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the formation of vegetable mould-第44章

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strong wind to leeward。  This was observed on four occasions; but I 
did not sufficiently attend to this point。  One old casting on a 
gently sloping bank was blown quite away by a strong south…west 
wind。  Dr。 King believes that the wind removes the greater part of 
the old crumbling castings near Nice。  Several old castings on my 
lawn were marked with pins and protected from any disturbance。  
They were examined after an interval of 10 weeks; during which time 
the weather had been alternately dry and rainy。  Some; which were 
of a yellowish colour had been washed almost completely away; as 
could be seen by the colour of the surrounding ground。  Others had 
completely disappeared; and these no doubt had been blown away。  
Lastly; others still remained and would long remain; as blades of 
grass had grown through them。  On poor pasture…land; which has 
never been rolled and has not been much trampled on by animals; the 
whole surface is sometimes dotted with little pimples; through and 
on which grass grows; and these pimples consist of old worm…

In all the many observed cases of soft castings blown to leeward; 
this had been effected by strong winds accompanied by rain。  As 
such winds in England generally blow from the south and south…west; 
earth must on the whole tend to travel over our fields in a north 
and north…east direction。  This fact is interesting; because it 
might be thought that none could be removed from a level; grass…
covered surface by any means。  In thick and level woods; protected 
from the wind; castings will never be removed as long as the wood 
lasts; and mould will here tend to accumulate to the depth at which 
worms can work。  I tried to procure evidence as to how much mould 
is blown; whilst in the state of castings; by our wet southern 
gales to the north…east; over open and flat land; by looking to the 
level of the surface on opposite sides of old trees and hedge…rows; 
but I failed owing to the unequal growth of the roots of trees and 
to most pasture…land having been formerly ploughed。

On an open plain near Stonehenge; there exist shallow circular 
trenches; with a low embankment outside; surrounding level spaces 
50 yards in diameter。  These rings appear very ancient; and are 
believed to be contemporaneous with the Druidical stones。  Castings 
ejected within these circular spaces; if blown to the north…east by 
south…west winds would form a layer of mould within the trench; 
thicker on the north…eastern than on any other side。  But the site 
was not favourable for the action of worms; for the mould over the 
surrounding Chalk formation with flints; was only 3。37 inches in 
thickness; from a mean of six observations made at a distance of 10 
yards outside the embankment。  The thickness of the mould within 
two of the circular trenches was measured every 5 yards all round; 
on the inner sides near the bottom。  My son Horace protracted these 
measurements on paper; and though the curved line representing the 
thickness of the mould was extremely irregular; yet in both 
diagrams it could be seen to be thicker on the north…eastern side 
than elsewhere。  When a mean of all the measurements in both the 
trenches was laid down and the line smoothed; it was obvious that 
the mould was thickest in the quarter of the circle between north…
west and north…east; and thinnest in the quarter between south…east 
and south…west; especially at this latter point。  Besides the 
foregoing measurements; six others were taken near together in one 
of the circular trenches; on the north…east side; and the mould 
here had a mean thickness of 2。29 inches; while the mean of six 
other measurements on the south…west side was only 1。46 inches。  
These observations indicate that the castings had been blown by the 
south…west winds from the circular enclosed space into the trench 
on the north…east side; but many more measurements in other 
analogous cases would be requisite for a trustworthy result。

The amount of fine earth brought to the surface under the form of 
castings; and afterwards transported by the winds accompanied by 
rain; or that which flows and rolls down an inclined surface; no 
doubt is small in the course of a few scores of years; for 
otherwise all the inequalities in our pasture fields would be 
smoothed within a much shorter period than appears to be the case。  
But the amount which is thus transported in the course of thousands 
of years cannot fail to be considerable and deserves attention。  E。 
de Beaumont looks at the vegetable mould which everywhere covers 
the land as a fixed line; from which the amount of denudation may 
be measured。 {79}  He ignores the continued formation of fresh 
mould by the disintegration of the underlying rocks and fragments 
of rock; and it is curious to find how much more philosophical were 
the views maintained long ago; by Playfair; who; in 1802; wrote; 
〃In the permanence of a coat of vegetable mould on the surface of 
the earth; we have a demonstrative proof of the continued 
destruction of the rocks。〃 {80}

Ancient encampments and tumuli。E。 de Beaumont adduces the present 
state of many ancient encampments and tumuli and of old ploughed 
fields; as evidence that the surface of the land undergoes hardly 
any degradation。  But it does not appear that he ever examined the 
thickness of the mould over different parts of such old remains。  
He relies chiefly on indirect; but apparently trustworthy; evidence 
that the slopes of the old embankments are the same as they 
originally were; and it is obvious that he could know nothing about 
their original heights。  In Knole Park a mound had been thrown up 
behind the rifle…targets; which appeared to have been formed of 
earth originally supported by square blocks of turf。  The sides 
sloped; as nearly as I could estimate them; at an angle of 45 
degrees or 50 degrees with the horizon; and they were covered; 
especially on the northern side; with long coarse grass; beneath 
which many worm…castings were found。  These had flowed bodily 
downwards; and others had rolled down as pellets。  Hence it is 
certain that as long as a mound of this kind is tenanted by worms; 
its height will be continually lowered。  The fine earth which flows 
or rolls down the sides of such a mound accumulates at its base in 
the form of a talus。  A bed; even a very thin bed; of fine earth is 
eminently favourable for worms; so that a greater number of 
castings would tend to be ejected on a talus thus formed than 
elsewhere; and these would be partially washed away by every heavy 
shower and be spread over the adjoining level ground。  The final 
result would be the lowering of the whole mound; whilst the 
inclination of the sides would not be greatly lessened。  The same 
result would assuredly follow with ancient embankments and tumuli; 
except where they had been formed of gravel or of nearly pure sand; 
as such matter is unfavourable for worms。  Many old fortifications 
and tumuli are believed to be at least 2000 years old; and we 
should bear in mind that in many places about one inch of mould is 
brought to the surface in 5 y
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