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cases; for whether it were in the street or in the fields; if we had seen

anybody coming; it was a general method to walk away; yet I believe

the account is exactly true。

As this puts me upon mentioning my walking the streets and fields; I

cannot omit taking notice what a desolate place the city was at that

time。  The great street I lived in (which is known to be one of the

broadest of all the streets of London; I mean of the suburbs as well as

the liberties) all the side where the butchers lived; especially without

the bars; was more like a green field than a paved street; and the

people generally went in the middle with the horses and carts。  It is

true that the farthest end towards Whitechappel Church was not all

paved; but even the part that was paved was full of grass also; but this

need not seem strange; since the great streets within the city; such as

Leadenhall Street; Bishopsgate Street; Cornhill; and even the

Exchange itself; had grass growing in them in several places; neither

cart or coach were seen in the streets from morning to evening; except

some country carts to bring roots and beans; or peas; hay; and straw;

to the market; and those but very few compared to what was usual。

As for coaches; they were scarce used but to carry sick people to the

pest…house; and to other hospitals; and some few to carry physicians to

such places as they thought fit to venture to visit; for really coaches

were dangerous things; and people did not care to venture into them;

because they did not know who might have been carried in them last;

and sick; infected people were; as I have said; ordinarily carried in

them to the pest…houses; and sometimes people expired in them as

they went along。

It is true; when the infection came to such a height as I have now

mentioned; there were very few physicians which cared to stir abroad

to sick houses; and very many of the most eminent of the faculty were

dead; as well as the surgeons also; for now it was indeed a dismal

time; and for about a month together; not taking any notice of the bills

of mortality; I believe there did not die less than 1500 or 1700 a day;

one day with another。

One of the worst days we had in the whole time; as I thought; was in

the beginning of September; when; indeed; good people began to

think that God was resolved to make a full end of the people in this

miserable city。  This was at that time when the plague was fully come

into the eastern parishes。  The parish of Aldgate; if I may give my

opinion; buried above a thousand a week for two weeks; though the

bills did not say so many; … but it surrounded me at so dismal a rate

that there was not a house in twenty uninfected in the Minories; in

Houndsditch; and in those parts of Aldgate parish about the Butcher

Row and the alleys over against me。  I say; in those places death

reigned in every corner。  Whitechappel parish was in the same

condition; and though much less than the parish I lived in; yet buried

near 600 a week by the bills; and in my opinion near twice as many。

Whole families; and indeed whole streets of families; were swept

away together; insomuch that it was frequent for neighbours to call to

the bellman to go to such…and…such houses and fetch out the people;

for that they were all dead。

And; indeed; the work of removing the dead bodies by carts was

now grown so very odious and dangerous that it was complained of

that the bearers did not take care to dear such houses where all the

inhabitants were dead; but that sometimes the bodies lay several days

unburied; till the neighbouring families were offended with the

stench; and consequently infected; and this neglect of the officers was

such that the churchwardens and constables were summoned to look

after it; and even the justices of the Hamlets were obliged to venture

their lives among them to quicken and encourage them; for

innumerable of the bearers died of the distemper; infected by the

bodies they were obliged to come so near。  And had it not been that

the number of poor people who wanted employment and wanted

bread (as I have said before) was so great that necessity drove them to

undertake anything and venture anything; they would never have

found people to be employed。  And then the bodies of the dead would

have lain above ground; and have perished and rotted in a dreadful manner。

But the magistrates cannot be enough commended in this; that they

kept such good order for the burying of the dead; that as fast as any of

these they employed to carry off and bury the dead fell sick or died; as

was many times the case; they immediately supplied the places with

others; which; by reason of the great number of poor that was left out

of business; as above; was not hard to do。  This occasioned; that

notwithstanding the infinite number of people which died and were

sick; almost all together; yet they were always cleared away and

carried off every night; so that it was never to be said of London that

the living were not able to bury the dead。

As the desolation was greater during those terrible times; so the

amazement of the people increased; and a thousand unaccountable

things they would do in the violence of their fright; as others did the

same in the agonies of their distemper; and this part was very

affecting。  Some went roaring and crying and wringing their hands

along the street; some would go praying and lifting up their hands to

heaven; calling upon God for mercy。  I cannot say; indeed; whether

this was not in their distraction; but; be it so; it was still an indication

of a more serious mind; when they had the use of their senses; and

was much better; even as it was; than the frightful yellings and cryings

that every day; and especially in the evenings; were heard in some

streets。  I suppose the world has heard of the famous Solomon Eagle;

an enthusiast。  He; though not infected at all but in his head; went

about denouncing of judgement upon the city in a frightful manner;

sometimes quite naked; and with a pan of burning charcoal on his

head。  What he said; or pretended; indeed I could not learn。

I will not say whether that clergyman was distracted or not; or

whether he did it in pure zeal for the poor people; who went every

evening through the streets of Whitechappel; and; with his hands lifted

up; repeated that part of the Liturgy of the Church continually; 'Spare

us; good Lord; spare Thy people; whom Thou has redeemed with Thy

most precious blood。' I say; I cannot speak positively of these things;

because these were only the dismal objects which represented

themselves to me as I looked through my chamber windows (for I

seldom opened the casements); while I confined myself within doors

during that most violent raging of the pestilence; when; indeed; as I

have said; many began to think; and even to say; that there would

none escape; and indeed I began to think so too; and therefore kept

within doors for about a fortnight and nev
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