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circumstances I was in; being now to thrust myself in among so many

people; who for some weeks had been so shy of myself that if I met

anybody in the street I would cross the way from them。

They were equally surprised; though on another account。  They all

told me they were neighbours; that they had heard anyone might take

them; that they were nobody's goods; and the like。  I talked big to

them at first; went back to the gate and took out the key; so that they

were all my prisoners; threatened to lock them all into the warehouse;

and go and fetch my Lord Mayor's officers for them。

They begged heartily; protested they found the gate open; and the

warehouse door open; and that it had no doubt been broken open by

some who expected to find goods of greater value: which indeed was

reasonable to believe; because the lock was broke; and a padlock that

hung to the door on the outside also loose; and not abundance of the

hats carried away。

At length I considered that this was not a time to be cruel and

rigorous; and besides that; it would necessarily oblige me to go much

about; to have several people come to me; and I go to several whose

circumstances of health I knew nothing of; and that even at this time

the plague was so high as that there died 4000 a week; so that in

showing my resentment; or even in seeking justice for my brother's

goods; I might lose my own life; so I contented myself with taking the

names and places where some of them lived; who were really inhabitants

in the neighbourhood; and threatening that my brother should call them

to an account for it when he returned to his habitation。

Then I talked a little upon another foot with them; and asked them

how they could do such things as these in a time of such general

calamity; and; as it were; in the face of God's most dreadful

judgements; when the plague was at their very doors; and; it may be;

in their very houses; and they did not know but that the dead…cart

might stop at their doors in a few hours to carry them to their graves。

I could not perceive that my discourse made much impression upon

them all that while; till it happened that there came two men of the

neighbourhood; hearing of the disturbance; and knowing my brother;

for they had been both dependents upon his family; and they came to

my assistance。  These being; as I said; neighbours; presently knew

three of the women and told me who they were and where they lived;

and it seems they had given me a true account of themselves before。

This brings these two men to a further remembrance。  The name of

one was John Hayward; who was at that time undersexton of the

parish of St Stephen; Coleman Street。  By undersexton was

understood at that time gravedigger and bearer of the dead。  This man

carried; or assisted to carry; all the dead to their graves which were

buried in that large parish; and who were carried in form; and after

that form of burying was stopped; went with the dead…cart and the bell

to fetch the dead bodies from the houses where they lay; and fetched

many of them out of the chambers and houses; for the parish was; and

is still; remarkable particularly; above all the parishes in London;

for a great number of alleys and thoroughfares; very long; into which

no carts could come; and where they were obliged to go and fetch the

bodies a very long way; which alleys now remain to witness it; such

as White's Alley; Cross Key Court; Swan Alley; Bell Alley; White

Horse Alley; and many more。  Here they went with a kind of hand…

barrow and laid the dead bodies on it; and carried them out to the

carts; which work he performed and never had the distemper at all;

but lived about twenty years after it; and was sexton of the parish to

the time of his death。  His wife at the same time was a nurse to

infected people; and tended many that died in the parish; being for her

honesty recommended by the parish officers; yet she never was

infected neither。

He never used any preservative against the infection; other than

holding garlic and rue in his mouth; and smoking tobacco。  This I also

had from his own mouth。  And his wife's remedy was washing her head

in vinegar and sprinkling her head…clothes so with vinegar as to

keep them always moist; and if the smell of any of those she waited

on was more than ordinary offensive; she snuffed vinegar up her nose

and sprinkled vinegar upon her head…clothes; and held a handkerchief

wetted with vinegar to her mouth。

It must be confessed that though the plague was chiefly among the

poor; yet were the poor the most venturous and fearless of it; and went

about their employment with a sort of brutal courage; I must call it so;

for it was founded neither on religion nor prudence; scarce did they

use any caution; but ran into any business which they could get

employment in; though it was the most hazardous。  Such was that of

tending the sick; watching houses shut up; carrying infected persons to

the pest…house; and; which was still worse; carrying the dead away to

their graves。

It was under this John Hayward's care; and within his bounds; that

the story of the piper; with which people have made themselves so

merry; happened; and he assured me that it was true。  It is said that it

was a blind piper; but; as John told me; the fellow was not blind; but

an ignorant; weak; poor man; and usually walked his rounds about ten

o'clock at night and went piping along from door to door; and the

people usually took him in at public…houses where they knew him; and

would give him drink and victuals; and sometimes farthings; and he in

return would pipe and sing and talk simply; which diverted the

people; and thus he lived。  It was but a very bad time for this diversion

while things were as I have told; yet the poor fellow went about as

usual; but was almost starved; and when anybody asked how he did he

would answer; the dead cart had not taken him yet; but that they had

promised to call for him next week。

It happened one night that this poor fellow; whether somebody had

given him too much drink or no … John Hayward said he had not drink

in his house; but that they had given him a little more victuals than

ordinary at a public…house in Coleman Street … and the poor fellow;

having not usually had a bellyful for perhaps not a good while; was

laid all along upon the top of a bulk or stall; and fast asleep; at a door

in the street near London Wall; towards Cripplegate…; and that upon

the same bulk or stall the people of some house; in the alley of which

the house was a corner; hearing a bell which they always rang before

the cart came; had laid a body really dead of the plague just by him;

thinking; too; that this poor fellow had been a dead body; as the other

was; and laid there by some of the neighbours。

Accordingly; when John Hayward with his bell and the cart came

along; finding two dead bodies lie upon the stall; they took them up

with the instrument they used and 
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