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the formation of vegetable mould-第13章

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there must be something attractive to worms in the base; 
notwithstanding that few ordinary leaves are drawn in by the base 
or foot…stalk。

Petioles。We will now turn to the petioles or foot…stalks of 
compound leaves; after the leaflets have fallen off。  Those from 
Clematis montana; which grew over a verandah; were dragged early in 
January in large numbers into the burrows on an adjoining gravel…
walk; lawn; and flower…bed。  These petioles vary from 2。5 to 4。5 
inches in length; are rigid and of nearly uniform thickness; except 
close to the base where they thicken rather abruptly; being here 
about twice as thick as in any other part。  The apex is somewhat 
pointed; but soon withers and is then easily broken off。  Of these 
petioles; 314 were pulled out of burrows in the above specified 
sites; and it was found that 76 per cent。 had been drawn in by 
their tips; and 24 per cent by their bases; so that those drawn in 
by the tip were a little more than thrice as many as those drawn in 
by the base。  Some of those extracted from the well…beaten gravel…
walk were kept separate from the others; and of these (59 in 
number) nearly five times as many had been drawn in by the tip as 
by the base; whereas of those extracted from the lawn and flower…
bed; where from the soil yielding more easily; less care would be 
necessary in plugging up the burrows; the proportion of those drawn 
in by the tip (130) to those drawn in by the base (48) was rather 
less than three to one。  That these petioles had been dragged into 
the burrows for plugging them up; and not for food; was manifest; 
as neither end; as far as I could see; had been gnawed。  As several 
petioles are used to plug up the same burrow; in one case as many 
as 10; and in another case as many as 15; the worms may perhaps at 
first draw in a few by the thicker end so as to save labour; but 
afterwards a large majority are drawn in by the pointed end; in 
order to plug up the hole securely。

The fallen petioles of our native ash…tree were next observed; and 
the rule with most objects; viz。; that a large majority are dragged 
into the burrows by the more pointed end; had not here been 
followed; and this fact much surprised me at first。  These petioles 
vary in length from 5 to 8。5 inches; they are thick and fleshy 
towards the base; whence they taper gently towards the apex; which 
is a little enlarged and truncated where the terminal leaflet had 
been originally attached。  Under some ash…trees growing in a grass…
field; 229 petioles were pulled out of worm burrows early in 
January; and of these 51。5 per cent。 had been drawn in by the base; 
and 48。5 per cent。 by the apex。  This anomaly was however readily 
explained as soon as the thick basal part was examined; for in 78 
out of 103 petioles; this part had been gnawed by worms; just above 
the horse…shoe shaped articulation。  In most cases there could be 
no mistake about the gnawing; for ungnawed petioles which were 
examined after being exposed to the weather for eight additional 
weeks had not become more disintegrated or decayed near the base 
than elsewhere。  It is thus evident that the thick basal end of the 
petiole is drawn in not solely for the sake of plugging up the 
mouths of the burrows; but as food。  Even the narrow truncated tips 
of some few petioles had been gnawed; and this was the case in 6 
out of 37 which were examined for this purpose。  Worms; after 
having drawn in and gnawed the basal end; often push the petioles 
out of their burrows; and then drag in fresh ones; either by the 
base for food; or by the apex for plugging up the mouth more 
effectually。  Thus; out of 37 petioles inserted by their tips; 5 
had been previously drawn in by the base; for this part had been 
gnawed。  Again; I collected a handful of petioles lying loose on 
the ground close to some plugged…up burrows; where the surface was 
thickly strewed with other petioles which apparently had never been 
touched by worms; and 14 out of 47 (i。e。 nearly one…third); after 
having had their bases gnawed had been pushed out of the burrows 
and were now lying on the ground。  From these several facts we may 
conclude that worms draw in some petioles of the ash by the base to 
serve as food; and others by the tip to plug up the mouths of their 
burrows in the most efficient manner。

The petioles of Robinia pseudo…acacia vary from 4 or 5 to nearly 12 
inches in length; they are thick close to the base before the 
softer parts have rotted off; and taper much towards the upper end。  
They are so flexible that I have seen some few doubled up and thus 
drawn into the burrows of worms。  Unfortunately these petioles were 
not examined until February; by which time the softer parts had 
completely rotted off; so that it was impossible to ascertain 
whether worms had gnawed the bases; though this is in itself 
probable。  Out of 121 petioles extracted from burrows early in 
February; 68 were imbedded by the base; and 53 by the apex。  On 
February 5 all the petioles which had been drawn into the burrows 
beneath a Robinia; were pulled up; and after an interval of eleven 
days; 35 petioles had been again dragged in; 19 by the base; and 16 
by the apex。  Taking these two lots together; 56 per cent。 were 
drawn in by the base; and 44 per cent。 by the apex。  As all the 
softer parts had long ago rotted off; we may feel sure; especially 
in the latter case; that none had been drawn in as food。  At this 
season; therefore; worms drag these petioles into their burrows 
indifferently by either end; a slight preference being given to the 
base。  This latter fact may be accounted for by the difficulty of 
plugging up a burrow with objects so extremely thin as are the 
upper ends。  In support of this view; it may be stated that out of 
the 16 petioles which had been drawn in by their upper ends; the 
more attenuated terminal portion of 7 had been previously broken 
off by some accident。

Triangles of paper。Elongated triangles were cut out of moderately 
stiff writing…paper; which was rubbed with raw fat on both sides; 
so as to prevent their becoming excessively limp when exposed at 
night to rain and dew。  The sides of all the triangles were three 
inches in length; with the bases of 120 one inch; and of the other 
183 half an inch in length。  These latter triangles were very 
narrow or much acuminated。 {32}  As a check on the observations 
presently to be given; similar triangles in a damp state were 
seized by a very narrow pair of pincers at different points and at 
all inclinations with reference to the margins; and were then drawn 
into a short tube of the diameter of a worm…burrow。  If seized by 
the apex; the triangle was drawn straight into the tube; with its 
margins infolded; if seized at some little distance from the apex; 
for instance at half an inch; this much was doubled back within the 
tube。  So it was with the base and basal angles; though in this 
case the triangles offered; as might have been expected; much more 
resistance to being drawn in。  If seized near the middle the 
triangle was doubled up; with the apex and base left sticking out
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