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the formation of vegetable mould-第3章

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square。  They could sometimes be traced either to or from the 
mouths of the burrows in the gravel…walks; for distances between 2 
or 3 up to 15 yards。  I have never seen two tracks leading to the 
same burrow; nor is it likely; from what we shall presently see of 
their sense…organs; that a worm could find its way back to its 
burrow after having once left it。  They apparently leave their 
burrows on a voyage of discovery; and thus they find new sites to 

Morren states {12} that worms often lie for hours almost motionless 
close beneath the mouths of their burrows。  I have occasionally 
noticed the same fact with worms kept in pots in the house; so that 
by looking down into their burrows; their heads could just be seen。  
If the ejected earth or rubbish over the burrows be suddenly 
removed; the end of the worm's body may very often be seen rapidly 
retreating。  This habit of lying near the surface leads to their 
destruction to an immense extent。  Every morning during certain 
seasons of the year; the thrushes and blackbirds on all the lawns 
throughout the country draw out of their holes an astonishing 
number of worms; and this they could not do; unless they lay close 
to the surface。  It is not probable that worms behave in this 
manner for the sake of breathing fresh air; for we have seen that 
they can live for a long time under water。  I believe that they lie 
near the surface for the sake of warmth; especially in the morning; 
and we shall hereafter find that they often coat the mouths of 
their burrows with leaves; apparently to prevent their bodies from 
coming into close contact with the cold damp earth。  It is said 
that they completely close their burrows during the winter。

Structure。A few remarks must be made on this subject。  The body 
of a large worm consists of from 100 to 200 almost cylindrical 
rings or segments; each furnished with minute bristles。  The 
muscular system is well developed。  Worms can crawl backwards as 
well as forwards; and by the aid of their affixed tails can retreat 
with extraordinary rapidity into their burrows。  The mouth is 
situated at the anterior end of the body; and is provided with a 
little projection (lobe or lip; as it has been variously called) 
which is used for prehension。  Internally; behind the mouth; there 
is a strong pharynx; shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig。 1) 
which is pushed forwards when the animal eats; and this part 
corresponds; according to Perrier; with the protrudable trunk or 
proboscis of other annelids。  The pharynx leads into the 
oesophagus; on each side of which in the lower part there are three 
pairs of large glands; which secrete a surprising amount of 
carbonate of lime。  These calciferous glands are highly remarkable; 
for nothing like them is known in any other animal。  Their use will 
be discussed when we treat of the digestive process。  In most of 
the species; the oesophagus is enlarged into a crop in front of the 
gizzard。  This latter organ is lined with a smooth thick chitinous 
membrane; and is surrounded by weak longitudinal; but powerful 
transverse muscles。  Perrier saw these muscles in energetic action; 
and; as he remarks; the trituration of the food must be chiefly 
effected by this organ; for worms possess no jaws or teeth of any 
kind。  Grains of sand and small stones; from the 1/20 to a little 
more than the 1/10 inch in diameter; may generally be found in 
their gizzards and intestines。  As it is certain that worms swallow 
many little stones; independently of those swallowed while 
excavating their burrows; it is probable that they serve; like 
mill…stones; to triturate their food。  The gizzard opens into the 
intestine; which runs in a straight course to the vent at the 
posterior end of the body。  The intestine presents a remarkable 
structure; the typhlosolis; or; as the old anatomists called it; an 
intestine within an intestine; and Claparede {13} has shown that 
this consists of a deep longitudinal involution of the walls of the 
intestine; by which means an extensive absorbent surface is gained。

The circulatory system is well developed。  Worms breathe by their 
skin; as they do not possess any special respiratory organs。  The 
two sexes are united in the same individual; but two individuals 
pair together。  The nervous system is fairly well developed; and 
the two almost confluent cerebral ganglia are situated very near to 
the anterior end of the body。

Senses。Worms are destitute of eyes; and at first I thought that 
they were quite insensible to light; for those kept in confinement 
were repeatedly observed by the aid of a candle; and others out of 
doors by the aid of a lantern; yet they were rarely alarmed; 
although extremely timid animals。  Other persons have found no 
difficulty in observing worms at night by the same means。 {14}

Hoffmeister; however; states {15} that worms; with the exception of 
a few individuals; are extremely sensitive to light; but he admits 
that in most cases a certain time is requisite for its action。  
These statements led me to watch on many successive nights worms 
kept in pots; which were protected from currents of air by means of 
glass plates。  The pots were approached very gently; in order that 
no vibration of the floor should be caused。  When under these 
circumstances worms were illuminated by a bull's…eye lantern having 
slides of dark red and blue glass; which intercepted so much light 
that they could be seen only with some difficulty; they were not at 
all affected by this amount of light; however long they were 
exposed to it。  The light; as far as I could judge; was brighter 
than that from the full moon。  Its colour apparently made no 
difference in the result。  When they were illuminated by a candle; 
or even by a bright paraffin lamp; they were not usually affected 
at first。  Nor were they when the light was alternately admitted 
and shut off。  Sometimes; however; they behaved very differently; 
for as soon as the light fell on them; they withdrew into their 
burrows with almost instantaneous rapidity。  This occurred perhaps 
once out of a dozen times。  When they did not withdraw instantly; 
they often raised the anterior tapering ends of their bodies from 
the ground; as if their attention was aroused or as if surprise was 
felt; or they moved their bodies from side to side as if feeling 
for some object。  They appeared distressed by the light; but I 
doubt whether this was really the case; for on two occasions after 
withdrawing slowly; they remained for a long time with their 
anterior extremities protruding a little from the mouths of their 
burrows; in which position they were ready for instant and complete 

When the light from a candle was concentrated by means of a large 
lens on the anterior extremity; they generally withdrew instantly; 
but this concentrated light failed to act perhaps once out of half 
a dozen trials。  The light was on one occasion concentrated on a 
worm lying beneath water in a saucer; and it instantly withdrew 
into its burrow。  In all cases the duration of the light; unless 
extremely feeble; mad
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