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13-the invisible prince-第4章

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watched; but it was too late; for the Prince had already glided

between two rocks。  He wandered for a long while through the

forests; where he met nothing but fearful monsters; he climbed

rock after rock; steered his way from tree to tree; till at

length he arrived at the edge of the sea; at the foot of a

mountain that he remembered to have seen in the cabinet of the

present; where Rosalie was held captive。

Filled with joy; he made his way to the top of the mountain which

pierced the clouds; and there he found a palace。  He entered; and

in the middle of a long gallery he discovered a crystal room; in

the midst of which sat Rosalie; guarded night and day by genii。 

There was no door anywhere; nor any window。  At this sight the

Prince became more puzzled than ever; for he did not know how he

was to warn Rosalie of his return。  Yet it broke his heart to see

her weeping from dawn till dark。

One day; as Rosalie was walking up and down her room; she was

surprised to see that the crystal which served for a wall had

grown cloudy; as if some one had breathed on it; and; what was

more; wherever she moved the brightness of the crystal always

became clouded。  This was enough to cause the Princess to suspect

that her lover had returned。  In order to set the Prince of the

Air's mind at rest she began by being very gracious to him; so

that when she begged that her captivity might be a little

lightened she should not be refused。  At first the only favour

she asked was to be allowed to walk for one hour every day up and

down the long gallery。  This was granted; and the Invisible

Prince speedily took the opportunity of handing her the stone;

which she at once slipped into her mouth。  No words can paint the

fury of her captor at her disappearance。  He ordered the spirits

of the air to fly through all space; and to bring back Rosalie

wherever she might be。  They instantly flew off to obey his

commands; and spread themselves over the whole earth。

Meantime Rosalie and the Invisible Prince had reached; hand in

hand; a door of the gallery which led through a terrace into the

gardens。  In silence they glided along; and thought themselves

already safe; when a furious monster dashed itself by accident

against Rosalie and the Invisible Prince; and in her fright she

let go his hand。  No one can speak as long as he is invisible;

and besides; they knew that the spirits were all around them; and

at the slightest sound they would be recognised; so all they

could do was to feel about in the hope that their hands might

once more meet。

But; alas!  the joy of liberty lasted but a short time。  The

Princess; having wandered in vain up and down the forest; stopped

at last on the edge of a fountain。  As she walked she wrote on

the trees: 'If ever the Prince; my lover; comes this way; let him

know that it is here I dwell; and that I sit daily on the edge of

this fountain; mingling my tears with its waters。'

These words were read by one of the genii; who repeated them to

his master。  The Prince of the Air; in his turn making himself

invisible; was led to the fountain; and waited for Rosalie。  When

she drew near he held out his hand; which she grasped eagerly;

taking it for that of her lover; and; seizing his opportunity;

the Prince passed a cord round her arms; and throwing off his

invisibility cried to his spirits to drag her into the lowest


It was at this moment that the Invisible Prince appeared; and at

the sight of the Prince of the Genii mounting into the air;

holding a silken cord; he guessed instantly that he was carrying

off Rosalie。

He felt so overwhelmed by despair that he thought for an instant

of putting an end to his life。  'Can I survive my misfortunes?'

he cried。  'I fancied I had come to an end of my troubles; and

now they are worse than ever。  What will become of me?  Never can

I discover the place where this monster will hide Rosalie。'

The unhappy youth had determined to let himself die; and indeed

his sorrow alone was enough to kill him; when the thought that by

means of the cabinets of the years he might find out where the

Princess was imprisoned; gave him a little ray of comfort。  So he

continued to walk on through the forest; and after some hours he

arrived at the gate of a temple; guarded by two huge lions。 

Being invisible; he was able to enter unharmed。  In the middle of

the temple was an altar; on which lay a book; and behind the

altar hung a great curtain。  The Prince approached the altar and

opened the book; which contained the names of all the lovers in

the world: and in it he read that Rosalie had been carried off by

the Prince of the Air to an abyss which had no entrance except

the one that lay by way of the Fountain of Gold。

Now; as the Prince had not the smallest idea where this fountain

was to be found; it might be thought that he was not much nearer

Rosalie than before。  This was not; however; the view taken by

the Prince。

'Though every step that I take may perhaps lead me further from

her;' he said to himself; 'I am still thankful to know that she

is alive somewhere。'

On leaving the temple the Invisible Prince saw six paths lying

before him; each of which led through the wood。  He was

hesitating which to choose; when he suddenly beheld two people

coming towards him; down the track which lay most to his right。 

They turned out to be the Prince Gnome and his friend; and the

sudden desire to get some news of his sister; Princess Argentine;

caused the Invisible Prince to follow them and to listen to their


'Do you think;' the Prince Gnome was saying; 'do you think that I

would not break my chains if I could?  I know that the Princess

Argentine will never love me; yet each day I feel her dearer

still。  And as if this were not enough; I have the horror of

feeling that she probably loves another。  So I have resolved to

put myself out of my pain by means of the Golden Fountain。  A

single drop of its water falling on the sand around will trace

the name of my rival in her heart。  I dread the test; and yet

this very dread convinces me of my misfortune。'

It may be imagined that after listening to these words the

Invisible Prince followed Prince Gnome like his shadow; and after

walking some time they arrived at the Golden Fountain。  The

unhappy lover stooped down with a sigh; and dipping his finger in

the water let fall a drop on the sand。  It instantly wrote the

name of Prince Flame; his brother。  The shock of this discovery

was so real; that Prince Gnome sank fainting into the arms of his


Meanwhile the Invisible Prince was turning over in his mind how

he could best deliver Rosalie。  As; since he had been touched by

the Giant's ring; he had the power to live in the water as well

as on land; he at once dived into the fountain。  He perceived in

one corner a door leading into the mountain; and at the foot of

the mountain was a high
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