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the formation of vegetable mould-第48章

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others buried to a considerable depth beneath accumulated castings 
lie dormant; until at some future time they are accidentally 
uncovered and germinate。

Worms are poorly provided with sense…organs; for they cannot be 
said to see; although they can just distinguish between light and 
darkness; they are completely deaf; and have only a feeble power of 
smell; the sense of touch alone is well developed。  They can 
therefore learn but little about the outside world; and it is 
surprising that they should exhibit some skill in lining their 
burrows with their castings and with leaves; and in the case of 
some species in piling up their castings into tower…like 
constructions。  But it is far more surprising that they should 
apparently exhibit some degrees of intelligence instead of a mere 
blind instinctive impulse; in their manner of plugging up the 
mouths of their burrows。  They act in nearly the same manner as 
would a man; who had to close a cylindrical tube with different 
kinds of leaves; petioles; triangles of paper; &c。; for they 
commonly seize such objects by their pointed ends。  But with thin 
objects a certain number are drawn in by their broader ends。  They 
do not act in the same unvarying manner in all cases; as do most of 
the lower animals; for instance; they do not drag in leaves by 
their foot…stalks; unless the basal part of the blade is as narrow 
as the apex; or narrower than it。

When we behold a wide; turf…covered expanse; we should remember 
that its smoothness; on which so much of its beauty depends; is 
mainly due to all the inequalities having been slowly levelled by 
worms。  It is a marvellous reflection that the whole of the 
superficial mould over any such expanse has passed; and will again 
pass; every few years through the bodies of worms。  The plough is 
one of the most ancient and most valuable of man's inventions; but 
long before he existed the land was in fact regularly ploughed; and 
still continues to be thus ploughed by earth…worms。  It may be 
doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so 
important a part in the history of the world; as have these lowly 
organized creatures。  Some other animals; however; still more lowly 
organized; namely corals; have done far more conspicuous work in 
having constructed innumerable reefs and islands in the great 
oceans; but these are almost confined to the tropical zones。


{1}  'Lecons de Geologie Pratique;' tom。 i。 1845; p。 140。

{2}  'Transactions Geolog。 Soc。' vol。 v。 p。 505。  Read November 1; 

{3}  'Histoire des progres de la Geologie;' tom。 i。 1847; p。 224。

{4}  'Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft。  Zoologie;' B。 xxviii。 1877; p。 

{5}  'Gardeners' Chronicle;' April 17; 1869; p。 418。

{6}  Mr。 Darwin's attention was called by Professor Hensen to P。 E。 
Muller's work on Humus in 'Tidsskrift for Skovbrug;' Band iii。 Heft 
1 and 2; Copenhagen; 1878。  He had; however; no opportunity of 
consulting Muller's work。  Dr。 Muller published a second paper in 
1884 in the same periodicala Danish journal of forestry。  His 
results have also been published in German; in a volume entitled 
'Studien uber die naturlichen Humusformen; unter deren Einwirkung 
auf Vegetation und Boden;' 8vo。; Berlin; 1887。

{7}  'Bidrag till Skandinaviens Oligochaetfauna;' 1871。

{8}  'Die bis jetzt bekannten Arten aus der Familie der 
Regenwurmer;' 1845。

{9}  There is even some reason to believe that pressure is actually 
favourable to the growth of grasses; for Professor Buckman; who 
made many observations on their growth in the experimental gardens 
of the Royal Agricultural College; remarks ('Gardeners' Chronicle;' 
1854; p。 619):  〃Another circumstance in the cultivation of grasses 
in the separate form or small patches; is the impossibility of 
rolling or treading them firmly; without which no pasture can 
continue good。〃

{10}  I shall have occasion often to refer to M。 Perrier's 
admirable memoir; 'Organisation des Lombriciens terrestres' in 
'Archives de Zoolog。 exper。' tom。 iii。 1874; p。 372。  C。 F。 Morren 
('De Lumbrici terrestris Hist。 Nat。' 1829; p。 14) found that worms 
endured immersion for fifteen to twenty days in summer; but that in 
winter they died when thus treated。

