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the formation of vegetable mould-第38章

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not be supposed that this fact accounts for the frequency with 
which stones and sand are found in their gizzards。  For beads of 
glass and fragments of brick and of hard tiles were scattered over 
the surface of the earth; in pots in which worms were kept and had 
already made their burrows; and very many of these beads and 
fragments were picked up and swallowed by the worms; for they were 
found in their castings; intestines; and gizzards。  They even 
swallowed the coarse red dust; formed by the pounding of the tiles。  
Nor can it be supposed that they mistook the beads and fragments 
for food; for we have seen that their taste is delicate enough to 
distinguish between different kinds of leaves。  It is therefore 
manifest that they swallow hard objects; such as bits of stone; 
beads of glass and angular fragments of bricks or tiles for some 
special purpose; and it can hardly be doubted that this is to aid 
their gizzards in crushing and grinding the earth; which they so 
largely consume。  That such hard objects are not necessary for 
crushing leaves; may be inferred from the fact that certain 
species; which live in mud or water and feed on dead or living 
vegetable matter; but which do not swallow earth; are not provided 
with gizzards; {72} and therefore cannot have the power of 
utilising stones。

During the grinding process; the particles of earth must be rubbed 
against one another; and between the stones and the tough lining 
membrane of the gizzard。  The softer particles will thus suffer 
some attrition; and will perhaps even be crushed。  This conclusion 
is supported by the appearance of freshly ejected castings; for 
these often reminded me of the appearance of paint which has just 
been ground by a workman between two flat stones。  Morren remarks 
that the intestinal canal is 〃impleta tenuissima terra; veluti in 
pulverem redacta。〃 {73}  Perrier also speaks of 〃l'etat de pate 
excessivement fine a laquelle est reduite la terre qu'ils 
rejettent;〃 &c。 {74}

As the amount of trituration which the particles of earth undergo 
in the gizzards of worms possesses some interest (as we shall 
hereafter see); I endeavoured to obtain evidence on this head by 
carefully examining many of the fragments which had passed through 
their alimentary canals。  With worms living in a state of nature; 
it is of course impossible to know how much the fragments may have 
been worn before they were swallowed。  It is; however; clear that 
worms do not habitually select already rounded particles; for 
sharply angular bits of flint and of other hard rocks were often 
found in their gizzards or intestines。  On three occasions sharp 
spines from the stems of rose…bushes were thus found。  Worms kept 
in confinement repeatedly swallowed angular fragments of hard tile; 
coal; cinders; and even the sharpest fragments of glass。  
Gallinaceous and struthious birds retain the same stones in their 
gizzards for a long time; which thus become well rounded; but this 
does not appear to be the case with worms; judging from the large 
number of the fragments of tiles; glass beads; stones; &c。; 
commonly found in their castings and intestines。  So that unless 
the same fragments were to pass repeatedly through their gizzards; 
visible signs of attrition in the fragments could hardly be 
expected; except perhaps in the case of very soft stones。

I will now give such evidence of attrition as I have been able to 
collect。  In the gizzards of some worms dug out of a thin bed of 
mould over the chalk; there were many well…rounded small fragments 
of chalk; and two fragments of the shells of a land…mollusc (as 
ascertained by their microscopical structure); which latter were 
not only rounded but somewhat polished。  The calcareous concretions 
formed in the calciferous glands; which are often found in their 
gizzards; intestines; and occasionally in their castings; when of 
large size; sometimes appeared to have been rounded; but with all 
calcareous bodies the rounded appearance may be partly or wholly 
due to their corrosion by carbonic acid and the humus…acids。  In 
the gizzards of several worms collected in my kitchen garden near a 
hothouse; eight little fragments of cinders were found; and of 
these; six appeared more or less rounded; as were two bits of 
brick; but some other bits were not at all rounded。  A farm…road 
near Abinger Hall had been covered seven years before with brick…
rubbish to the depth of about 6 inches; turf had grown over this 
rubbish on both sides of the road for a width of 18 inches; and on 
this turf there were innumerable castings。  Some of them were 
coloured of a uniform red owing to the presence of much brick…dust; 
and they contained many particles of brick and of hard mortar from 
1 to 3 mm。 in diameter; most of which were plainly rounded; but all 
these particles may have been rounded before they were protected by 
the turf and were swallowed; like those on the bare parts of the 
road which were much worn。  A hole in a pasture…field had been 
filled up with brick…rubbish at the same time; viz。; seven years 
ago; and was now covered with turf; and here the castings contained 
very many particles of brick; all more or less rounded; and this 
brick…rubbish; after being shot into the hole; could not have 
undergone any attrition。  Again; old bricks very little broken; 
together with fragments of mortar; were laid down to form walks; 
and were then covered with from 4 to 6 inches of gravel; six little 
fragments of brick were extracted from castings collected on these 
walks; three of which were plainly worn。  There were also very many 
particles of hard mortar; about half of which were well rounded; 
and it is not credible that these could have suffered so much 
corrosion from the action of carbonic acid in the course of only 
seven years。

Much better evidence of the attrition of hard objects in the 
gizzards of worms; is afforded by the state of the small fragments 
of tiles or bricks; and of concrete in the castings thrown up where 
ancient buildings once stood。  As all the mould covering a field 
passes every few years through the bodies of worms; the same small 
fragments will probably be swallowed and brought to the surface 
many times in the course of centuries。  It should be premised that 
in the several following cases; the finer matter was first washed 
away from the castings; and then all the particles of bricks; tiles 
and concrete were collected without any selection; and were 
afterwards examined。  Now in the castings ejected between the 
tesserae on one of the buried floors of the Roman villa at Abinger; 
there were many particles (from to 2 mm。 in diameter) of tiles and 
concrete; which it was impossible to look at with the naked eye or 
through a strong lens; and doubt for a moment that they had almost 
all undergone much attrition。  I speak thus after having examined 
small water…worn pebbles; formed from Roman bricks; which M。 Henri 
de Saussure had the kindness to send me; and which he had extracted 
from sand and gravel beds; deposited on the shores of the Lake of 
Geneva; at a former period when 
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