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Part 3

When the buriers came up to him they soon found he was neither a

person infected and desperate; as I have observed above; or a person

distempered …in mind; but one oppressed with a dreadful weight of

grief indeed; having his wife and several of his children all in the cart

that was just come in with him; and he followed in an agony and

excess of sorrow。  He mourned heartily; as it was easy to see; but with

a kind of masculine grief that could not give itself vent by tears; and

calmly defying the buriers to let him alone; said he would only see the

bodies thrown in and go away; so they left importuning him。  But no

sooner was the cart turned round and the bodies shot into the pit

promiscuously; which was a surprise to him; for he at least expected

they would have been decently laid in; though indeed he was

afterwards convinced that was impracticable; I say; no sooner did he

see the sight but he cried out aloud; unable to contain himself。  I could

not hear what he said; but he went backward two or three steps and

fell down in a swoon。  The buriers ran to him and took him up; and in

a little while he came to himself; and they led him away to the Pie

Tavern over against the end of Houndsditch; where; it seems; the man

was known; and where they took care of him。  He looked into the pit

again as he went away; but the buriers had covered the bodies so

immediately with throwing in earth; that though there was light

enough; for there were lanterns; and candles in them; placed all night

round the sides of the pit; upon heaps of earth; seven or eight; or

perhaps more; yet nothing could be seen。

This was a mournful scene indeed; and affected me almost as much

as the rest; but the other was awful and full of terror。  The cart had in

it sixteen or seventeen bodies; some were wrapt up in linen sheets;

some in rags; some little other than naked; or so loose that what

covering they had fell from them in the shooting out of the cart; and

they fell quite naked among the rest; but the matter was not much to

them; or the indecency much to any one else; seeing they were all

dead; and were to be huddled together into the common grave of

mankind; as we may call it; for here was no difference made; but poor

and rich went together; there was no other way of burials; neither was

it possible there should; for coffins were not to be had for the

prodigious numbers that fell in such a calamity as this。

It was reported by way of scandal upon the buriers; that if any

corpse was delivered to them decently wound up; as we called it then;

in a winding…sheet tied over the head and feet; which some did; and

which was generally of good linen; I say; it was reported that the

buriers were so wicked as to strip them in the cart and carry them

quite naked to the ground。  But as I cannot easily credit anything so

vile among Christians; and at a time so filled with terrors as that was;

I can only relate it and leave it undetermined。

Innumerable stories also went about of the cruel behaviours and

practices of nurses who tended the sick; and of their hastening on the

fate of those they tended in their sickness。  But I shall say more of this

in its place。

I was indeed shocked with this sight; it almost overwhelmed me;

and I went away with my heart most afflicted; and full of the afflicting

thoughts; such as I cannot describe。 just at my going out of the church;

and turning up the street towards my own house; I saw another cart

with links; and a bellman going before; coming out of Harrow Alley in

the Butcher Row; on the other side of the way; and being; as I

perceived; very full of dead bodies; it went directly over the street also

toward the church。  I stood a while; but I had no stomach to go back

again to see the same dismal scene over again; so I went directly home;

where I could not but consider with thankfulness the risk I had run;

believing I had gotten no injury; as indeed I had not。

Here the poor unhappy gentleman's grief came into my head again;

and indeed I could not but shed tears in the reflection upon it; perhaps

more than he did himself; but his case lay so heavy upon my mind that

I could not prevail with myself; but that I must go out again into the

street; and go to the Pie Tavern; resolving to inquire what became of him。

It was by this time one o'clock in the morning; and yet the poor

gentleman was there。  The truth was; the people of the house; knowing

him; had entertained him; and kept him there all the night;

notwithstanding the danger of being infected by him; though it

appeared the man was perfectly sound himself。

It is with regret that I take notice of this tavern。  The people were

civil; mannerly; and an obliging sort of folks enough; and had till this

time kept their house open and their trade going on; though not so

very publicly as formerly: but there was a dreadful set of fellows that

used their house; and who; in the middle of all this horror; met there

every night; behaved with all the revelling and roaring extravagances

as is usual for such people to do at other times; and; indeed; to such an

offensive degree that the very master and mistress of the house grew

first ashamed and then terrified at them。

They sat generally in a room next the street; and as they always kept

late hours; so when the dead…cart came across the street…end to go into

Houndsditch; which was in view of the tavern windows; they would

frequently open the windows as soon as they heard the bell and look

out at them; and as they might often hear sad lamentations of people

in the streets or at their windows as the carts went along; they would

make their impudent mocks and jeers at them; especially if they heard

the poor people call upon God to have mercy upon them; as many

would do at those times in their ordinary passing along the streets。

These gentlemen; being something disturbed with the clutter of

bringing the poor gentleman into the house; as above; were first angry

and very high with the master of the house for suffering such a fellow;

as they called him; to be brought out of the grave into their house; but

being answered that the man was a neighbour; and that he was sound;

but overwhelmed with the calamity of his family; and the like; they

turned their anger into ridiculing the man and his sorrow for his wife

and children; taunted him with want of courage to leap into the great

pit and go to heaven; as they jeeringly expressed it; along with them;

adding some very profane and even blasphemous expressions。

They were at this vile work when I came back to the house; and; as

far as I could see; though the man sat still; mute and disconsolate; and

their affronts could not divert his sorrow; yet he was both grieved and

offended at their discourse。  Upon this I gently reproved them; being

well enough acquainted with their characters; and not unknown in

person to two of them。

They immediately fell upon me with i
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