{11}  Morren; 'De Lumbrici terrestris Hist。 Nat。' &c。; 1829; p。 67。

{12}  'De Lumbrici terrestris Hist。 Nat。' &c。; p。 14。

{13}  Histolog。  Untersuchungen uber die Regenwurmer。  'Zeitschrift 
fur wissenschaft。  Zoologie;' B。 xix。; 1869; p。 611。

{14}  For instance; Mr。 Bridgman and Mr。 Newman ('The Zoologist;' 
vol。 vii。 1849; p。 2576); and some friends who observed worms for 

{15}  'Familie der Regenwurmer;' 1845; p。 18。

{16}  'The Zoologist;' vol。 vii。 1849; p。 2576。

{17}  'Familie der Regenwurmer;' p。 13。  Dr。 Sturtevant states in 
the 'New York Weekly Tribune' (May 19; 1880) that he kept three 
worms in a pot; which was allowed to become extremely dry; and 
these worms were found 〃all entwined together; forming a round mass 
and in good condition。〃

{18}  'De Lumbrici terrestris Hist。 Nat。' p。 19。

{19}  'Archives de Zoologie experimentale;' tom。 vii。 1878; p。 394。  
When I wrote the above passage; I was not aware that Krukenberg 
('Untersuchungen a。 d。 physiol。  Inst。 d。 Univ。  Heidelberg;' Bd。 
ii。 p。 37; 1877) had previously investigated the digestive juice of 
Lumbricus。  He states that it contains a peptic; and diastatic; as 
well as a tryptic ferment。

{20}  On the action of the pancreatic ferment; see 'A Text…Book of 
Physiology;' by Michael Foster; 2nd edit。 pp。 198…203。  1878。

{21}  Schmulewitsch; 'Action des Sucs digestifs sur la Cellulose。'  
Bull。 de l'Acad。 Imp。 de St。 Petersbourg; tom。 xxv。 p。 549。  1879。 

{22}  Claparede doubts whether saliva is secreted by worms:  see 
'Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft。  Zoologie;' B。 xix。 1869; p。 601。

{23}  Perrier; 'Archives de Zoolog。 exper。' July; 1874; pp。 416; 

{24}  'Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft。  Zoologie;' B。 xix; 1869; pp。 

{25}  De Vries; 'Landwirth。 Jahrbucher;' 1881; p。 77。

{26}  M。 Foster; 'A Text…Book of Physiology;' 2nd edit。 1878; p。 

{27}  M。 Foster; ut sup。 p。 200。

{28}  Claparede remarks ('Zeitschrift fur wisseuschaft。  Zoolog。' 
B。 19; 1869; p。 602) that the pharynx appears from its structure to 
be adapted for suction。

{29}  An account of her observations is given in the 'Gardeners' 
Chronicle;' March 28th; 1868; p。 324。

{30}  London's 'Gard。 Mag。' xvii。 p。 216; as quoted in the 
'Catalogue of the British Museum Worms;' 1865; p。 327。

{31}  'Familie der Regenwurmer;' p。 19。

{32}  In these narrow triangles the apical angle is 9 degrees 34 
seconds; and the basal angles 85 degrees 13 seconds。  In the 
broader triangles the apical angle is 19 degrees 10 seconds and the 
basal angles 80 degrees 25 seconds。

{33}  See his interesting work; 'Souvenirs entomologiques;' 1879; 
pp。 168…177。

{34}  Mobius; 'Die Bewegungen der Thiere;' &c。; 1873; p。 111。

{35}  'Annals and Mag。 of N。 History;' series ii。 vol。 ix。 1852; p。 

{36}  'Archives de Zoolog。 exper。' tom。 iii。 1874; p。 405。

{37}  I
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