat and drinkspecial things; the

larderwell; it's just like a shop; that's all。

You never saw anything like it in your life

Just thinkthey kept five different kinds of

sardines; those men!  Come and look。。。。  Oh;

and we found a little room down there with the

door locked; and we are all crazy to get in and

see what's inside。  Jip says it must be where the

pirates kept their treasure。  But we can't open

the door。  Come down and see if you can let

us in。〃  

So the Doctor went downstairs and he saw

that it was indeed a beautiful ship。  He found

the animals gathered round a little door; all

talking at once; trying to guess what was inside。

The Doctor turned the handle but it wouldn't

open。  Then they all started to hunt for the key。

They looked under the mat; they looked under

all the carpets; they looked in all the cupboards

and drawers and lockersin the big chests in the

ship's dining…room; they looked everywhere。

While they were doing this they discovered

a lot of new and wonderful things that the

pirates m
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