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the lily of the valley(幽谷百合)-第76章

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  express the marriage of their eyes with light; nor the kiss of
  life laid upon their lips。 Yes; it was sound coming in the echo;
  light flashing through the darkness; motion shaking the universe;
  at least; it was rapid like all these things; but far more 
  beautiful; for it was the birth of the soul! I comprehended then
  that something; I knew not what; existed for me in the world;a
  force nobler than thought; for it was all thoughts; all forces; it
  was the future itself in a shared emotion。 I felt I was but half a
  mother。 Falling thus upon my heart this thunderbolt awoke desires
  which slumbered there without my knowledge; suddenly I divined all
  that my aunt had meant when she kissed my forehead; murmuring;
  〃Poor Henriette!〃

  When I returned to Clochegourde; the springtime; the first leaves;
  the fragrance of the flowers; the white and fleecy clouds; the
  Indre; the sky; all spoke to me in a language till then unknown。
  If you have forgotten those terrible kisses; I have never been
  able to efface them from my memory;I am dying of them! Yes; each
  time that I have met you since; their impress is revived。 I was
  shaken from head to foot when I first saw you; the mere
  presentiment of your coming overcame me。 Neither time nor my firm
  will has enabled me to conquer that imperious sense of pleasure。 I
  asked myself involuntarily; 〃What must be such joys?〃 Our mutual
  looks; the respectful kisses you laid upon my hand; the pressure
  of my arm on yours; your voice with its tender tones;all; even
  the slightest things; shook me so violently that clouds obscured
  my sight; the murmur of rebellious senses filled my ears。 Ah! if
  in those moments when outwardly I increased my coldness you had
  taken me in your arms I should have died of happiness。 Sometimes I
  desired it; but prayer subdued the evil thought。 Your name uttered
  by my children filled my heart with warmer blood; which gave color
  to my cheeks; I laid snares for my poor Madeleine to induce her to
  say it; so much did I love the tumults of that sensation。 Ah! what
  shall I say to you? Your writing had a charm; I gazed at your
  letters as we look at a portrait。

  If on that first day you obtained some fatal power over me;
  conceive; dear friend; how infinite that power became when it was
  given to me to read your soul。 What delights filled me when I
  found you so pure; so absolutely truthful; gifted with noble
  qualities; capable of noblest things; and already so tried! Man
  and child; timid yet brave! What joy to find we both were
  consecrated by a common grief! Ever since that evening when we
  confided our childhoods to each other; I have known that to lose
  you would be death;yes; I have kept you by me selfishly。 The
  certainty felt by Monsieur de la Berge that I should die if I lost
  you touched him deeply; for he read my soul。 He knew how necessary
  I was to my children and the count; he did not command me to
  forbid you my house; for I promised to continue pure in deed and
  thought。 〃Thought;〃 he said to me; 〃is involuntary; but it can be
  watched even in the midst of anguish。〃 〃If I think;〃 I replied; 
  〃all will be lost; save me from myself。 Let him remain beside me
  and keep me pure!〃 The good old man; though stern; was moved by my
  sincerity。 〃Love him as you would a son; and give him your 
  daughter;〃 he said。 I accepted bravely that life of suffering that
  I might not lose you; and I suffered joyfully; seeing that we were
  called to bear the same yokeMy God! I have been firm; faithful
  to my husband; I have given you no foothold; Felix; in your
  kingdom。 The grandeur of my passion has reacted on my character; I
  have regarded the tortures Monsieur de Mortsauf has inflicted on
  me as expiations; I bore them proudly in condemnation of my faulty
  desires。 Formerly I was disposed to murmur at my life; but since
  you entered it I have recovered some gaiety; and this has been the
  better for the count。 Without this strength; which I derived
  through you; I should long since have succumbed to the inward life
  of which I told you。

  If you have counted for much in the exercise of my duty so have my
  children also。 I felt I had deprived them of something; and I
  feared I could never do enough to make amends to them; my life was
  thus a continual struggle which I loved。 Feeling that I was less a
  mother; less an honest wife; remorse entered my heart; fearing to
  fail in my obligations; I constantly went beyond them。 Often have
  I put Madeleine between you and me; giving you to each other;
  raising barriers between us;barriers that were powerless! for
  what could stifle the emotions which you caused me? Absent or
  present; you had the same power。 I preferred Madeleine to Jacques
  because Madeleine was sometime to be yours。 But I did not yield
  you to my daughter without a struggle。 I told myself that I was
  only twenty…eight when I first met you; and you were nearly
  twenty…two; I shortened the distance between us; I gave myself up
  to delusive hopes。 Oh; Felix! I tell you these things to save you
  from remorse; also; perhaps; to show you that I was not cold and
  insensible; that our sufferings were cruelly mutual; that Arabella
  had no superiority of love over mine。 I too am the daughter of a
  fallen race; such as men love well。

  There came a moment when the struggle was so terrible that I wept
  the long nights through; my hair fell off;you have it! Do you
  remember the count's illness? Your nobility of soul far from
  raising my soul belittled it。 Alas! I dreamed of giving myself to
  you some day as the reward of so much heroism; but the folly was a
  brief one。 I laid it at the feet of God during the mass that day
  when you refused to be with me。 Jacques' illness and Madeleine's
  sufferings seemed to me the warnings of God calling back to Him
  His lost sheep。

  Then your lovewhich is so naturalfor that Englishwoman
  revealed to me secrets of which I had no knowledge。 I loved you
  better than I knew。 The constant emotions of this stormy life; the
  efforts that I made to subdue myself with no other succor than
  that religion gave me; all; all has brought about the malady of
  which I die。 The terrible shocks I have undergone brought on
  attacks about which I kept silence。 I saw in death the sole
  solution of this hidden tragedy。 A lifetime of anger; jealousy;
  and rage lay in those two months between the time my mother told
  me of your relations with Lady Dudley; and your return to
  Clochegourde。 I wished to go to Paris; murder was in my heart; I
  desired that woman's death; I was indifferent to my children。
  Prayer; which had hitherto been to me a balm; was now without
  influence on my soul。 Jealousy made the breach through which death
  has entered。 And yet I have kept a placid brow。 Yes; that period
  of struggle was a secret between God and myself。 After your return
  and when I saw that I was loved; even as I loved you; that nature
  had betrayed me and not your thought; I wished to live;it was
  then too late! God had taken me under His protection;
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