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But the vigilance of the Lord Mayor and such magistrates as could

be had (for some; even of the aldermen; were dead; and some absent)

prevented this; and they did it by the most kind and gentle methods

they could think of; as particularly by relieving the most desperate

with money; and putting others into business; and particularly that

employment of watching houses that were infected and shut up。  And

as the number of these were very great (for it was said there was at

one time ten thousand houses shut up; and every house had two

watchmen to guard it; viz。; one by night and the other by day); this

gave opportunity to employ a very great number of poor men at a


The women and servants that were turned off from their places were

likewise employed as nurses to tend the sick in all places; and this

took off a very great number of them。

And; which though a melancholy article in itself; yet was a

deliverance in its kind: namely; the plague; which raged in a dreadful

manner from the middle of August to the middle of October; carried

off in that time thirty or forty thousand of these very people which;

had they been left; would certainly have been an insufferable burden

by their poverty; that is to say; the whole city could not have

supported the expense of them; or have provided food for them; and

they would in time have been even driven to the necessity of

plundering either the city itself or the country adjacent; to have

subsisted themselves; which would first or last have put the whole

nation; as well as the city; into the utmost terror and confusion。

It was observable; then; that this calamity of the people made them

very humble; for now for about nine weeks together there died near a

thousand a day; one day with another; even by the account of the

weekly bills; which yet; I have reason to be assured; never gave a full

account; by many thousands; the confusion being such; and the carts

working in the dark when they carried the dead; that in some places

no account at all was kept; but they worked on; the clerks and sextons

not attending for weeks together; and not knowing what number they

carried。  This account is verified by the following bills of mortality: …

                         Of all of the

                         Diseases。      Plague

From August   8    to August 15          5319          3880

〃     〃      15         〃    22          5568          4237

〃     〃      22         〃    29          7496          6102

〃     〃      29 to September  5          8252          6988

〃  September  5         〃    12          7690          6544

〃     〃      12         〃    19          8297          7165

〃     〃      19         〃    26          6460          5533

〃     〃      26 to October    3          5720          4979

〃   October   3         〃    10          5068          4327

                                        …         …

                                       59;870        49;705

So that the gross of the people were carried off in these two months;

for; as the whole number which was brought in to die of the plague

was but 68;590; here is 50;000 of them; within a trifle; in two months;

I say 50;000; because; as there wants 295 in the number above; so

there wants two days of two months in the account of time。

Now when I say that the parish officers did not give in a full

account; or were not to be depended upon for their account; let any

one but consider how men could be exact in such a time of dreadful

distress; and when many of them were taken sick themselves and

perhaps died in the very time when their accounts were to be given in;

I mean the parish clerks; besides inferior officers; for though these

poor men ventured at all hazards; yet they were far from being exempt

from the common calamity; especially if it be true that the parish of

Stepney had; within the year; 116 sextons; gravediggers; and their

assistants; that is to say; bearers; bellmen; and drivers of carts for

carrying off the dead bodies。

Indeed the work was not of a nature to allow them leisure to take an

exact tale of the dead bodies; which were all huddled together in the

dark into a pit; which pit or trench no man could come nigh but at the

utmost peril。  I observed often that in the parishes of Aldgate and

Cripplegate; Whitechappel and Stepney; there were five; six; seven; and

eight hundred in a week in the bills; whereas if we may believe the

opinion of those that lived in the city all the time as well as I; there

died sometimes 2000 a week in those parishes; and I saw it under the

hand of one that made as strict an examination into that part as he

could; that there really died an hundred thousand people of the plague

in that one year whereas in the bills; the articles of the plague; it was

but 68;590。

If I may be allowed to give my opinion; by what I saw with my eyes

and heard from other people that were eye…witnesses; I do verily

believe the same; viz。; that there died at least 100;000 of the plague

only; besides other distempers and besides those which died in the

fields and highways and secret Places out of the compass of the

communication; as it was called; and who were not put down in the

bills though they really belonged to the body of the inhabitants。  It was

known to us all that abundance of poor despairing creatures who had

the distemper upon them; and were grown stupid or melancholy by

their misery; as many were; wandered away into the fields and Woods;

and into secret uncouth places almost anywhere; to creep into a bush

or hedge and die。

The inhabitants of the villages adjacent would; in pity; carry them

food and set it at a distance; that they might fetch it; if they were able;

and sometimes they were not able; and the next time they went they

should find the poor wretches lie dead and the food untouched。  The

number of these miserable objects were many; and I know so many

that perished thus; and so exactly where; that I believe I could go to

the very place and dig their bones up still; for the country people

would go and dig a hole at a distance from them; and then with long

poles; and hooks at the end of them; drag the bodies into these pits;

and then throw the earth in from as far as they could cast it; to cover

them; taking notice how the wind blew; and so coming on that side

which the seamen call to windward; that the scent of the bodies might

blow from them; and thus great numbers went out of the world who

were never known; or any account of them taken; as well within the

bills of mortality as without。

This; indeed; I had in the main only from the relation of others; for I

seldom walked into the fields; except towards Bethnal Green and

Hackney; or as hereafter。  But when I did walk; I always saw a great

many poor wanderers at a distance; but I could know little of their

cases; for whether it were in the street or in the fields; if we had seen

anybody coming; it was a gen
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