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the formation of vegetable mould-第10章

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burrows are not gnawed。  I have seen as many as nine leaves of the 
lime…tree drawn into the same burrow; and not nearly all of them 
had been gnawed; but such leaves may serve as a store for future 
consumption。  Where fallen leaves are abundant; many more are 
sometimes collected over the mouth of a burrow than can be used; so 
that a small pile of unused leaves is left like a roof over those 
which have been partly dragged in。

A leaf in being dragged a little way into a cylindrical burrow is 
necessarily much folded or crumpled。  When another leaf is drawn 
in; this is done exteriorly to the first one; and so on with the 
succeeding leaves; and finally all become closely folded and 
pressed together。  Sometimes the worm enlarges the mouth of its 
burrow; or makes a fresh one close by; so as to draw in a still 
larger number of leaves。  They often or generally fill up the 
interstices between the drawn…in leaves with moist viscid earth 
ejected from their bodies; and thus the mouths of the burrows are 
securely plugged。  Hundreds of such plugged burrows may be seen in 
many places; especially during the autumnal and early winter 
months。  But; as will hereafter be shown; leaves are dragged into 
the burrows not only for plugging them up and for food; but for the 
sake of lining the upper part or mouth。

When worms cannot obtain leaves; petioles; sticks; &c。; with which 
to plug up the mouths of their burrows; they often protect them by 
little heaps of stones; and such heaps of smooth rounded pebbles 
may frequently be seen on gravel…walks。  Here there can be no 
question about food。  A lady; who was interested in the habits of 
worms; removed the little heaps of stones from the mouths of 
several burrows and cleared the surface of the ground for some 
inches all round。  She went out on the following night with a 
lantern; and saw the worms with their tails fixed in their burrows; 
dragging the stones inwards by the aid of their mouths; no doubt by 
suction。  〃After two nights some of the holes had 8 or 9 small 
stones over them; after four nights one had about 30; and another 
34 stones。〃 {29}  One stonewhich had been dragged over the 
gravel…walk to the mouth of a burrow weighed two ounces; and this 
proves how strong worms are。  But they show greater strength in 
sometimes displacing stones in a well…trodden gravel…walk; that 
they do so; may be inferred from the cavities left by the displaced 
stones being exactly filled by those lying over the mouths of 
adjoining burrows; as I have myself observed。

Work of this kind is usually performed during the night; but I have 
occasionally known objects to be drawn into the burrows during the 
day。  What advantage the worms derive from plugging up the mouths 
of their burrows with leaves; &c。; or from piling stones over them; 
is doubtful。  They do not act in this manner at the times when they 
eject much earth from their burrows; for their castings then serve 
to cover the mouths。  When gardeners wish to kill worms on a lawn; 
it is necessary first to brush or rake away the castings from the 
surface; in order that the lime…water may enter the burrows。 {30}  
It might be inferred from this fact that the mouths are plugged up 
with leaves; &c。; to prevent the entrance of water during heavy 
rain; but it may be urged against this view that a few; loose; 
well…rounded stones are ill…adapted to keep out water。  I have 
moreover seen many burrows in the perpendicularly cut turf…edgings 
to gravel…walks; into which water could hardly flow; as well 
plugged as burrows on a level surface。  It is not probable that the 
plugs or piles of stones serve to conceal the burrows from 
scolopendras; which; according to Hoffmeister; {31} are the 
bitterest enemies of worms; or from the larger species of Carabus 
and Staphylinus which attack them ferociously; for these animals 
are nocturnal; and the burrows are opened at night。  May not worms 
when the mouth of the burrow is protected be able to remain with 
safety with their heads close to it; which we know that they like 
to do; but which costs so many of them their lives?  Or may not the 
plugs check the free ingress of the lowest stratum of air; when 
chilled by radiation at night; from the surrounding ground and 
herbage?  I am inclined to believe in this latter view:  firstly; 
because when worms were kept in pots in a room with a fire; in 
which case cold air could not enter the burrows; they plugged them 
up in a slovenly manner; and secondarily; because they often coat 
the upper part of their burrows with leaves; apparently to prevent 
their bodies from coming into close contact with the cold damp 
earth。  Mr。 E。 Parfitt has suggested to me that the mouths of the 
burrows are closed in order that the air within them may be kept 
thoroughly damp; and this seems the most probable explanation of 
the habit。  But the plugging…up process may serve for all the above 

Whatever the motive may be; it appears that worms much dislike 
leaving the mouths of their burrows open。  Nevertheless they will 
reopen them at night; whether or not they can afterwards close 
them。  Numerous open burrows may be seen on recently…dug ground; 
for in this case the worms eject their castings in cavities left in 
the ground; or in the old burrows instead of piling them over the 
mouths of their burrows; and they cannot collect objects on the 
surface by which the mouths might be protected。  So again on a 
recently disinterred pavement of a Roman villa at Abinger 
(hereafter to be described) the worms pertinaciously opened their 
burrows almost every night; when these had been closed by being 
trampled on; although they were rarely able to find a few minute 
stones wherewith to protect them。

Intelligence shown by worms in their manner of plugging up their 
burrows。If a man had to plug up a small cylindrical hole; with 
such objects as leaves; petioles or twigs; he would drag or push 
them in by their pointed ends; but if these objects were very thin 
relatively to the size of the hole; he would probably insert some 
by their thicker or broader ends。  The guide in his case would be 
intelligence。  It seemed therefore worth while to observe carefully 
how worms dragged leaves into their burrows; whether by their tips 
or bases or middle parts。  It seemed more especially desirable to 
do this in the case of plants not natives to our country; for 
although the habit of dragging leaves into their burrows is 
undoubtedly instinctive with worms; yet instinct could not tell 
them how to act in the case of leaves about which their progenitors 
knew nothing。  If; moreover; worms acted solely through instinct or 
an unvarying inherited impulse; they would draw all kinds of leaves 
into their burrows in the same manner。  If they have no such 
definite instinct; we might expect that chance would determine 
whether the tip; base or middle was seized。  If both these 
alternatives are excluded; intelligence alone is left; unless the 
worm in each case first tries many different methods; and follows 
that alone which proves possible or the most easy; but to ac
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