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the two captains-第14章

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And; dismounting from his horse; he fastened it to a tree; and then
stepped forward between the two captains with a drawn sword in his
right hand; crying out; 〃Whoever will deny in any wise that the
quarrel between Sir Heimbert of Waldhausen and Don Fadrique Mendez is
honorably and gloriously settled must settle the matter at the peril
of his life with the Duke of Alba; and should the present knights
have any objection to raise to this; let them declare it。  I stand
here as champion for my own conviction。〃

The youths bowed submissively before the great umpire; and fell into
each other's arms。  The duke; however; embraced them both with hearty
affection; which appeared all the more charming and refreshing as it
rarely burst forth from this stern character。  Then he led the
reconciled friends back to their betrothed; and when these; after the
first joyful surprise was over at the presence of the honored
general; started back at seeing drops of blood on the garments of the
youths; the duke said; smiling; 〃Oh; ye brides elect of soldiers; you
must not shrink from such jewels of honor。  Your lovers could bring
you no fairer wedding gift。〃

The great Alba was not not be deprived of the pleasure of enacting
the office of father to the two happy brides; and the festival of
their union was fixed for the following day。  From that time forth
they lived in undisturbed and joyful concord; and though the Knight
Heimbert was recalled soon afterward with his lovely consort to the
bosom of his German Fatherland; he and Fadrique kept up the link
between them by letters and messages; and even in after times the
descendants of the lord of Waldhausen boasted of their connection
with the noble house of Mendez; while the latter have ever sacredly
preserved the tradition of the brave and magnanimous Heimbert。

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