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the two captains-第9章

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astonished companion; 〃See; good sir; I have either not much farther
to travel or I shall perish in the desert; I feel that it will be so。
Besides; I cannot carry half so much on foot as you can on horse…

〃Knight! victorious knight!〃 cried the amazed Mussulman; 〃am I then
to keep my horse?〃

〃It were a sin and shame indeed;〃 said Heimbert; smiling; 〃to
separate such a faithful steed from such a skilful rider。  Ride
on; in God's name; and get safely to your people。〃

He then helped him to mount; and the Arab was on the point of
uttering a few words of gratitude; when he suddenly exclaimed; 〃The
magic maiden!〃 and; swift as the wind; he flew over the dusty plain。
Heimbert; however; turning round; saw close beside him in the now
bright moonlight a shining figure; which he at once perceived to be


The maiden looked fixedly at the young soldier; and seemed
considering with what words to address him; while he; after his long
search and now unexpected success; was equally at a loss。  At last
she said in Spanish; 〃Thou wonderful enigma; I have been witness of
all that has passed between thee and the Arab; and these affairs
confuse my head like a whirlwind。  Speak; therefore; plainly; that
I may know whether thou art a madman or an angel?〃

〃I am neither; dear lady;〃 replied Heimbert; with his wonted
friendliness。  〃I am only a poor wanderer; who has just been putting
into practice one of the commands of his Master; Jesus Christ。〃

〃Sit down;〃 said Zelinda; 〃and tell me of thy Master; he must be
himself unprecedented to have such a servant。  The night is cool and
still; and at my side thou hast no cause to fear the dangers of the

〃Lady;〃 replied Heimbert; smiling; 〃I am not of a fearful nature; and
when I am speaking of my dear Saviour my mind is perfectly free from
all alarm。〃

Thus saying; they both sat down on the now cooled sand and began a
wondrous conversation; while the full moon shone upon them from the
deep…blue heavens above like a magic lamp。

Heimbert's words; full of divine love; truth; and simplicity sank
like soft sunbeams; gently and surely; into Zelinda's; heart; driving
away the mysterious magic power which dwelt there; and wrestling for
the dominion of the noble territory of her soul。  When morning began
to dawn she said; 〃Thou wouldst not be called an angel last evening;
but thou art truly one。  For what else are angels than messengers of
the Most High God?〃  〃In that sense;〃 rejoined Heimbert; 〃I am well
satisfied with the name; for I certainly hope that I am the bearer of
my Master's message。  Yes; if he bestows on me further grace and
strength; it may even be that you also may become my companion in the
pious work。〃  〃It is not impossible;〃 said Zelinda thoughtfully。
〃Thou must; however; come with me to my island; and there thou shalt
be regaled as is befitting such an ambassador; far better than here
on the desolate sand; with the miserable palm…wine that thou hast so
laboriously obtained。〃

〃Pardon me;〃 replied Heimbert; 〃it is difficult to me to refuse the
request of a lady; but on this occasion it cannot be otherwise。  In
your island many glorious things have been conjured together by your
forbidden art; and many lovely forms which the good God has created
have been transformed。  These might dazzle my senses; and at last
delude them。  If you will; therefore; hear the best and purest things
which I can relate to you; you must rather come out to me on this
desert sand。  The palm…wine and the dates of the Arab will suffice
for me for many a day to come。〃  〃You would do better to come with
me;〃 said Zelinda; shaking her head with somewhat of a scornful
smile。  〃You were certainly neither born nor brought up to be a
hermit; and there is nothing on my oasis so destructive as you
imagine。  What is there more than shrubs and flowers and beasts
gathered together from different quarters of the world; perhaps a
little strangely interwoven; each; that is to say; partaking of the
nature of the other; in a similar manner to that which you must have
seen in our Arabian carving!  A moving flower; a bird growing on a
branch; a fountain gleaming with fiery sparks; a singing twigthese
are truly no hateful things!〃  〃He must avoid temptation who does not
wish to be overcome by it;〃 said Heimbert very gravely; 〃I am for the
desert。  Will it please you to come out to visit me again?〃  Zelinda
looked down somewhat displeased。  Then suddenly bending her head
still lower she replied; 〃Yes; toward evening I shall be here again。〃
And; turning away; she at once disappeared in the rising whirlwind of
the desert。


With the evening twilight the lovely lady returned and spent the
night in converse with the pious youth; leaving him in the morning
with her mind more humble; pure; and devout; and thus matters went on
for many days。  〃Thy palm…wine and thy dates must be coming to an
end;〃 said Zelinda one evening as she presented the youth with a
flask of rich wine and some costly fruits。  He; however; gently put
aside the gift and said; 〃Noble lady; I would accept your gift
gladly; but I fear some of your magic arts may perhaps cleave to it。
Or could you assure me to the contrary by Him whom you are now
beginning to know?〃  Zelinda cast down her eyes in silent confusion
and took her presents back。  On the following evening; however; she
brought similar gifts; and; smiling confidently; gave the desired
assurance。  Heimbert then partook of them without hesitation; and
from henceforth the disciple carefully provided for the sustenance of
her teacher in the wilderness。

And so; as the blessed knowledge of the truth sank more and more
deeply into Zelinda's soul; so that she was often sitting till dawn
before the youth; with cheeks glowing and hair dishevelled; her eyes
gleaming with delight and her hands folded; unable to withdraw
herself from his words; he; on his part; endeavored to make her
sensible at all times that it was only Fadrique's love for her which
had urged him; his friend; into this fatal desert; and that it was
this same love that had thus become the means for the attainment of
her highest spiritual good。  She still well remembered the handsome
and terrible captain who had stormed the height that he might clasp
her in his arms; and she related to her friend how the same hero had
afterward saved her in the burning library。  Heimbert too had many
pleasant things to tell of Fadriqueof his high knightly courage; of
his grave and noble manners; and of his love to Zelinda; which in the
night after the battle of Tunis was no longer concealed within his
passionate breast; but was betrayed to the young German in a thousand
unconscious expressions between sleeping and waking。  Divine truth
and the image of her loving hero both at once sank deep within
Zelinda's heart; and struck root there with tender but indestructible
power。  Heimbert's presence and the almost adoring admiration with
which his pupil regarded him did not disturb these feelings; for from
the first moment his appearance had something in it so pure and
heavenly that no thoughts of ea
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