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much as to go over the street among them。

And here I must observe again; that this necessity of going out of

our houses to buy provisions was in a great measure the ruin of the

whole city; for the people catched the distemper on these occasions

one of another; and even the provisions themselves were often tainted;

at least I have great reason to believe so; and therefore I cannot say

with satisfaction what I know is repeated with great assurance; that

the market…people and such as brought provisions to town were never

infected。  I am certain the butchers of Whitechappel; where the greatest

part of the flesh…meat was killed; were dreadfully visited; and that at

least to such a degree that few of their shops were kept open; and

those that remained of them killed their meat at Mile End and that

way; and brought it to market upon horses。

However; the poor people could not lay up provisions; and there was

a necessity that they must go to market to buy; and others to send

servants or their children; and as this was a necessity which renewed

itself daily; it brought abundance of unsound people to the markets;

and a great many that went thither sound brought death home with them。

It is true people used all possible precaution。  When any one bought

a joint of meat in the market they would not take it off the butcher's

hand; but took it off the hooks themselves。  On the other hand; the

butcher would not touch the money; but have it put into a pot full of

vinegar; which he kept for that purpose。  The buyer carried always

small money to make up any odd sum; that they might take no change。

They carried bottles of scents and perfumes in their hands; and all the

means that could be used were used; but then the poor could not do

even these things; and they went at all hazards。

Innumerable dismal stories we heard every day on this very account。

Sometimes a man or woman dropped down dead in the very markets;

for many people that had the plague upon them knew nothing of it till

the inward gangrene had affected their vitals; and they died in a few

moments。  This caused that many died frequently in that manner in

the streets suddenly; without any warning; others perhaps had time to

go to the next bulk or stall; or to any door…porch; and just sit down and

die; as I have said before。

These objects were so frequent in the streets that when the plague

came to be very raging on one side; there was scarce any passing by

the streets but that several dead bodies would be lying here and there

upon the ground。  On the other hand; it is observable that though at

first the people would stop as they went along and call to the

neighbours to come out on such an occasion; yet afterward no notice

was taken of them; but that if at any time we found a corpse lying; go

across the way and not come near it; or; if in a narrow lane or passage;

go back again and seek some other way to go on the business we were

upon; and in those cases the corpse was always left till the officers

had notice to come and take them away; or till night; when the bearers

attending the dead…cart would take them up and carry them away。  Nor

did those undaunted creatures who performed these offices fail to

search their pockets; and sometimes strip off their clothes if they were

well dressed; as sometimes they were; and carry off what they could get。

But to return to the markets。  The butchers took that care that if any

person died in the market they had the officers always at band to take

them up upon hand…barrows and carry them to the next churchyard;

and this was so frequent that such were not entered in the weekly bill;

'Found dead in the streets or fields'; as is the case now; but they went

into the general articles of the great distemper。

But now the fury of the distemper increased to such a degree that

even the markets were but very thinly furnished with provisions or

frequented with buyers compared to what they were before; and the

Lord Mayor caused the country people who brought provisions to be

stopped in the streets leading into the town; and to sit down there with

their goods; where they sold what they brought; and went immediately

away; and this encouraged the country people greatly…to do so; for

they sold their provisions at the very entrances into the town; and even

in the fields; as particularly in the fields beyond Whitechappel; in

Spittlefields; also in St George's Fields in Southwark; in Bunhill

Fields; and in a great field called Wood's Close; near Islington。

Thither the Lord Mayor; aldermen; and magistrates sent their officers

and servants to buy for their families; themselves keeping within

doors as much as possible; and the like did many other people; and

after this method was taken the country people came with great

cheerfulness; and brought provisions of all sorts; and very seldom got

any harm; which; I suppose; added also to that report of their being

miraculously preserved。

As for my little family; having thus; as I have said; laid in a store of

bread; butter; cheese; and beer; I took my friend and physician's

advice; and locked myself up; and my family; and resolved to suffer

the hardship of living a few months without flesh…meat; rather than to

purchase it at the hazard of our lives。

But though I confined my family; I could not prevail upon my

unsatisfied curiosity to stay within entirely myself; and though I

generally came frighted and terrified home; vet I could not restrain;

only that indeed I did not do it so frequently as at first。

I had some little obligations; indeed; upon me to go to my brother's

house; which was in Coleman Street parish and which he had left to

my care; and I went at first every day; but afterwards only once or

twice a week。

In these walks I had many dismal scenes before my eyes; as

particularly of persons falling dead in the streets; terrible shrieks and

screechings of women; who; in their agonies; would throw open their

chamber windows and cry out in a dismal; surprising manner。  It is

impossible to describe the variety of postures in which the passions of

the poor people would express themselves。

Passing through Tokenhouse Yard; in Lothbury; of a sudden a

casement violently opened just over my head; and a woman gave three

frightful screeches; and then cried; 'Oh! death; death; death!' in a

most inimitable tone; and which struck me with horror and a chillness

in my very blood。  There was nobody to be seen in the whole street;

neither did any other window open。 for people had no curiosity now in

any case; nor could anybody help one another; so I went on to pass

into Bell Alley。

Just in Bell Alley; on the right hand of the passage; there was a more

terrible cry than that; though it was not so directed out at the window;

but the whole family was in a terrible fright; and I could hear women

and children run screaming about the rooms like distracted; when a

garret…window opened and someb
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