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the formation of vegetable mould-第47章

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countries they are extraordinarily numerous; and for their size 
possess great muscular power。  In many parts of England a weight of 
more than ten tons (10;516 kilogrammes) of dry earth annually 
passes through their bodies and is brought to the surface on each 
acre of land; so that the whole superficial bed of vegetable mould 
passes through their bodies in the course of every few years。  From 
the collapsing of the old burrows the mould is in constant though 
slow movement; and the particles composing it are thus rubbed 
together。  By these means fresh surfaces are continually exposed to 
the action of the carbonic acid in the soil; and of the humus…acids 
which appear to be still more efficient in the decomposition of 
rocks。  The generation of the humus…acids is probably hastened 
during the digestion of the many half…decayed leaves which worms 
consume。  Thus the particles of earth; forming the superficial 
mould; are subjected to conditions eminently favourable for their 
decomposition and disintegration。  Moreover; the particles of the 
softer rocks suffer some amount of mechanical trituration in the 
muscular gizzards of worms; in which small stones serve as mill…

The finely levigated castings; when brought to the surface in a 
moist condition; flow during rainy weather down any moderate slope; 
and the smaller particles are washed far down even a gently 
inclined surface。  Castings when dry often crumble into small 
pellets and these are apt to roll down any sloping surface。  Where 
the land is quite level and is covered with herbage; and where the 
climate is humid so that much dust cannot be blown away; it appears 
at first sight impossible that there should be any appreciable 
amount of sub…aerial denudation; but worm…castings are blown; 
especially whilst moist and viscid; in one uniform direction by the 
prevalent winds which are accompanied by rain。  By these several 
means the superficial mould is prevented from accumulating to a 
great thickness; and a thick bed of mould checks in many ways the 
disintegration of the underlying rocks and fragments of rock。

The removal of worm…castings by the above means leads to results 
which are far from insignificant。  It has been shown that a layer 
of earth; 0。2 of an inch in thickness; is in many places annually 
brought to the surface; and if a small part of this amount flows; 
or rolls; or is washed; even for a short distance; down every 
inclined surface; or is repeatedly blown in one direction; a great 
effect will be produced in the course of ages。  It was found by 
measurements and calculations that on a surface with a mean 
inclination of 9 degrees 26 seconds; 2。4 cubic inches of earth 
which had been ejected by worms crossed; in the course of a year; a 
horizontal line one yard in length; so that 240 cubic inches would 
cross a line 100 yards in length。  This latter amount in a damp 
state would weigh 11。5 pounds。  Thus a considerable weight of earth 
is continually moving down each side of every valley; and will in 
time reach its bed。  Finally this earth will be transported by the 
streams flowing in the valleys into the ocean; the great receptacle 
for all matter denuded from the land。  It is known from the amount 
of sediment annually delivered into the sea by the Mississippi; 
that its enormous drainage…area must on an average be lowered 
。00263 of an inch each year; and this would suffice in four and 
half million years to lower the whole drainage…area to the level of 
the sea…shore。  So that; if a small fraction of the layer of fine 
earth; 0。2 of an inch in thickness; which is annually brought to 
the surface by worms; is carried away; a great result cannot fail 
to be produced within a period which no geologist considers 
extremely long。

Archaeologists ought to be grateful to worms; as they protect and 
preserve for an indefinitely long period every object; not liable 
to decay; which is dropped on the surface of the land; by burying 
it beneath their castings。  Thus; also; many elegant and curious 
tesselated pavements and other ancient remains have been preserved; 
though no doubt the worms have in these cases been largely aided by 
earth washed and blown from the adjoining land; especially when 
cultivated。  The old tesselated pavements have; however; often 
suffered by having subsided unequally from being unequally 
undermined by the worms。  Even old massive walls may be undermined 
and subside; and no building is in this respect safe; unless the 
foundations lie 6 or 7 feet beneath the surface; at a depth at 
which worms cannot work。  It is probable that many monoliths and 
some old walls have fallen down from having been undermined by 

Worms prepare the ground {82} in an excellent manner for the growth 
of fibrous…rooted plants and for seedlings of all kinds。  They 
periodically expose the mould to the air; and sift it so that no 
stones larger than the particles which they can swallow are left in 
it。  They mingle the whole intimately together; like a gardener who 
prepares fine soil for his choicest plants。  In this state it is 
well fitted to retain moisture and to absorb all soluble 
substances; as well as for the process of nitrification。  The bones 
of dead animals; the harder parts of insects; the shells of land…
molluscs; leaves; twigs; &c。; are before long all buried beneath 
the accumulated castings of worms; and are thus brought in a more 
or less decayed state within reach of the roots of plants。  Worms 
likewise drag an infinite number of dead leaves and other parts of 
plants into their burrows; partly for the sake of plugging them up 
and partly as food。

The leaves which are dragged into the burrows as food; after being 
torn into the finest shreds; partially digested; and saturated with 
the intestinal and urinary secretions; are commingled with much 
earth。  This earth forms the dark coloured; rich humus which almost 
everywhere covers the surface of the land with a fairly well…
defined layer or mantle。  Hensen {83} placed two worms in a vessel 
18 inches in diameter; which was filled with sand; on which fallen 
leaves were strewed; and these were soon dragged into their burrows 
to a depth of 3 inches。  After about 6 weeks an almost uniform 
layer of sand; a centimeter (0。4 inch) in thickness; was converted 
into humus by having passed through the alimentary canals of these 
two worms。  It is believed by some persons that worm…burrows; which 
often penetrate the ground almost perpendicularly to a depth of 5 
or 6 feet; materially aid in its drainage; notwithstanding that the 
viscid castings piled over the mouths of the burrows prevent or 
check the rain…water directly entering them。  They allow the air to 
penetrate deeply into the ground。  They also greatly facilitate the 
downward passage of roots of moderate size; and these will be 
nourished by the humus with which the burrows are lined。  Many 
seeds owe their germination to having been covered by castings; and 
others buried to a considerable depth beneath accumulated castings 
lie dormant; until at some future time they are accidentally 
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