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the two captains-第13章

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the most solemn words; so that it might remain indissoluble; whatever
might afterward occur which should seem inimical to their union。  The
witnesses were somewhat astonished at these strange precautionary
measures; but at Fadrique's desire they unhesitatingly gave their
word that all should be carried out as he wished; and they did this
the more unhesitatingly as the Duke of Alba; who had just been in
Malaga on some trivial business; had filled the whole city with the
praises of the two young captains。

As the richest wine was now passing round the table in the tall
crystal goblets; Fadrique stepped behind Heimbert's chair and
whispered to him; 〃If it please you; Senorthe moon is just risen
and is shining as bright as dayI am ready to give you
satisfaction。〃  Heimbert nodded in assent; and the two youths quitted
the hall; followed by the sweet salulations of the unsuspecting

As they passed through the beautiful garden; Fadrique said; with a
sigh; 〃We could have wandered here so happily together; but for my
over…rashness!〃  〃Yes; indeed;〃 said Heimbert; 〃but so it is; and it
cannot be otherwise; if we would continue to look upon each other as
a soldier and a nobleman。〃  〃True!〃 replied Fadrique; and they
hastened to reach a distant part of the garden; where the sound of
their clashing swords could not reach the gay hall of betrothal they
had left。


Secret and inclosed; with blooming shrubs planted around; with not a
sound to be heard of the merry company; nor of the animated streets
of the city; with the full moon shining overhead and brightening the
solemn circle with its clear brilliancysuch was the spot。  The two
captains unsheathed their gleaming swords and stood opposite each
other; ready for the encounter。  But before they began the combat a
nobler feeling drew them to each other's arms; they lowered their
weapons and embraced in the most fraternal manner。  They then tore
themselves away and the fearful contest began。

They were now no longer brothers…in…arms; no longer friends; no
longer brothers…in…law; who directed their sharp steels against each
other。  With the most resolute boldness; but with the coolest
collectedness; each fell upon his adversary; guarding his own breast
at the same time。  After a few hot and dangerous passes the
combatants were obliged to rest; and during the pause they regarded
each other with increased love; each rejoicing to find his comrade so
valiant and so honorable。  And then the fatal strife began anew。

With his left hand Heimbert dashed aside Fadrique's sword; which had
been aimed at him with a thrust in tierce; sideward; but the keen
edge had penetrated his leathern glove; and the red blood gushed out。
〃Hold!〃 cried Fadrique; and they searched for the wound; but soon
perceiving that it was of no importance; and binding it up; they both
began the combat with undiminished vigor。

It was not long before Heimbert's blade pierced Fadrique's right
shoulder; and the German; feeling that he had wounded his opponent;
now on his side called out to halt。  At first Fadrique would not
acknowledge to the injury; but soon the blood began to trickle down;
and he was obliged to accept his friend's careful assistance。  Still
this wound also appeared insignificant; the noble Spaniard still felt
power to wield his sword; and again the deadly contest was renewed
with knightly ardor。

Presently the garden…gate clanked; and the sound of a horse's step
was heard advancing through the shrubbery。  Both combatants paused in
their stern work and turned toward the unwelcome disturber。  The next
moment through the slender pines a horseman was visible whose dress
and bearing proclaimed him a warrior and Fadrique; as master of the
house; at once addressed him。  〃Senor;〃 said he; 〃why you come here;
intruding into a strange garden; we will inquire at another time。
For the present I will only request you to leave us free from further
interruption by immediately retiring; and to favor me with your
name。〃  〃Retire I will not;〃 replied the stranger; 〃but my name I
will gladly tell you。  I am the Duke of Alba。〃  And as he spoke; by a
movement of his charger a bright moonbeam fell upon his pale thin
face; the dwelling…place of all that was grand and worthy and
terrible。  The two captains bowed low and dropped their weapons。

〃I ought to know you;〃 continued Alba; looking at them with his
sparkling eyes。  〃Yes; truly; I know you well; you are the two young
heroes at the battle of Tunis。  God be praised that two such brave
warriors; whom I had given up for lost; are still alive; but tell me;
what is this affair of honor that has turned your good swords against
each other?  For I hope you will not hesitate to declare to me the
cause of your knightly contest。〃

They complied with the great duke's behest。  Both the noble youths
related the whole circumstances; from the evening previous to their
embarkation up to the present moment; while Alba remained between
them; in silent thought; almost motionless; like some equestrian


The Captains had already long finished their story; and the duke
still remained silent and motionless; in deep reflection。  At last he
began to speak; and addressed them as follows:

〃May God and his holy word help me; my young knights; when I say that
I consider; after my best and most conscientious belief; that this
affair of yours is now honorably at an end。  Twice have you met each
other in contest on account of those irritating words which escaped
the lips of Don Fadrique Mendez and if indeed the slight wounds you
have hitherto received are not sufficient compensation for the angry
expression; there is still your common fight before Tunis; and the
rescue in the desert afforded by Sir Heimbert of Waldhausen to Don
Fadrique Mendez; after he had gained his bride for him。  From all
this; I consider that the Knight of Waldhausen is entitled to pardon
any offence of an adversary to whom he has shown himself so well
inclined。  Old Roman history tells us of two captains of the great
Julius Caesar who settled a dispute and cemented a hearty friendship
with each other when engaged in the same bold fight; delivering each
other in the midst of a Gallic army。  I affirm; however; that you two
have done more for each other: and therefore I declare your affair of
honor to be settled; and at an end。  Sheathe your swords; and embrace
each other in my presence。〃

Obedient to the command of their general; the young knights for the
present sheathed their weapons; but anxious lest the slightest
possible shadow should fall on their honor they yet delayed the
reconciling embrace。

The great Alba looked at them with somewhat of an indignant air; and
said; 〃Do you then suppose; young knights; that I could wish to save
the lives of two heroes at the expense of their honor?  I would
rather at once have struck you dead; both of you at once。  But I see
plainly that with such obstinate minds one must have recourse to
other measures。〃

And; dismounting from his horse; he fastened it to a tree; and then
stepped forward between the two captains wit
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