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and children run screaming about the rooms like distracted; when a

garret…window opened and somebody from a window on the other

side the alley called and asked; 'What is the matter?' upon which; from

the first window; it was answered; 'Oh Lord; my old master has

hanged himself!' The other asked again; 'Is he quite dead?' and the

first answered; 'Ay; ay; quite dead; quite dead and cold!' This person

was a merchant and a deputy alderman; and very rich。  I care not to

mention the name; though I knew his name too; but that would be an

hardship to the family; which is now flourishing again。

But this is but one; it is scarce credible what dreadful cases

happened in particular families every day。  People in the rage of the

distemper; or in the torment of their swellings; which was indeed

intolerable; running out of their own government; raving and

distracted; and oftentimes laying violent hands upon themselves;

throwing themselves out at their windows; shooting themselves。;;;

&c。; mothers murdering their own children in their lunacy; some

dying of mere grief as a passion; some of mere fright and surprise

without any infection at all; others frighted into idiotism and foolish

distractions; some into despair and lunacy; others into melancholy madness。

The pain of the swelling was in particular very violent; and to some

intolerable; the physicians and surgeons may be said to have tortured

many poor creatures even to death。  The swellings in some grew hard;

and they applied violent drawing…plaisters or poultices to break them;

and if these did not do they cut and scarified them in a terrible

manner。  In some those swellings were made hard partly by the force

of the distemper and partly by their being too violently drawn; and

were so hard that no instrument could cut them; and then they burnt

them with caustics; so that many died raving mad with the torment;

and some in the very operation。  In these distresses; some; for want of

help to hold them down in their beds; or to look to them; laid hands

upon themselves as above。  Some broke out into the streets; perhaps

naked; and would run directly down to the river if they were not

stopped by the watchman or other officers; and plunge themselves

into the water wherever they found it。

It often pierced my very soul to hear the groans and cries of those

who were thus tormented; but of the two this was counted the most

promising particular in the whole infection; for if these swellings

could be brought to a head; and to break and run; or; as the surgeons

call it; to digest; the patient generally recovered; whereas those who;

like the gentlewoman's daughter; were struck with death at the

beginning; and had the tokens come out upon them; often went about

indifferent easy till a little before they died; and some till the moment

they dropped down; as in apoplexies and epilepsies is often the case。

Such would be taken suddenly very sick; and would run to a bench or

bulk; or any convenient place that offered itself; or to their own

houses if possible; as I mentioned before; and there sit down; grow

faint; and die。  This kind of dying was much the same as it was with

those who die of common mortifications; who die swooning; and; as it

were; go away in a dream。  Such as died thus had very little notice of

their being infected at all till the gangrene was spread through their

whole body; nor could physicians themselves know certainly how it

was with them till they opened their breasts or other parts of their

body and saw the tokens。

We had at this time a great many frightful stories told us of nurses

and watchmen who looked after the dying people; that is to say; hired

nurses who attended infected people; using them barbarously; starving

them; smothering them; or by other wicked means hastening their end;

that is to say; murdering of them; and watchmen; being set to guard

houses that were shut up when there has been but one person left; and

perhaps that one lying sick; that they have broke in and murdered that

body; and immediately thrown them out into the dead…cart! And so

they have gone scarce cold to the grave。

I cannot say but that some such murders were committed; and I

think two were sent to prison for it; but died before they could be

tried; and I have heard that three others; at several times; were

excused for murders of that kind; but I must say I believe nothing of

its being so common a crime as some have since been pleased to say;

nor did it seem to be so rational where the people were brought so low

as not to be able to help themselves; for such seldom recovered; and

there was no temptation to commit a murder; at least none equal to

the fact; where they were sure persons would die in so short a time;

and could not live。

That there were a great many robberies and wicked practices

committed even in this dreadful time I do not deny。  The power of

avarice was so strong in some that they would run any hazard to steal

and to plunder; and particularly in houses where all the families or

inhabitants have been dead and carried out; they would break in at all

hazards; and without regard to the danger of infection; take even the

clothes off the dead bodies and the bed…clothes from others where

they lay dead。

This; I suppose; must be the case of a family in Houndsditch; where

a man and his daughter; the rest of the family being; as I suppose;

carried away before by the dead…cart; were found stark naked; one in

one chamber and one in another; lying dead on the floor; and the

clothes of the beds; from whence 'tis supposed they were rolled off by

thieves; stolen and carried quite away。

It is indeed to be observed that the women were in all this calamity

the most rash; fearless; and desperate creatures; and as there were vast

numbers that went about as nurses to tend those that were sick; they

committed a great many petty thieveries in the houses where they

were employed; and some of them were publicly whipped for it; when

perhaps they ought rather to have been hanged for examples; for

numbers of houses were robbed on these occasions; till at length the

parish officers were sent to recommend nurses to the sick; and always

took an account whom it was they sent; so as that they might call them

to account if the house had been abused where they were placed。

But these robberies extended chiefly to wearing…clothes; linen; and

what rings or money they could come at when the person died who

was under their care; but not to a general plunder of the houses; and I

could give you an account of one of these nurses; who; several years

after; being on her deathbed; confessed with the utmost horror the

robberies she had committed at the time of her being a nurse; and by

which she had enriched herself to a great degree。  But as for murders;

I do not find that there was ever any proof of the facts in the manner

as it has been reported; except as above。

They did tell me; indeed; of
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