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the formation of vegetable mould-第5章

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about the grass on some boggy land on which two men had just 
trampled while setting a trap; and this occurred in a part of 
Ireland where there were no moles。  I have been assured by a 
Volunteer that he has often seen many large earth…worms crawling 
quickly about the grass; a few minutes after his company had fired 
a volley with blank cartridges。  The Peewit (Tringa vanellus; 
Linn。) seems to know instinctively that worms will emerge if the 
ground is made to tremble; for Bishop Stanley states (as I hear 
from Mr。 Moorhouse) that a young peewit kept in confinement used to 
stand on one leg and beat the turf with the other leg until the 
worms crawled out of their burrows; when they were instantly 
devoured。  Nevertheless; worms do not invariably leave their 
burrows when the ground is made to tremble; as I know by having 
beaten it with a spade; but perhaps it was beaten too violently。

The whole body of a worm is sensitive to contact。  A slight puff of 
air from the mouth causes an instant retreat。  The glass plates 
placed over the pots did not fit closely; and blowing through the 
very narrow chinks thus left; often sufficed to cause a rapid 
retreat。  They sometimes perceived the eddies in the air caused by 
quickly removing the glass plates。  When a worm first comes out of 
its burrow; it generally moves the much extended anterior extremity 
of its body from side to side in all directions; apparently as an 
organ of touch; and there is some reason to believe; as we shall 
see in the next chapter; that they are thus enabled to gain a 
general notion of the form of an object。  Of all their senses that 
of touch; including in this term the perception of a vibration; 
seems much the most highly developed。

In worms the sense of smell apparently is confined to the 
perception of certain odours; and is feeble。  They were quite 
indifferent to my breath; as long as I breathed on them very 
gently。  This was tried; because it appeared possible that they 
might thus be warned of the approach of an enemy。  They exhibited 
the same indifference to my breath whilst I chewed some tobacco; 
and while a pellet of cotton…wool with a few drops of millefleurs 
perfume or of acetic acid was kept in my mouth。  Pellets of cotton…
wool soaked in tobacco juice; in millefleurs perfume; and in 
paraffin; were held with pincers and were waved about within two or 
three inches of several worms; but they took no notice。  On one or 
two occasions; however; when acetic acid had been placed on the 
pellets; the worms appeared a little uneasy; and this was probably 
due to the irritation of their skins。  The perception of such 
unnatural odours would be of no service to worms; and as such timid 
creatures would almost certainly exhibit some signs of any new 
impression; we may conclude that they did not perceive these 

The result was different when cabbage…leaves and pieces of onion 
were employed; both of which are devoured with much relish by 
worms。  Small square pieces of fresh and half…decayed cabbage…
leaves and of onion bulbs were on nine occasions buried in my pots; 
beneath about 0。25 of an inch of common garden soil; and they were 
always discovered by the worms。  One bit of cabbage was discovered 
and removed in the course of two hours; three were removed by the 
next morning; that is; after a single night; two others after two 
nights; and the seventh bit after three nights。  Two pieces of 
onion were discovered and removed after three nights。  Bits of 
fresh raw meat; of which worms are very fond; were buried; and were 
not discovered within forty…eight hours; during which time they had 
not become putrid。  The earth above the various buried objects was 
generally pressed down only slightly; so as not to prevent the 
emission of any odour。  On two occasions; however; the surface was 
well watered; and was thus rendered somewhat compact。  After the 
bits of cabbage and onion had been removed; I looked beneath them 
to see whether the worms had accidentally come up from below; but 
there was no sign of a burrow; and twice the buried objects were 
laid on pieces of tin…foil which were not in the least displaced。  
It is of course possible that the worms whilst moving about on the 
surface of the ground; with their tails affixed within their 
burrows; may have poked their heads into the places where the above 
objects were buried; but I have never seen worms acting in this 
manner。  Some pieces of cabbage…leaf and of onion were twice buried 
beneath very fine ferruginous sand; which was slightly pressed down 
and well watered; so as to be rendered very compact; and these 
pieces were never discovered。  On a third occasion the same kind of 
sand was neither pressed down nor watered; and the pieces of 
cabbage were discovered and removed after the second night。  These 
several facts indicate that worms possess some power of smell; and 
that they discover by this means odoriferous and much…coveted kinds 
of food。

It may be presumed that all animals which feed on various 
substances possess the sense of taste; and this is certainly the 
case with worms。  Cabbage…leaves are much liked by worms; and it 
appears that they can distinguish between different varieties; but 
this may perhaps be owing to differences in their texture。  On 
eleven occasions pieces of the fresh leaves of a common green 
variety and of the red variety used for pickling were given them; 
and they preferred the green; the red being either wholly neglected 
or much less gnawed。  On two other occasions; however; they seemed 
to prefer the red。  Half…decayed leaves of the red variety and 
fresh leaves of the green were attacked about equally。  When leaves 
of the cabbage; horse…radish (a favourite food) and of the onion 
were given together; the latter were always; and manifestly 
preferred。  Leaves of the cabbage; lime…tree; Ampelopsis; parsnip 
(Pastinaca); and celery (Apium) were likewise given together; and 
those of the celery were first eaten。  But when leaves of cabbage; 
turnip; beet; celery; wild cherry and carrots were given together; 
the two latter kinds; especially those of the carrot; were 
preferred to all the others; including those of celery。  It was 
also manifest after many trials that wild cherry leaves were 
greatly preferred to those of the lime…tree and hazel (Corylus)。  
According to Mr。 Bridgman the half…decayed leaves of Phlox verna 
are particularly liked by worms。 {16}

Pieces of the leaves of cabbage; turnip; horse…radish and onion 
were left on the pots during 22 days; and were all attacked and had 
to be renewed; but during the whole of this time leaves of an 
Artemisia and of the culinary sage; thyme and mint; mingled with 
the above leaves; were quite neglected excepting those of the mint; 
which were occasionally and very slightly nibbled。  These latter 
four kinds of leaves do not differ in texture in a manner which 
could make them disagreeable to worms; they all have a strong 
taste; but so have the four first mentioned kinds of leaves; and 
the wide difference in the result must be attributed to a 
preference by the worm
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