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the story of doctor dolittle-第10章

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monkeys that he must now go back to Puddleby。

They were very surprised at this; for they

had thought that he was going to stay with them

forever。  And that night all the monkeys got

together in the jungle to talk it over。

And the Chief Chimpanzee rose up and said;

〃Why is it the good man is going away?  Is

he not happy here with us?〃

But none of them could answer him。

Then the Grand Gorilla got up and said;

〃I think we all should go to him and ask him

to stay。  Perhaps if we make him a new house

and a bigger bed; and promise him plenty of

monkey…servants to work for him and to make

life pleasant for himperhaps then he will

not wish to go。〃  

Then Chee…Chee got up; and all the others

whispered; 〃Sh!  Look!  Chee…Chee; the great

Traveler; is about to speak!〃

And Chee…Chee said to the other monkeys;

〃My friends; I am afraid it is useless to ask

the Doctor to stay。  He owes money in Puddleby;

and he says he must go back and pay it。〃  

And the monkeys asked him; 〃What is MONEY?〃

Then Chee…Chee told them that in the Land of the

White Men you could get nothing without money;

you could DO nothing without moneythat it was

almost impossible to LIVE without money。

And some of them asked; 〃But can you not

even eat and drink without paying?〃

But Chee…Chee shook his head。  And then he

told them that even he; when he was with the

organ…grinder; had been made to ask the

children for money。

And the Chief Chimpanzee turned to the Oldest

Orangoutang and said; 〃Cousin; surely these Men

be strange creatures!  Who would wish to live

in such a land?  My gracious; how paltry!〃

Then Chee…Chee said;

〃When we were coming to you we had no

boat to cross the sea in and no money to buy

food to eat on our journey。  So a man lent us

some biscuits; and we said we would pay him

when we came back。  And we borrowed a boat

from a sailor; but it was broken on the rocks

when we reached the shores of Africa。  Now

the Doctor says he must go back and get the

sailor another boatbecause the man was poor

and his ship was all he had。〃  

And the monkeys were all silent for a while;

sitting quite still upon the ground and thinking


At last the Biggest Baboon got up and said;

〃I do not think we ought to let this good man

leave our land till we have given him a fine

present to take with him; so that he may know

we are grateful for all that he has done for us。〃  

And a little; tiny red monkey who was

sitting up in a tree shouted down;

〃I think that too!〃

And then they all cried out; making a great

noise; 〃Yes; yes。  Let us give him the finest

present a White Man ever had!〃

Now they began to wonder and ask one another

what would be the best thing to give him。

And one said; 〃Fifty bags of cocoanuts!〃

And another〃A hundred bunches of bananas!

At least he shall not have to buy his fruit in the

Land Where You Pay to Eat!〃

But Chee…Chee told them that all these

things would be too heavy to carry so far and

would go bad before half was eaten。

〃If you want to please him;〃 he said; 〃give

him an animal。  You may be sure he will be

kind to it。  Give him some rare animal they

have not got in the menageries。〃  

And the monkeys asked him; 〃What are


Then Chee…Chee explained to them that

menageries were places in the Land of the

White Men; where animals were put in cages

for people to come and look at。  And the

monkeys were very shocked and said to one


〃These Men are like thoughtless young onesstupid

and easily amused。  Sh! It is a prison he means。〃  

So then they asked Chee…Chee what rare

animal it could be that they should give the

Doctorone the White Men had not seen before。

And the Major of the Marmosettes asked;

〃Have they an iguana over there?〃

But Chee…Chee said; 〃Yes; there is one in the

London Zoo。〃  

And another asked; 〃Have they an okapi?〃

But Chee…Chee said; 〃Yes。  In Belgium;

where my organ…grinder took me five years ago;

they had an okapi in a big city they call Antwerp。〃  

And another asked; 〃Have they a pushmi…pullyu?〃

Then Chee…Chee said; 〃No。  No White Man

has ever seen a pushmi…pullyu。  Let us

give him that。〃  



PUSHMI…PULLYUS are now extinct。  That means; there aren't

any more。  But long ago; when Doctor Dolittle was alive;

there were some of them still left in the deepest jungles

of Africa; and even then they were very; very scarce。

They had no tail; *but a head at each end;

and sharp horns on each head。  They were very

shy and terribly hard to catch。  The black men

get most of their animals by sneaking up behind

them while they are not looking。  But you could

not do this with the pushmi…pullyubecause;

no matter which way you came towards him; he

was always facing you。  And besides; only one

half of him slept at a time。  The other head

was always awakeand watching。  This was

why they were never caught and never seen in

Zoos。  Though many of the greatest huntsmen

and the cleverest menagerie…keepers spent years

of their lives searching through the jungles

in all weathers for pushmi…pullyus; not a single

one had ever been caught。  Even then; years

ago; he was the only animal in the world with

two heads。

Well; the monkeys set out hunting for this

animal through the forest。  And after they had

gone a good many miles; one of them found

peculiar footprints near the edge of a river;

and they knew that a pushmi…pullyu must be

very near that spot。

Then they went along the bank of the river

a little way and they saw a place where the

grass was high and thick; and they guessed that

he was in there。

So they all joined hands and made a great

circle round the high grass。  The pushmi…

pullyu heard them coming; and he tried hard

to break through the ring of monkeys。  But he

couldn't do it。  When he saw that it was no

use trying to escape; he sat down and waited to

see what they wanted。

They asked him if he would go with Doctor Dolittle

and be put on show in the Land of the White Men。

But he shook both his heads hard and said;

〃Certainly not!〃

They explained to him that he would not be

shut up in a menagerie but would just be looked

at。  They told him that the Doctor was a very

kind man but hadn't any money; and people

would pay to see a two…headed animal and the

Doctor would get rich and could pay for the

boat he had borrowed to come to Africa in。

But he answered; 〃No。  You know how shy

I amI hate being stared at。〃   And he almost

began to cry。

Then for three days they tried to persuade


And at the end of the third day he said he

would come with them and see what kind of a

man the Doctor was; first。

So the monkeys traveled back with the

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